Joe Rogan Explains DMT to Danica Patrick


6 years ago



Danica Patrick

1 appearance

Danica Patrick is a professional racing driver, model, and advertising spokeswoman. Her new book called "Pretty Intense" is available now.


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If life wasn't real it'd be the craziest psychedelic trip ever - Joe Rogan

Joe talks DMT

Joe ''your brain produces DMT during REM sleep'' Rogan


#1065 - Danica Patrick


6 years ago


Scraping. Yeah, and topical CBD oil, which is really good for- Oh, is that legal? Yes. CBD is illegal, cross-board, non-psychoactive, but the FDA is trying to stop that. Of course, follow the money. Those fuckheads. Yeah, those creeps. Follow the money. It's a good explanation for just about everything. Yeah. They're trying to put it in the same classification as heroin. It's hilarious. What? Yeah, so stupid. It's just 100% pharmaceutical drug companies. I mean, it's just man-made institutions of decision making. Well, it's just creepy people with money that don't want to lose money to CBD oil because it's so much better for you and healthy and natural and does the exact same thing. Imagine how much the drug companies would lose. Yeah. Or gain if they started selling it, you fucks. They want to monopolize it. That's the problem. Of course, follow the money. They want patents. They want to be able to patent things. But that's, like we were talking about before, about the things that are in the Amazon. There's so many different plants that can deal with so many different ailments that people have. Like ayahuasca. Yeah, that's one of them. Sure. Have you done it? I haven't, but it's kind of interesting. Yeah. Have you done any psychedelics? No. Nothing. I've never done drugs ever. No drugs. No pot? Ever. Never. Nothing. Oh, you scared? No. My dad scared the living daylights out of me when I was a kid and he told me that if I ever ... He's like, you get tested for drugs and you fail, you won't ever be a race car driver. You told me that about drinking and driving too. If you lose your license, you won't be able to race. And then, what are you going to be when you grow up then? He threatened me with remedial jobs. Jesus. Yeah, so he scared the living daylights out of me. Truth be told, you can lose your license, still race. Also truth be told, I didn't get drug tested until way later, but we do get drug tested. You're running a drug farm. Oh. What? You sell wine. You're running a drug farm. Well, kind of. That's a drug farm, lady. It's legal, but I'm telling you. It's a 100% drug farm. It's wonderful, delicious taste in drugs. It sure is. You fucked up on wine. Yeah. What is that? That's drugs. And addicted to drinking alcoholism. 100%. I mean, there's a lot of other things that you can do that are altering that aren't addictive, right? You're running a plant-based drug farm, 100%. Cash crops. Yeah, that's what you're doing. You're a drug dealer. Well, let's just go all the way. Well, if I was going to do something, what would be the first thing I would do? Pot. Okay. Nice and light, real slow, don't take much. What does that mean, don't take much? Just take a little bit. You don't want to freak out. One of the major problems that people have when they first start smoking pot, they'll take like two or three hits. You can take one, one like, that's it, put it down, right, Jamie? Yeah, Jamie will tell you. A little hit, walk away. Don't fuck with edibles. Leave those alone. Those you need to build up to those things. Those are for completely different experience. Experienced users? Well, it's not just that. Even experienced users, they don't recognize the fact that it's a completely different psychoactive ingredient. Oh. Yeah. When THC... It's not THC? No. When it's processed by your liver, it produces 11 hydroxy metabolite, which is four to five times more psychoactive than THC. It's way more potent. Whoa. Yeah, which is why people freak out when they eat edibles and they just don't... Don't eat the whole brownie. No. Just a couple crumbs and then don't even think about having any more for at least two hours. Don't let it settle in. Let it... Give yourself time. Don't freak out after 15, 20 minutes and be like, it's not working. Right. Don't do that. That's kind of what I do sometimes when I'm drinking. I'm like, man, this is my third drink. It just doesn't seem to be working. And then I hit it harder and then I'm... I don't remember anything. Then you hit the wall. Then I brown out or black out or... Yeah, drugs. You do drugs. Yeah, actually one of the first times I heard one of your podcasts, I think it was about DMT. Yeah. That's the motherlode. DMT is the psychoactive ingredient that's in ayahuasca. Right. The most potent psychedelic. Seems like a cleaner way to do it as opposed to ayahuasca where you throw up and shoot yourself. Poop. Yeah. It's definitely probably... It's also quicker. Like the worst... The longest it's going to take is like 15 or 20 minutes. But there's some places that are doing it now where they're doing it intravenously. So those trips are... Apparently that was how they did it in... There's a book called DMT, The Spirit Molecule by this guy, Dr. Rick Strassman, who did all these studies out of the University of New Mexico. And they were the first FDA approved clinical studies. They did it with a group of people. Yeah, yeah. I think I saw something about that. It was amazing, but they did... They were in a hospital and they did it intravenously. Yeah. And they were gone for like 40 minutes, like poom off into the other dimension. I was going to say, so other dimension, right? This dream state, do you think it's like a dream state? It's very similar because they believe that your brain during heavy REM sleep also produces DMT. They think that's... Because we all have it. We all have DMT. Yes, everybody has it. Yeah. It's naturally occurring in everyone. Yes. It's produced by your liver, your lungs, and now they know it's also produced at least in rats by your pineal gland, which is literally your third eye. It's actually in certain reptiles. It actually has a retina and a lens. Sure. Yeah, it is an eye. I'm always trying to decalcify my pineal gland. Is that real? I don't know. You get that from them crystal people in Sedona? Yeah, I do. Yeah, they say it's like fluoride. Fluoride is calcifying your pineal gland, man. I did watch a cool thing. How's it getting in there? Yeah, yeah. How's it getting through my mouth? Are you sure? Are you sure? Fluoride is getting in there? It goes in everything. You are what you eat. Yeah, sort of, but are you what you drink? That too. Are you wine? Yes. Yes, I get better with age, duh. Yeah, I don't know if your pineal gland actually gets calcified by fluoride in drinking water. That sounds like some hippie horse shit. It does sound hippie horse shit. I'd like to see some scientific proof. But hey, man, with all the hippie shit, there's not a lot of scientific proof with it. No, there's not. It's a sense of knowing. That's what it comes down to is a sense of knowing. Do you really feel like this is making sense to you? Is it register? Are you like, I don't know why I believe this, but I just do. I don't even know where it came from.