6 years ago
59 appearances
Brian Redban is a stand-up comic, producer, co-host of the podcast and live-streaming YouTube show "Kill Tony," founder of the Deathsquad podcast network, and a co-owner of the Sunset Strip Comedy Club in Austin. www.deathsquad.tv
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
What do you think is the next big breakthrough that's gonna change in terms of like how technology and people get along? Are these gonna be a robot sex doll? No I think home assistance you know like having a robot be your home base like computer I don't know like these alexas and all like apples about to release thirst and Google has a release thirst and have you seen the autonomous robots that monitor parking lots? No. Yeah I tweeted it I think yesterday but definitely robots we're gonna give up our security and all our privacy at the same time. We're gonna be fine because the robots gonna be watching us. Keep an eye on me robot. There's gonna be zero privacy zero it's real close. It's already there. But I mean real close to not just regular zero privacy but like no one ever has a moment alone ever it doesn't exist anymore like it'll slowly erode then you go into the mountains then they'll put cell phone towers out there and then that's gonna be it. Whatever the technology is it's gonna be you're gonna know where everyone is at any moment and we're gonna really get to know each other. What do you got Jamie? I was looking up for the thing I saw I saw it wasn't on your Twitter feed I guess I saw a video of like autonomous parking robots moving cars in and out of spots. I didn't put it on Twitter I thought I did. Shit. It was a comp I'm pretty sure I retweeted it you know what are those though I think I retweeted somebody else saying hey this is happening or something like that so it's probably not that clear one of the more recent tweets. It's happening Brian they're gonna be flying around us monitoring us. You saw that one robot I think it was in San Francisco to eat up homeless people or something like that. Good move. Yeah. When stuff like that happens it's gonna be a big pullback. It's crazy. Robots fucking homeless people. We need robots picking on the downtrodden. That's a good move. Let them know you pussies are on your way out. The robots are here! I mean that literally is like the first wave of immigrants from the silicone world robots that fuck with homeless people. The first invaders. Tripping them and stuff. I robot the thing about I robot is you'd watch it and it was it was made just at the right time. It was made where you didn't think it's ever possible. It's made at a time where this is pretty cool like yeah man the future yeah I could see it being real but you didn't think it was really possible and now you watch I robot and you go oh it's inevitable. That's inevitable that thing that does the robot thing would what it pretends to be a person and looks real freaky that's easily doable. Macama or was that Machinima? What's that one? There it is. That's it. Security robots are being used to ward off San Francisco's homeless population. That's the drone. What's it called? Who makes that thing? Does it say? They retired it. Yeah. Oh they did? So there's a whole company that makes those things and has them like wandering around parking lots and I'm man I hope I retweeted it. I tried to. Somebody sent it to me and I was like okay that's how it happens. They just have these things wandering around recording everything so everybody's responsible for any car accident anything that ever happens if it hears someone screaming rape if it hears someone screaming police it immediately goes to the scene in films has no worries about its own mortality it's streaming in real time it gets to record all altercations between people eventually hotels agree as long as this is password secure and encrypted they allowed to have the fire detector in the corner double as a video camera that records everything in the room at all times. Yeah I agree. Just gotta get used to people watching you fuck. Are you ready? I took the sticker off my webcam on my laptop a long time ago Joe they can watch me all I want. I don't know why I'm more nervous about this in 2018 this is what's silly I mean it's become accelerated like I'm more nervous every year when it comes to technology because I'm not nervous in a way that I think it's totally 100% negative but nervous in the way like it just seems to me that we might be in the middle of something and not be paying attention like that it's happening so fucking fast that we're caught up in it and it's just this wild wave of change and I'm just trying to make sense of it while it's happening but then there's something about like numbers like I used to think that saying like the year 2017, it's stupid who cares what year it is it's all just now but no there's like a way we feel about it differently like you know it's fucking 2018 dude dude it's like you have a feeling about you now it's like we're we're very very far ahead in this game this is this is the future 2018 that's a crazy number hey man it's 1979 nope it's 2018 whoa so weird and when does this thing like if you had a guess how much longer does the human race have six months if you really had a guess we're not gonna be here forever right so we're not gonna be here a hundred thousand years from now or two hundred thousand years from now we're just not I started listening to the audiobook of sapiens yeah and that's I feel like that's what it's getting to this question you're asking the first couple chapters are leading up to like says it over and over again like thousands of years from now maybe two thousand is what it's saying that the human race won't be or human beings won't be what we are today will be another evolution of whatever that is because off of Australia pick it yeah Australia I think it's Australia pithicus see if you find any good pictures of that thing I mean this is what they think they think that that that's what started that was when it was like fairly distinctly human it's gonna it's gonna keep going it's gonna go to some new thing there it is look at that thing I mean that's so close it's what like a walking upright chimpanzee and then that got smarter and that got smarter and things kept going but the thing that really fucks you up is it's not that long ago like I think Australia pithicus was less than two million years right and then there's modern homo sapiens which I think they think are somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 to 500 thousand years old they keep moving in around a little bit when they find some new dead guy I find some new bones and like oh this one's older they got a they're kind of guessing I want to say they're in the neighborhood of 300,000 that ain't shit dude that ain't shit that just happened if that's when they really started that just happened so you're talking about 300,000 years from now whoo we're gonna be made out of gas we're gonna be like those fires that are in petroleum you won't be able to see us our intelligence to be all-pervasive we'll have a one operating system that we share with Mother Earth they'll plug it into our brains we'll plug into the ground and we'll become divine how about that no no one's that's how I am you're like I always wonder what they thought about this 200 years ago 150 years ago what they thought are we I feel like they thought that the world was gonna end too back then yeah sure anytime anything especially back when there was no media anytime anything catastrophic happened in your area you thought that was gonna be the end the moon was made of cheese it's it's really weird how recent that was that's what's weird when you just think about hundreds of thousands years it seems like a long ass time but it's not when you talk talk about the shape of human beings and what what's happened in that amount of time especially in the last few hundred or a few thousand years just all you need is sick if you want to like really impress the shit out of people give me 10,000 years 10,000 years ago and 10,000 years now you're like wow you'd freak out there's no other time in history that would be the case like every other time in history 10,000 years would be like whoa oh they figured out how to make cooler houses like whoa oh he's riding an elephant how do you figure that out like whoa all that bow and arrow is way better than my bow and arrow every 10,000 years no big deal then all sudden one 10,000 year period and you have everything you got the pyramids you got space travel you've got the internet you got video photography 3d printers every time you say something like this this pops in my head the end of gangs in New York which shows that montage of the hundred years or so of New York changing I just think about that's only a hundred years in New York changed from this crazy nothingness even though it's really big then to like tons of skyscrapers and bridges and all of what it is today and it wasn't anything anything close to that back then and that's like 100 years and you're talking about 10,000 that's so much more time compared to 100 yeah that's an amazing montage time lapse would you call that it's time lapse look at that that's incredible New York City is a freak out man and even more crazy look at that keeps going yeah that's even bigger now oh my god and towers aren't there yeah New York City is a genuine freak out unless you've been you should go if you've been you get it you like yeah it's nuts I love going but if you haven't been it's a paradigm shifter because you realize that it's possible