Joe Rogan Experience #917 - Steven Crowder


7 years ago



Steven Crowder

3 appearances

Steven Crowder is an actor, comedian and former contributor for the Fox News Channel. He currently runs his own website and also a podcast called “Louder With Crowder”.


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Write it and we'll do it live. We'll do it live Fuck it. We'll do it live That will go down in history right as one of the all-time like hissy fit Remixes to did you ever see the bill O'Reilly remix the dance remix? Oh, I was I was amazed by that with bill O'Reilly where he was going no I don't they're going yeah, we're gonna that's what we're gonna do I don't know what that means to play us out. I don't know what it means to play us so angry Yeah, so angry. Yeah, he's an angry man We're talking before the podcast started about some the no no no no no That's inside information being at Fox for years I can't But okay, I'll let it go, but you talk about Moby though, right? Yeah We could talk about Moby Moby says he has like inside information about Donald Trump that he knows that Donald Trump talked to the Russians First of all when you look at Moby with his fucking hashtag vegan t-shirt on you really think anybody in the Russian Fucking intelligence community is talking to Moby actually it would be a brilliant ploy from the Russians They just give a little info to Moby like you go you tell them and he's going to do it You know you should definitely leak this information Yes, it will be the downfall then they found out he wasn't Enya and they made a mistake he um He my mom was the wardrobe style so costumes on her for a show called Lycrae It's like the French Canadian sort of letterman like kind of like Ram Norton in England So they'd have stars come in all the time and Moby was there He was just a head case the guy was just absolutely out of his mind Nothing was good enough, and he would want something and then say he wanted to change it Like what kind of things did you want to change? I don't know I can tell you this there were only Two people who made my mom like come home crying one was Brett Butler and She just Butler from grace under fire. Oh well. She was all pilled out of her head. Yeah 90s yeah, she was crazy to my mom she was the wardrobe person you might have even if you did one of the galas and I never did the gals cuz I they wanted me to work clean did they put you on the nasty show So I was always on the nail to advertise it and then I was on my own shows after a while I do my own shows, but the the gala they were always like you have to be clean like not interested Yeah, I understand being clean for Canadian TV for no money Thanks, though with a flip side is the nasty show like just don't market it that way just make make the show I'm going to the nasty yeah, but they liked it like that was they would go to see it and it would be like the way that the Festival would sort of differentiate. I don't know. Yeah, I don't know not the worst name for a show I guess it just seems like it just seems like they're little kids in the schoolyards Like he said a bad word like we know comedians. You know there it's gonna be a raw show dirty dirty people Nasty speaking of nasty we are gentlemen today, and we have pipes. Oh yeah cuz Crowder had a About I think we say I'm Crowder. Oh, I don't ever do that. We just start talking Steven Crowder who's from louder with Crowder's? Internet show and he has a thing on his internet show we have like a little pipe Would you call them a crack I got trolley would you call a trolley? It's a pipe rack pipe rack okay? I wanted to come up with a better name You want to come with their name you said so you went to mr.. Rogers neighborhood right away So I saw it. I said I always wanted to smoke a pipe man. I just think they smell good Yeah, have you fun thing to do know that that's actually from my brother out there. That's called a seersucker Yeah, so your brother's a serious pipe. He knows more than I do yeah, so this isn't this like a seersucker is the type of suit I know that's what they call it I'll say they called this like all kinds of weird names like Lane one Q is really common It smells actually really smells really nice, and they're just English blends, which he smokes That's we don't want to do that now super heavy nicotine, but like Latakia you get some perique very smoky like incensey barbecuey I have some dunkill dunhill nightcap, which will do it'll put you to sleep so how much do you put in okay? So sorry people are thinking yes, no here's the rule so okay We're gonna do is put it up to the brim up to the brim just kind of the brim pack it in there No, no don't pack it in you know okay? The general rule is the first when you tamp it down with your finger the strength of a child Then you fill it again the strength of a woman and you fill it a third time with the strength of a man, okay? So you feel it? Yeah, just barely now a little more strength of a woman well What kind of a woman man like a Chris cyborg no, I'm not like a cyber Let's not talk about that because that can go sideways in this show okay woman It's already gone sideways the fact that I said her name. She's like candy man I'm going to fight Joe Then a man yeah kind of a man like a mobi man or like me um I'm saying well not gay Jared just is arm wrestling Courtney. Who's like super CrossFit extraordinaire girl She's really strong she likes want 265 whoa that's a lot, but I think he's gonna smoke her in the armrest thing So why do you think that well people can tune in and watch? I think he's a man so you Am yeah right away. Well she thinks he's gonna win too Wow about the bet is like 74 Yeah, so you tamp that down tamp it okay like what you want us to be a little springy, okay? I got a little springy there. Yeah a little springy running on moss perhaps yes. Yes exactly okay, and then I didn't you gotta follow you gotta follow What you do is you light it once and that's what we call the charring light So we're gonna do is you're gonna see that that's already turning me off By the way only to that go in that pipe, or it'll ruin the briar Let's just meet me if I put weed in there. It'll fuck it up Well you won't be able to taste the tobacco from there forward. Yeah, because it tastes like something so round in a circle Yeah Suck in it while you do it. Oh gosh, and then you're gonna see that tobacco kind of raise up So puff it keep puffing on it. Yeah, and then you tamp it down one more time once it goes out and Then you light it again, okay, so super involved. I know it is it's it's not something It's not something you just kind of light and go and it won't last long hold up immediate head rush by the way really Oh, by the way don't inhale it just puff it cool it Well how about bot smoker, bro? Well? I don't want to know that there's no filter on that. What are you busy? Well, I'm saying that's like you'll get actual chunks of tobacco in your lungs. There's no filter That's a big big maybe you will well not me bro. Probably you toss the matches over you bro But smell that though that smell nice Now do I use a lighter can I use a light as long as it's not a jet lighter because that'll damage the briar so like I said, it's not a I I Like it I Feel like a distinguished gentleman like who's that uh Nigel Tharash no no he's not that distinguished. He's an asshole, but he's a lot of fun He's fun to listen to him talk to people. I love when you guys have that thing when he are the thug life Yeah, the thug life thing that was hilarious and you're not gay Jared came over and gave you a lap dance And I was a queen guys are getting silly. Yeah, we got word that Nigel likes that show I don't know how true it is, but well you guys are one of the very few I Mean you're a conservative guy, but I would say you get a bad rap dude You really do yes one of the reasons why I like you is because you are You're a pretty much fact oriented guy when it comes to a lot of issues political issues social issues You don't bullshit, and you don't you don't like try to sway things toward one side or the other When it's not accurate well, it's not fat appreciate that and by the way these you know these probably will go out You have to relight it because it's just kind of an art so but I've had people Talk to me about you, and they give me this bullshit take on you and