6 years ago
2 appearances
Peter Boghossian is a philosophy instructor, activist, author, speaker, and atheism advocate. He is a full-time faculty member at Portland State University.
4 appearances
James Lindsay is a writer, political commentator, mathematician and podcaster. His latest book, "The Queering of the American Child," co-authored with Logan Lancing, is available now.www.newdiscourses.comwww.queeringbook.com
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
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You can say something ridiculous and then say feminist theory and they're like, oh, it's in feminist theory Yeah, that's the thing right is so much of the stuff they come up with Let me throw them an olive branch like so much of the stuff they come up with is a creative idea Maybe there's something to some of this stuff, right? But what they're putting forward is hypotheses and then they're treating them as conclusions. So they're putting forward this idea I saw one on Twitter today It was something like there's a South Park how it's been laundering racism into society and making everybody comfortable with racism And that's why everything's so racist and people are shooting Jews is because South Park made it normal But that's a good that they're treating that as a conclusion, but that's a hypothesis, right? So we could test that It's conceivable that you could actually try to parse out what variables need to be controlled See, you know South Park came out and started doing these themes. What how does it track? Statisticians can do kind of amazing things with that stuff, but they're not doing that They're not testing it and then they're testing it right there concluding it and they're using theory to do so and they're No, no, it's even bigger than that because why don't they test it? Well if they tested it and this is I'm not making this shit up You won't believe me, but this is true if they tested it and the test showed that their hypothesis was wrong They would say that the test was racist right that the test is condoning racism And that's why it didn't give them the desired result. How would you test something? Because I mean, I'm not a statistician. I'm actually a mathematician, but I'm not a statistician. They're two different things So I'm not exactly sure how you would test that but conceivably you could gather data survey data and see How attitudes have changed maybe you could track kinds of articles kinds of events that are coming out You could kind of pair that up with what's been shown on South Park who are at South Park and track that with attitudes Yeah, but there's no effort to do this They're like oh South Park presents these ideas which they then cherry-pick because there's other ideas that they don't talk about there You know point the other direction These ideas are problematic. That's the big word Theoretically, that's a problem why because they and I'm not joking They literally believe that use of language creates the power dynamics that define society So South Park's using language and imagery that creates a power dynamic that makes people more comfortable being racist Boom theory done. All right, no test needed no even attempt rest and if the test happened The test itself will be racist unless it confirmed the hypothesis, right?