I know he's a smart guy I go he's just yeah, he's conservative So yeah, I know a lot of people that are liberal too And yeah, and a lot of people that are in the middle what you can't talk to someone because they appreciate that and not So not to kiss Ashman But people out there need to know that Joe has been incredibly fair and very kind behind the scenes you have Like because there's you have every reason not to and I think a big reason of it honestly Here's a good example the young Turks And we've seen this transition with Trump or people who were really afraid to speak out now You're seeing that change online because the establishment has been Barack Obama So kids who were raised for eight years under Bush man I hate Bush you know listen to no effects go to the vans warp tour Whatever it is and now they've been raised under Obama for eight years and all this political correctness is run amok And they're rejecting that so for the longest time you know I had this small YouTube channel, and I was on Fox I was kind of muzzled a little bit because I was there and there were certain things I could say or couldn't say online Because it was a lot a little youngish at the time as well as I want take you seriously Yeah, 21 years old yeah, a little yeah fresh-faced little lad. You're not even that old now holding that 29 Yeah, you're a young fella well um and so what happened is they kind of had their interpretation from whatever the young Turks Said about me because when I had 50,000 subscribers It was like their day job to go after me and now when I've had Alex Jones I've been doing proactive parodies of the young Turks calling them out asking a debate They will trash talk every conservative not named Steven Crowder. It's like I'm Voldemort my name won't be spoken when I had 50,000 subscribers They would talk about me all the time, and they had you know a million or two million Now that's changed and people are able to come here directly I'm lonely that you're not sorry well give me your lighter the matches are getting annoying. Yeah, thank you So I don't you know I'd like to think but you know there's also the real possibility that people just don't like me because I'm kind of a dick well you can be a dick sometimes, but You're a funny dick like you do some funny shit like one of the things that you did that was really funny was uh Well, what was that? Feminist rally thing that you went to you just like the recent one was a tranny Yeah, and I actually interviewed Wendy Davis. I don't think you're supposed to say tranny, bro Yeah, I don't like well. That's why people don't like me sometimes, but I think now you're seeing more people say that they don't care I think it's funny when they start making words taboo I really do like people said tranny forever and then all of a sudden it's like disparaging like okay I even noticed in the new Bill Burr special. He said like ah what are you gonna? Do you fucking marry you know I said I was like he would have said fag four years ago Cuz he did in his special and he used the word Mary talking about like a sissy I said like that's not it. That's not a word we ever heard him use before Oh bill uses that word Yeah, that's a Boston word. Yeah, you fucking Mary. Yeah. Yeah people call guys Mary's well. He's probably trying to be a little bit more Politically correct you know what I do I use the word, but I do it in character Yeah, cuz you feel like if I said it and they're like if I say like faggot like that Well, I didn't say it Nigel said it that was not me I had this joke about Tigers in Texas because I don't know if you know my this is a true story from my last Netflix special there are more Tigers in captivity in Texas Than there are in all of the wild of the world in private collections in people's backyards There are more Tigers in Texas than the rest of the fucking planet Earth That is a fact there's a real step because they can have them just a bunch of dentists who carried them back just dude I know people that know people that have Tigers. I know people in Texas whose friends have Tigers They just you can have a tie. Are you aware by the way? What's the biggest cat of you probably know this but the biggest? Predatory cat you know well ligers, but it's not they're not viable. They can't breed well I thought the lion at first no I'm tired. I hear it's so much bigger I learned back in the Roman Roman times in the Coliseum This is what and I can't entirely corroborate this I will say I don't know corroborate it when you do So I got balls on the lions and they said the lions have to be on three points and can paw Whereas the Siberian Tigers would leverage back and pounce yeah said it wasn't even close not to mention that the Tigers are way bigger But they were able to just go back on their two legs whereas the lion has to have three points of contact Which is like a dog given the paw yeah, yeah, so when I saw that I was like well That's that's something that's pretty incredible because you see a lion I mean you know your I saw the ghosts in the darkness. That's pretty pretty scary well But it's not even close the mountain lion will fuck you up, dude like or just a small mountain lion an 80 pound mountain lion yeah fuck you up, but a Siberian tiger will fuck you up in ways you couldn't possibly imagine well I have a dog hopper dog of Argentina. Oh those are big dogs well They're quite good quite sketch to they're not they're not yeah train them good, but they're sketch Well he is he ran for president with Dean Cain, and he had like a few hundred votes Which I felt bad about because it was a gag so who knows if that changed the state of Michigan But by the way if it starts going out you put two fingers over kind of create a slipstream And suck it in and I'll give you probably not now you probably need to relight it. It's not like a cigar It's not good to talk and smoke a pipe. It's meant to be more contemplative, but Bertrand muscle used to smoke a pipe nitty I don't know if you know that he did it why do you need to say a Russell used to speak and there was a tranny It was one of the things like he wanted to Fly and he would only fly if he could smoke on the plane because he was so addicted to tobacco that he had to constantly smoke There he is look at him How he would speak But it is it is very relaxing because it's kind of like like jiu-jitsu you said you've used the term moving meditation Mm-hmm when you're sitting down there outside at the end of the day if you don't focus on it. It's gonna go out It's not like a cigar. It's not like a cigarette So you have to sit there and focus on the draw focus on the exhale and all you're thinking about is is the pipe So it really is kind of a contemplative art. No you're getting fucked up on tobacco. Why are you lying man? You're lying to people um What were you talking about before that we're talking about Tigers in Texas. There's more time, okay, so dog Argentina There's a little more you're doing me dude You're going all over the place if you run a YouTube search on dog, Argentina Mountain lines you will see dog. Oh, Argentina is messing up actual mountain lines Yeah, you know why because the mountain line wants to get away. It's probably true The mountain line doesn't want to fight to the death the mountain line is a predatory animal predatory animals don't necessarily fight to the death It's one of the reasons why dogs are so fucking dangerous because dogs are bred to not feel pain not recognize me That's one of the things about pit bulls. They're not the biggest strongest dogs Yeah, but they're bred to ignore pain and that that that drive to attack and ignore pain makes them very problematic Well, you just use the word problematic. Let's let's ban that word Smoking a pipe but Yeah, they are that's what they're bred for They're actually really people oriented because they're bred to be protective of people and hunt with people so they're not bred to fight dogs Right so a lot of actually People there was that's why we got rehoppers a rescue out in in Michigan A lot of guys in the inner cities bought them thing and this is like a bigger pit bull They're gonna be great dog fighters. They were horrible and they just got abandoned So there's all kinds of doggos out there in western Michigan. I don't know if there still are I'm wild doggos Well, just our dog. Huh? Oh, look cute. That looks very much like our dog. Oh cute fella. They're so big It's such a big dog. Now ours is a little bit of a runt He's about 90 pounds because he we found him with a broken leg Roman the streets alopecia Lyme disease Oh, you say you rescued him right off the street. Well, no, he was rescued into a lady who Specialized in doggos and then we took him from her and He's the most people oriented dog we've ever seen I mean to the point where he'll actually the biggest problem you have is if you stop petting him and you don't know him He'll growl for you to keep petting him so kids. Okay, and they're terrified her Well, that seems like a dicky dog. Yeah a little bit. I have a dog called a Regency Mastiff. Oh, yeah Those are no joke. Yeah, it's a Neapolitan that's bred with a pit bull. So they're about 140 pounds They're with a more athlete is great. Yeah, my kids ride him like literally ride him They get on top of him and he'll just walk around and get PETA on you for that now They shouldn't be riding. He's older now poor poor fella. He's like 11. He's got some hip problems. He's walks at a limp Well, um, thank you for having me back even though part of your audience doesn't like it But dude, just stop now don't be a defensive. Don't say that. Nobody. Have you noticed a change? Kind of an air of Trump. Well culturally, I think there's there's I know this is sound sounds like a broken record But counterculture wise he have a lot of people who were afraid to even speak up even from the last time I was on the show where they've been called racist sexist homophobic transphobic is a new thing where everyone's gonna know it All right. Fine. Let's go with that I think if you were to hold the election today Donald Trump would win in a landslide wouldn't even be closed just really yeah That's because of how bad the behavior has been from the left all the rest of America I had that my uber driver coming here and she believed every lie her name She was a Latino why ever talked to uber drivers about politics that always seems to end in a TMZ But I would explain we have a 4.2 rating. So I'm right at the threshold of losing my uber privileges. Are you serious? Me so like you get a rating as a customer. Yeah, you get a rating as a customer What's a good rating a 10? You have a 4.2? No, no, it's 5. It's out of 5. Oh, that's not that bad No, it's not that bad. If you go under the floor, you're out. No. Yeah, you're out So you like someone could find you right now uber drivers could like unite Yeah, and blackball you they could well my friend I can't say his name because it's illegal actually had his concealed carry with him in an uber and he forgot his magazine and That person rated him like a 1 so it took one bad rating to drop his score because he had to call him say hey I think I forgot something in the back of your car. They're like, what is it? Like a magazine was like oh like a people magazine or she's like No, just look and the guy was just in the phone with him saying What did you do in my car and he just said I was going to the range He wasn't he carries a gun and I'm everywhere everywhere. He goes but this lady Uber la she decided to start talking about it talking about the women's March and stuff So I just it's hard for me to say nothing But we ended up on very good terms, but this is a different story This is not the man is not the magazine story and she drugs right now. I'm speed or anything I'm due drugs. You're very quick. Everything's going quick. Well, you're gonna settle into the show I'm not but I had that's a nitro coffee. Okay, and I came from coffee bean tea leaf right already had that is 270 milligrams caffeine so I probably got about five six hundred milligrams. Yeah, that's that's like to grande Starbucks coffees Seriously, I think isn't it in the middle of that of aunties 200. Yeah, it's closing closing in on to grande's But she said she's like well Donald Trump called all Mexicans rapists. I said no She was Donald Trump is gonna ruin gay rights What because it's because it's just in my nature and I said well why she goes cuz Donald Trump removed the gay rights thing on The website I said what about the fact that all presidents they remove everything from the previous administration and they put up new Whole new white house gov website and these people they buy in LA they're in such an insular bubble I don't think they realize There's a whole bunch of people who voted for Donald Trump and I wasn't a fan of him in the primaries But they didn't vote for him because they're racist They didn't vote for him because I don't want Caitlyn Jenner to take a dump at Trump towers They didn't vote for him because they hate brown people They voted for him because they're tired of being called all those things and that's why I think you see a lot of these young people Who just kind of want to be instigators and provocateurs, but at the same time they're appreciating More traditionalism and some of the values their parents tried to instill in them Because that's kind of more rebellious and going along with the entertainment industry Well, there's always this sort of longing for nostalgia that people exhibit There's always like back in the good old days like back in the good old days is bullshit Yeah, there's the good old days you died of syphilis the good old days people got fucking plagued from rats, right? There's no good old days. This is the good old days right now. So there's always that right? There's always this longing for nostalgia, but I think I think you're right with some people But for sure, there's some people that are racist that voted for Donald Trump just because some people are racist sure Yeah, of course, but to try and paint I mean if you look at the numbers a huge percentage of people who voted for Barack Obama had to have voted for Donald Trump Particularly in Michigan and Pennsylvania. There just aren't the numbers there Well, don't you think that they probably voted for him a lot of it is for economic reasons because they thought that he's gonna loosen up some Regulations encourage industry. I think it's the opposite I think a lot of the union voters they thought Hillary Clinton was in the pocket of Goldman Sachs Right and they thought Donald Trump with his sort of economic protectionism is going to bring jobs back to the Midwest Which that's one of the encourage industry, but that's one of the things I disagree I disagree with the idea of for example. I've been in Michigan the unions have a stranglehold I would rather GM be able to move to Texas or anywhere they want to be competitive in the car market But I can't even get to that because as soon as I'm going well, you know, hold on Donald Trump made a mistake here I disagree with him because then there's a women's March where they're lighting hair on fire and calling him literally Hitler It's lighting hair on fire. What do you mean at the women's March girl got her hair lit on fire a girl Yeah by someone with one of those pussy hats see, you know what man the thing about that stuff is it's always one fucking person or a couple people out of hundreds of thousands that are Acting in that mob mentality and you're a violent shit incorrect. Oh, come on, man There's not that many people that do violent shit at those women's marches. That's why there was no arrests No every well, there were no arrests at the Lansing protest either where they cut down a tent with box cutters They were what's the Lansing protest when it went right to work. That was a big thing where I was there But even the inauguration process that's the one you got punched. Yeah, I did get punched. Yeah, so that wasn't fun hilarious Couldn't punch. I well, I know but when you're not expecting why throw a punch when you don't know how to punch like Come on, so think about everywhere leftist gather though, whether it's Woodstock back then Woodstock 99 Yes So many rapes, how do you know you there there are reports of rape that's rapes that occurred Were they rape rapes or were they like I think back then they were rape rape back then Elena Dunham wasn't you know? Shoving fast food napkins and her sister's cooch claiming she was raped because she saw the condom in a potted plant. So what? Lina Dunham she claimed she was raped because she saw the condom on a plant after she was drunk on muscle relaxers I feel like we always go back to Elena Dunham. Yeah, I didn't know about that story I knew that there was some sort of a gross interaction with her younger sister. Yeah, she was reaching in her inner inner vagina But the point is anywhere leftists gather there is always violence. There's a giant exaggeration I mean when the women's march now, you had no violence. There was no arrest There was no nothing a second you say there was no violence, but people said there was no violence at all these other marches, right? Again, it's like isolated incidents. Well, no, we have to look at a trend, right? I'm not saying everyone Got a million people in LA a million people March right? It's nine hundred and seventy thousand people Okay, but you have way more than that with the tea party, which was accused of being racist not one minute There's never way more than that. Yeah, you never know. No, no, no, no You never had a march in LA that had more people than nine hundred and seventy thousand more people across the country party with the first Yeah, yeah more people across the country with that party. That's there's no way. Yeah, hold on a second Not a much the day of the women's March when there were hundreds of thousands of people all over the country marching together in one day Yeah, there was never a movement like that for the tea party. Yes, it was a day with a tea party One day the one day a day 400,000 in Washington DC. Okay, that's less than was in LA right for the women's march across the country Cuz there were so many like in Dallas. There were four or five different ones across Dallas in the same day. It's up in the same day Come on. Yeah in the same day. No, not in one city I'll give you that how many different cities how to march like that for the tea party Yeah, they were hundreds of cities hundreds of cities simultaneously in one day and it was bigger than the women's March certainly comparable Compromise not a single incident and they left the places cleaner than they found them You look at Occupy Wall Street's over 500 crimes including felonies you look at the women's March Let's disregard the crime people up there with pussy hats bringing their two-year-old with the most profane disgusting signs You can imagine when leftist congregate. It's generally not a peaceful Assembly not in the same way as when people who are right-wing congregate look at Berkeley Jake Shields of vegan from Berkeley is becoming Sorry vegetarian from Berkeley is becoming conservative because he just said this was this was the rule not the exception in Berkeley Well, I know Jake he's a buddy of mine and essentially he was saying these people that were doing what they're claiming They're fighting fascists. He's like you're being a fascist. Do you understand what a fascist means? Right using violence to enforce your ideology and you're tolerating No deviations from that ideology that that is being a fascist. Yeah, this pipe smoking blows, bro On your own takes too much effort But well we had him on the show and he was saying like, you know I just it's changed where the left we need to call this out and we need to We need to take ownership over this and we need to we need to squash it because it's coming a real problem It's also a problem when you say the left the left or the right because it's not necessarily just the left It's these fucking idiots that go to these things and put masks on and want to beat people up and mace women I saw that girl with a make make Bitcoin great again hat She had a joke hat and someone hit her over the head with a stick Yeah What that was holding up a sign and then another guy maced her you know face I mean and they think that they did an inauguration you had people getting pulled out of cars getting punched You know occupy Wall Street You had people putting bloody rags on tents that they claimed had AIDS and anywhere again Just go back through history in the last decade. It's very different and not saying all left right We're speaking you have to speak in generalities to save time But as a general rule if you look at the right if you look at for example the tea party you look at the movement people Who were complaining about the the stimulus package you look at people had economic problems with Barack Obama They didn't riot they didn't beat people up in record numbers There was not a single trash can lit on fire thrown through a window that seems to be a common occurrence at these leftist protests Well it is now it is now it certainly is now because they're out of power Well, it's also these people feel like what Donald Trump represents is the worst Possible scenario for the right they feel like he represents this like really arrogant Businessman who promotes rape culture and grabbing pussies and you know that's how that's how they're looking at it So they're like it's time to act like there's some woman who was on Fox News the other who's the one that dude Tucker Tucker Carlson? Yeah, is that is he a Fox News guy? He's right used to be CNN on crossfire right and he had some woman on and she was Talking about Asian. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, she's a fucking schoolteacher She's talking about being people up and I was like, this is crazy like she's talking about she called Milo Yiannopoulos who's a gay Jew by the way, she called him homophobic and prefers prefers black men Yeah, I mean, but how do you call a gay guy homophobic? Just what everyone's a Nazi now? I mean I was not for Trump in the primaries, so I get called a cuck right? I was like well listen He's the most liberal Republican ever people don't want to talk about he's the only was a Democrat most of his life He's the only president to ever take office being pro gay marriage when he was sworn in Barack Obama can't even claim that Trump is the first person. That's something that people need to recognize about Hillary Clinton. She was anti gay marriage as recently as 2013 she was she was speaking in 2013 and she said I believe that marriage is a bond between a man and a woman in 2013 and she was making Arguments, too. It wasn't like she was put on the spot. And well, I think she was out there arguing against same-sex marriage So, um, you know, my point here is they're out of power and so they declare everyone a Nazi, you know They declare me a Nazi they'll declare Milo a Nazi and so if you say hey there It's okay to punch Nazis in the face if Hitler walked in here You'd probably have a tussle with Adolf Hitler But it's acceptable if you make me or even you or Milo Equivalent to Hitler and that's what they're doing now and that's the point that I'm making is I think because they behaved so poorly More Americans would would vote screw you with the lever and vote for Donald Trump now than they did in November 8th I believe that's highly speculative. It is highly strict Crowder. Hence the pipe we can speculate in part by Lee speculative Not sure if I buy it Might maybe let me pretend people are also freaking out They're freaking out about his appointment of a golden sacks executive. They're freaking out over what's happening with that Flynn fellow who was forced to resign because he was Coordinating with Russia and you know talking about removing sanctions before they got into office and all that stuff Well, that was a screw-up, but you know, and I'm not here to defend Donald. You call it screw up We call it trees it They give him a fight. He's a whole new man. Um, it is delicious though, isn't it? It's good It really is good highs fuck right now. Oh, really? Yeah He hit some marijuana after this probably like takes it to the next level Well, yeah, the nicotine gets you high as fuck man, that's pretty low in nicotine. No an aromatic like that Yeah, but I'm a rookie. Are you know, I don't smoke any Occasionally smoke a cigar. Yeah, but it's pretty occasional like maybe once a month. I'll puff a cigar. Yeah Well, yeah, there you go. You can keep that one. Now. We're already broken in I keep this pipe Yeah, cuz there's a real breaking process with a pipe It's actually you know, you have to smoke it really slow when you first get it because the briar expands So I know pure fagotry You said in a different voice pure fagotry and tranied him I don't know if that's a word Let me present this okay, you take someone like a burning Sanders son of a bitch well you just want you relax I get you a drink to drink. I drink you drink. Wait, this man some whiskey. Let's get some whiskey up in here We need to do this like a beer if you have this podcast is very we need drink drink real booze What do you want to talk about? I just want to relax a little okay I want you to be a human. I don't want all these talking points These aren't talking you're fired up to fucking defend the right and promote your agenda Well, just cuz I know you said people like they think you're an asshole cuz you're right wing I don't care what they think people think I'm a fucking meathead. Well, I'm right there are I am in a way Very meathead is you're strong. No. Well, I'm fucking I eat meat I'm a cage fighting commentator. I look like a meathead There's a lot of meathead qualities that I possess although I'm a kind person It was very open-minded and more probably more left than I am right if you looked at a giant spectrum. I Don't think so. No. No not anymore. I just think it's such a narrow path in the left. There's so unaccepting of people That's why you've seen all this. Well, I'm very accepting in that way. I mean, I'm very accepting even of ridiculous ideas I want you to talk about them You know why I just think one of the real problems that I have right now with all these protesters and all these people that are Going crazy and calling everybody Nazis is you're stifling Communication, yeah, and you're stifling the marketplace of Fred is I want real booze bro. Get up get out some whiskey What's that? Good even better make it hurt Bring out some whiskey bring out that Alex Jones whiskey the stuff that makes you talk about interdimensional chime molesters Actually, you stopped talking about pizza gate. Remember that was a big conge. Oh, you didn't when I had him on here. Oh, really? Oh, yeah, I know Eddie was probably instigating. Oh, Eddie was out of his fucking mind drunk. He doesn't know what he did I really asked me. What do you think about this pizza? Get thing? I'm like, yeah, I don't know here we go It may not be true. But what do you think about what Breitbart was saying like way back in? 2011 about Podesta the Podesta like Shields pedophiles and you come on. Don't be a pussy With a beer Marketing I think they gave it to me for free fuck off Jack Daniels did yeah, they know I like I enjoy Jack. Yeah You actually never had gentlemen Jack Well, because you asked me about it and the first thing where my antenna went up with pizza gate as I said James James, alifontas means I love kids in French and I know where they're trying to get it from. It's Jim Lee's enfant that's not James. Alifontas. Mmm So right away when it's the first premise that I read is a lie. I'm going. All right well, there was a bunch of weird ones, but there was some stuff that was like Really odd like the pizza place that had that symbol that is the international fucking symbol for Pedophilia and child molesting and Beyonce's in the Illuminati, but no it is a symbol that the FBI admits that they use in these secret Organizations when they capture pedophiles, which they do all the time. Yeah, they use that symbol I mean they agree upon that symbol This is a lot of there's a lot of weirdness to it and here's the thing it could be this is my take on it And I don't have a side and I'm not I'm not claiming that I have any knowledge, but they're Absolutely our pedophile rings They exist they've caught them before they busted him before like Jerry Sandusky's kid just got busted I know yesterday that was the beauty of Michael Jackson the guy was so clever about it Think about it. He screwed every kid in Hollywood except McCauley Culkin So he's that no he's that canary in the coal mine McCauley Culkin said no no I got never land ranch You never touched me. That's what I would say to the other kids are coming back. They still swear up and I would say It's like if you went if you went to a bachelor party and everybody got their dick sucked and your wife said hey What the fuck Bobby says he got his dick suck. It's not me. I don't know maybe she just didn't like me Yeah, McCauley Culkin has no reason to say that now. Yes, he does Really? Yeah, you know what he wants to know that you got molested by Michael Jackson You'll never get a girlfriend again. Yeah, we get one hell of a book deal come on You should be about to go down on you and she'll think oh my god Michael Jackson's Right don't you think you'll get one hell of a book deal well You know Andrew Breitbart actually not Breitbart the the trademark Andrew Breitbart the the name is I mean he was actually got my start and He wrote about that you know Neverland Ranch his photographer was a pornographer who specialized in European actors who looked underage And so once he talked about this the guy was fired from Neverland Ranch. I think it was six months later He was back So my point with like the pizza get stuff is there are things that are provable like that which people can go search Andrew Breitbart and find that story and Because people are cocked and loaded to hate someone from the right online cocked Well you really do go into a different voice with nasty words that was my beaver some butthead voice Because of that I'd rather dwell on stories that we know we can prove or commentary because it's really easy to go Yeah, router was wrong with pizza gate or whatever it is so we just there's so much there. You're right you that's right focus That's my issue with Alex Jones Yeah, Alex Jones goes super deep and I did not know before I had him that he was a sandy hook denier And I saw that and it's pretty rough it hurt my soul it really did Yeah, he's um. He's been very his son is a fan. He's been really really good to me and coming on the show He's done the young Turks catches with us I think he's doing less of the conspiracy stuff now. It seems like less now get him get him drunk Get him drunk and watch it come out. Well doesn't surprise me Alex has been my friend for a long time. He's yeah 84% crazy, but he's he's he's like It's one of those things where if you chase that there's enough corruption and enough crazy shit in the world that if you chase It down you're gonna find it right it's there But you got to be careful what you call corruption and what you call conspiracies right because there are a-fuck-ton of them that he's missing the mark like the sandy hook thing mean that That it the sandy hook thing is so fucked There was a great article that was written about a guy who was a conspiracy theorist Until his kid was killed at sandy hook right and then Realized like holy shit like these people are telling me that my kid didn't die well I realized how dangerous this whole Thinking that the government's spraying shit in the sky from mind control and the CIA is a mind control organization Right I've been told that I'm in the fucking CIA. Oh, yeah, there people think I'm in the Illuminati hmm How do we get in I think they do two days do you think you could get in or we are you young and you too old? Are you too young rather? I have no idea I think you just need to have the all seeing eye and one of your music videos and you're in like Flint That is it. Do you just got to go like this? I think they're there's a doing diamonds. You say I like diamonds or is he like doing a little well I didn't realize diamond is also like a black term for a ladies nether regions really I found that in risque songs smell yo dick You hear that song on yes. Yeah Like that I was wild and I wasn't clown like that he says diamond like that now What is this feeling her diamond like that like that? I've heard of white people who are out of touch with black culture. That's me. I was ridiculous welcome welcome to me I didn't know I have to tune to Jamie because Jamie's on black Twitter every day Jamie keeps he said Oh the clothes down a vine must have been rough for you Jamie's got tweet deck and he sets up one hashtag black Twitter, and it's just all black Just but it's all just black Twitter references And he tells me that like people steal from black Twitter, and they make jokes on late night TV cuz yeah It's a subculture yeah black Twitter They say funny shit, and then people steal it is that true Jamie is that what you said, but I heard that's the rumor That is what he heard. I've heard that too When did women but speaking of which like black is a subculture right we talk about minority groups I think you need another drink women more whiskey out there I can't even finish that no I didn't finish come on pussy by the way come on I'm not that doesn't work on me yet. See you are in the Illuminati you're feeling my man like that see time is a stripper Oh So I was wrong all this time this whole thing up dude see you're spreading this information Dick wait a minute hold no see that's not how a bitch get her ass Well up that's just lazy song get her I swab yes, he's promoting violence against women Oh, he can smell his dick she beats the hell out of her, but that's he's a summer to her That's not my fault my song right they didn't even introduce the character diamond beforehand How am I supposed to know we can't know that's not a racism thing that's a bad song okay? If he said I ain't even feeling Mercedes like that would you assume okay Mercedes is probably a stripper Lexus to the main stage probably, but I know I didn't read the lyrics, so I didn't see a capital on diamond I can't know this hmm. I was trying to be understanding of another culture and it backfired. I'll give you that yeah Why doesn't he just wash his dick? I Go to the crab shack they have that automatic hand cleaner doesn't he have hand sanitizer He keeps in his fucking bends just spray thieves essential oil like my wife's I should dick bro. You dirty bitch Coming home with a dirty dick Jesus that's like worse than adultery. He's done. She's gonna wife dirty start That's not his wife for sure first of all the kind of risk a not married. This is not a marriage. We're talking about Look at this more booze Bring it out both bring them both out this guy needs to get drunk talks too much shit Tell me we want to talk about everything okay life Okay, let's say this generalities I've never been as mad as I was watching that Holly home fight why why because of the Here's what I think I think if you hit someone after the bell It's really clear it should be an immediate point deduction, and they should be given time to recover more than a minute Well an opinion I agree with you when I twice I agree with you, but here's why I disagree with you I'm even more extreme. I think that hitting someone after the bell is grounds for a disqualification Yeah, because you know you know you know you know bam you know hands go down your whole mindset changes You're not expecting it. She definitely heard the bell the guy was stepping in she threw the shots It's grounds for disqualification You know I fought you know it's been a long time But I did and I heard bells and I didn't hit anybody afterwards. You know what the fuck it is You know what it is well if you do the point deduction Holly wins that fighter a draw for sure Jermaine Duran to me is Fucking awesome. She's an awesome fighter I mean she's a 46 and 0 10 time world Muay Thai champion and for that to happen with her it upsets me in In two ways one it upsets me because Holly got fouled and two it upsets me because she's a great fighter Right for her to do something like that's like why did you do that don't do that? Yeah, and she rocked Holly the problem is when you rock someone who knows how much that affects them for the rest of the fight Right Holly is so badass. She not only came back from that she came back from that one up head kicking Jermaine Dropping her and then rocking her that short little hook that you drew that we it's straight left first Yeah, yeah, was it a straight left? I thought it was like a hook with Holly rocked her Yeah, straight was a straight left that she was coming in so just really short then perfect shot. Yeah, well, she's incredible striker She's so badass and that question mark kick that she hit her with over the top of the shoulder drops down hits her in the Head isn't it funny though that she doesn't she doesn't fight like a boxer in the Octagon at all She fights much more like an American kickboxer Well because she was also an American kickboxer and she's also trained by Mike Winkeljohn Who's like one of the best American kickboxers from his era? Yeah, he was world-class in his time. He's really good He fought he fought Rick Rufus, right? He fought some really good guys. He's a great striking coach man Very similar to him, you know when I'm in Dallas guy Mezger very similar style to that kind of stand Yeah, not as much head movement Yeah guy Mezger is a good friend of mine. I love that guy. He's really just an awesome guy I won't get into personal stories, but he's been he's done some weird shit making out No, no, that's a really nice things for people. I mean, he's a really he's the exact example of when people say fighters or meatheads He's just a really kind-hearted guy. Well, he's definitely not a meathead. I'm more of a meathead than him for sure He's uh, he's not just a kind-hearted guy. He's very intelligent Soft-spoken you never hear guy Mezger yelling at people and he's he's also you know he's worked really hard to mitigate some of his Brain trauma and been really open about it Which I think is very very very important because it's like this silent thing that guys don't want to talk about the issues that They're dealing with from fighting. Yeah. Well, um, he also did you hear the story about when he got into the fight in a parking lot? It was like a bunch of guys who jumped him. Yeah, well how long this wasn't that long ago No, you're probably thinking the one where the guy had a knife and actually stabbed him in the hands Cuz he got in between an altercation between him right and you just don't do that When I'm stuck out fighting stay home. No, this was something maybe he may not want me to tell the story But it was in a parking lot something happened I don't know how it started But what happened was there were three or four guys and all he did was he grabbed one guy Just got him to the ground somehow and put him in a chokehold and he told his friend He said if you come forward I'm gonna choke your friend out and they just got back into their rav4 closed the doors. He let the guy go They were gone. That's a really nice person Well, he also he's a striker he could have really hurt him Yeah, that's kind of the beauty of grappling you can hurt them or not as much as you want to right and guy Messker is a very high-level striker. I mean, he's not known as a grappler. So that's that's well He's a grappler too. He choked out T to or tease and One of his first UFC's he just won worlds at Brown in the senior division. Did he really yeah in the gee? That's amazing. Yeah, he's still competing and doing that stuff. That's pretty awesome That's a nice thing for people that don't want to strike anymore. I know baba loose a brawl He's been doing a lot of grappling competitions. Yeah, you know guys I just have like taking a lot of head trauma a lot of crazy fights long careers Yeah, they still like to compete they can do that and you know, and baba blue has I think it's baba lose iron gym I think that's what he calls it and he's got a really Nice high-level gym down Orange County and you know, that's an explanation every time parents taking their kids for lessons They walk in and see baba Lou. He's a great guy, but they have to do that that kind of all right Let me let me see the tattoos up his neck. Yeah. Yeah parents are gonna be a little apprehensive. He's a great guy He's a great guy and he's a real pioneer baba Lou was in the early early days of fighting Yeah, there's a fight with him and Brad Kohler It's one of the fucking scariest knockouts ever because it's back when you could soccer kick on the ground Yeah, and he dropped Brad Cole because baba Lou was one of the first Brazilian wrestlers Mm-hmm, which a lot of people don't know. I mean he was a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu and very good striker and all Those things but yeah, he also was on the Brazilian national wrestling team back in the day Yeah, and so Brad Kohler who's like this really beefed up fucking just Jack dude Couldn't touch him on the feet and baba Lou eventually got him tired out and when he dropped him got him down to the ground I fucking soccer kicked him into oblivion. It was just Those days when you can when you could soccer kick someone who was already tired and down Yes, sir. Those are dark but in a context the Brazilian national wrestling team They'd be like ventures to Oklahoma State wrestlers. It's just not even the same level maybe but a high-level wrestlers a high-level Oh, yeah it is but it's like Sarah McMahon, you know She was silver at the Olympics number one people said she was gonna beat Rhonda with the wrestling like well Hold on a second the talent pool and women's wrestling is Nowhere near where it is at judo at that point. I mean you just have women in Japan in judo who are animals Kayla Harrison to have been following her. She was actually one of the first guests on her show She's just a monster. Yeah, there's no one in female wrestling No one who would even come close to her level of experience with the same could be said about Brazilian jiu-jitsu you know Brazilian jiu-jitsu which isn't in the Olympics yet, but really should be is There's some phenomenal like if you've seen Mackenzie Dern you've seen her compete in MMA. I haven't seen well Yeah, she has one of the most badass choke outs that I've ever seen in my life She started with an oma plot to work the way this girl's back She's got this move that she does where she gets a girl in a normal plot then she rolls over Onto her back and chokes this chick out apparently she hits this move all the time Well, they teach something similar to that at Marcelo Garcia school in New York where if ever someone's turtling You wedge your knee into their ribs and their hip crease and you kind of get around it not quite an oma plata But you're bringing your other leg around their front and you're wrapping and you're blocking if let's say coming in from your right side You block their left arm, which is something we actually would learn in judo quite a bit a really basic back So you black you brought block it by taking an under yuck So you're putting the knee in and you're grabbing wrist control around so you're not putting a hook in and when you control this the way They taught it to me like if you watch Marcelo Garcia, they'll just go for the choke straight from there They don't even need to get their hooks in right and you know Then you have Clark Gracie who does the oma plata roll to the lapel choke I mean it really is oma plata is I don't think there's been a submission from that in a long time But there's only a great setup ever in the UFC history as Ben Saunders. This is Mackenzie Dern. Watch how she does this Also is that she's hot as fuck and so she she gets the she gets the oma plot to the girl tries to roll Yeah, watch how she handles this when she gets her from this position. No, no, no, you got to go back Yeah, go back. See I shouldn't even have her hooks It's just a highlight video. Oh, so she doesn't she doesn't need the hook. It's what she does is she rolls and You know, you don't see it from that position Well, that's a lot like a no-giver of Clark Gracie's oma plata lapel. Sure Let me see if they show it here What she does is she gets up and when she gets up on her hip She the girl rolls and then watch how she scrambles now. She takes her right. They don't show it She takes her right arm and she rolls underneath the girl. Yeah. Anyway, you know, her dad is Megaton Diaz who's world famous Yeah, you know very very respected Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt But there's one of the coolest things about jiu-jitsu is it's like almost like sentences in languages There's so many different ways you can go with things. Yeah, there's so many different possibilities. It's just it's almost never-ending well, there's a guy like my dad, you know, it's in his 50s and Hasn't lost a point let alone around competing up to purple belt and he competes against guys who are 40 and open weight because there's no one his age and you know played hockey you of M high high level athlete and He's not super flexible. He's not gonna do a guard game. He got really good at takedowns really good at trips Really good at guard passing and side control a few chokes, you know paper cutter chokes things like that And he's he's diverse enough where he can protect himself in areas, but that's one thing too You know when I was helping coach him for his first tournament I'm like listen in training you want to work these positions, you know, you want to work your guard You want to work your half guard? But there's nothing that says in the competition you can't stuff the head get up and just come up on top and when he realized That when he competes, it's just getting out getting on top and if he gets on top He's gonna pass, you know at his level at a purple belt level Yeah The problem with that strategy is it only works with someone who's weaker than you like as soon as you find someone is better at That game than you you have to have other options Well, he's not good off of his back someone's eventually gonna put him on his back. He's pretty good in his back That's good. But in a tournament the point is there's no unwritten agreement where we're working passing No, I mean so he can try his you know A scissor sweep which is a big thing for him as a strong guy and if it doesn't work He can do a technical standout and come up. Well, Helson Gracie has the best description of jiu-jitsu He said you do this then I do that then you do this then I do that forever Yeah, I love that because it's like once if you try jiu-jitsu you go Yeah, that is what it is until someone taps like you like Hicks and Gracie has always been Famous for saying about other other athletes other competitors that if they can't keep the rhythm There will lose my rhythm amazing meaning not like George St. Pierre but like meaning that he keeps keeps attacking and you keep defending and keep it Eventually, you're gonna slip up right? He's gonna get a dominant position sure and then once from there I'm not saying he's world-class. I'm just saying he's able to learn a game. I know you want to brag about your dad It's okay. I'm gonna drink Here's thank you gentlemen Jack I guess on there. Oh, no, that's normal Jack. This is very good Jack Mmm. Yeah, what is this stuff called? This is Sinatra shit They just that's how you sell it If they were a spot you're doing actual sponsor you'd be getting phone calls Yes, Joey you said it was a Sinatra shit and our PR representatives have a problem with that Well, then they wouldn't be a sponsor anymore. Nobody cares anymore, man There's some people have to realize this is the age of shit. You can say it You know, it's actually a great whiskey that has whirl is wild turkey 101. That's so disgusting. No, no, no, no, no No, no, no, no, we have some you want some no, I'm good pussy But while turkey 101 is a fantastic drink. It really is It's like Jim beam advertises aged four years. Well while turkey 101 is eight years off the bat Why is it better to be old? Why is it better for whiskey to be aged? I'm gonna go we would save in this It's tastes like shit. Just be honest it all tastes like shit No, well if the rye you want it younger with a bourbon you want that you want more of that char kind of flavor in there Anyway, bro, it's a good. It's a good whiskey the best whiskey can't fuck with Kool-Aid Kool-Aid tastes better than the best Kool-Aid what are you doing with Sinatra shit? I like the pain. I like feeling I like the suffering I like the suffering that comes with Jack Daniels. That's what I like. I like when you shoot that shot down you go You know exactly what you just did you're not playing any stupid You know, it's poison like I'm here to enlighten myself. I'm here to spread love and karma Is that what people do with horchata? What's that with? Horchata is a Mexican drink. I'm thinking rum shot. Yeah, I'm shot as a shot at some shit We get with you get tacos in an authentic joint. I was thinking rum chata I miss what's rum chata. I don't even know what that is They sell it's like horchata of an alcoholic and they sell a white bottle and it's already pre-made and it's just got the spices And whatever the dairy filler is and it's like a good thing to make terrible decisions Well, not gay Jared loves it. So it fits in perfectly. Oh, he loves wrong. Co-host not gay Jared Fuck is not gay Jared. He's my producer on my show. Um So you were after this election where where do you line up now, where are you because beforehand? You were kind of I mean you saw the black lives matter thing and you talked about I'm more libertarian than anything So did you but Gary Johnson? I did but only because he did my podcast. Oh, really? Yeah I'm like you do my podcast. I'll vote for you for president. It's deals a deal But he smoked pot and doing your podcast. She should have we should have got him high, right? No, we don't imagine we talked pretty sensibly I like Gary as a human and then I think he's a good guy and I think that um The Aleppo thing sunk that fucking boat like a goddamn torpedo when he didn't know what Aleppo is Okay, here's the thing plays good pool most people don't know about Aleppo Well that happened every there was a spike in Google searches for Aleppo and it doesn't know what Aleppo isn't I didn't know I didn't know about Aleppo. I knew that Syria was in a terrible terrible situation I knew the Syrian refugees that are fleeing this I knew the bombings and I didn't know the name of the city The problem is, you know He got caught not knowing the name of the city and he should have known the name of the city Like if you ask me, you know, you know, how do you think mad hoom handles mighty mouses career? I'd be like who fucks man. Hmm. If I said that I shouldn't be doing I'm a man commentator ever again But I'm an em in I'm a mixed martial arts commentator. That is part of my job if you're running for president It's part of your job know the name of the city Where you know, so the worst one you try to cover it up like after he says what is Aleppo? Oh Oh, yes. Yes. Got it. Got it. He said twice buying some time So that you just said you know what? I don't really know but I'm a libertarian so it wouldn't even be in Aleppo So what does it matter? Yeah, but see I don't buy that either man Once you've entangled yourself in the world of politics foreign politics and international politics the idea that you're not gonna be there anymore Well, we've found out what happens with that in Iraq We found out what happens with that in Libya you create a vacuum and that vacuum was filled by terrible terrible people Well, particularly when you give them a timetable of when you're gonna pull out Yeah, you know and everyone on the right was saying well, listen, that's that's a mistake and no, no, this is gonna work Well, trust me, but in his defense, what the fuck else do you do? I mean, do you stay there you stay there? And if you keep putting in there, it's not gonna light At least an hour Afterward I'll show you how to get it. I'm really really already doing it like a man I started like a baby. We're gonna suffocate the flame Lighters bro. Yeah modern technology Well, here's something that I did I do think we've seen afterward again I wasn't a big Trump supporter with that. Do you want to go like Tom? You did so we can but I think Fuck let's talk to you. It's I mean, let's talk politics. Let's talk Jack Daniels with Bernie Sanders or whoever it is You can't line up with the black lives matter you all the time You can't line up with the pussyhat economics the women's March all the time You can't line up with the anti free speech protesters on campus all the time He can't line up with the people online who want to ban voices of dissent all the time You can't line up with we want to tax the wealthy. Who can you line up? Well, the point is people like Bernie or Hillary when they do that until you realize, hold on a second There's a line and I've lined up with everyone except for the rest of America and you see that in Los Angeles It's an insulated bubble people don't realize you know what? There are a lot of people saying that Or New York whatever once you relax Didn't you didn't you go to? Colorado one point because you hated it. No, I wanted to live I do not like the population. I do love the mountains, right? I got a straight off the mountain t-shirt on Hoyt archery calm. Yeah, that could be in Washington No, it's fucking bow hunter on that thing. I think that you chickens. Yes, right. Yeah, I don't live in Los Angeles Right. I live outside of Los Angeles. Yeah, I have several locations in which I sleep. I think I think that there's there's a real problem with high population areas and that problem is there's two things one There's a diffusion of responsibility. There's too many people You just feel like you don't they don't value you don't value each other because there's too many There's everyone's there if you see an accident You don't pull over to try to help because there's a hundred thousand people on the highway. You just keep going Yeah, if you saw that same accident on a single lane road in the country and you know some cops where you might pull over and help You know, you're like New York Like New Yorkers care about each other I go if you walk past the hobo in the street in New York for a lot of people They just ignore it because they're so used to it. They did after 9-11. They did after 9-11 You know, I went to New York after 9-11 We filmed a fear factor there and I'll tell you man It was a beautiful thing because there was there was a real Pappable like a tangible feeling of community there that doesn't exist there anymore. No, it's gone also the New York that existed in 2001 is not the New York that he is here in 2016 No, you know, I've had some for like Judah Freelander who's a friend of mine Is a stand-up comic is here and he he was telling me he's like dude. It's all bankers now He's like there's no artists in New York anymore. They can't afford it. He's like if you you go to Brooklyn, maybe well He's like but in New York City the rents are so fucking expensive and there's so much international money in New York He's like I can tell you that's flipped a little bit haven't when I lived there The lower you said New York City. I lived there when I was with Fox for well They're two different stents one time sleeping on couches and one time this would have been 2011 maybe 2011 2012 and Rent was cheaper in old money Upper East Side than in an East Village or Lower East Side because that's where all the hipsters and the Artists were so they all wanted to be there now and the Upper East Side was seen as not cool So I got a place that was so inexpensive compared to if I wanted to live down, you know downtown So that's kind of switched. Hmm, but no one none of the artists want to live with all the wasps There's always a problem when too many people have too much money and they're all Congregated in one area because then they're just annoying this annoying. They're all trying to buy the same fucking car voices were Bertrand Russell Three smoke pipes and stomp on the little man. I Yeah, I think you're right and I think I think it also I mean there's obviously this is where leftists tend to congregate leftist ideology in big cities Right, they want you on public transportation. They want you to do that. They want you riding bikes, bro No, they want you well bikes public trans public transport But certainly they want to limit what kind of cars you can drive how far you can drive them You look at any big city. They definitely want to reduce independence and there's a real odd. You think that's what it really is No, they want to reduce carbon emissions. They don't want to reduce independence. No, I think I think it's both Say that people want you on buses and dependent on government just like they want Transit people don't maybe some percentage of the people do but if Tesla came out with some car that you could drive across the country On one charge you think people would be suppressing that they would welcome it a zero emissions car that you give you total freedom No one's gonna try to suppress that. Yeah, the issue is is what they would I don't think so how and why How are they would do is remove all the government subsidies that make Tesla even remotely competitive? Who is they this they should Crazy, I'm talking about the United States government and the subsidies that go into a Tesla Right Prius could still be losing Toyota on everyone sold But you look at the government subsidies the government incentives for people don't want to buy these cars. Oh, that's not Tesla Yeah, but not a Prius. That's not true either. I know a bunch of people bought Priuses Prius Brendan Schaub as a Prius my buddies have pretty sure I'm drives a Prius He's got a fucking Prius. How does he even fit in a Prius and a Bentley? Well, there you go They barely and barely fucking big gorilla. He barely fits in a Prius. I would say those things handle like trash They're shit cars Bill Burr as a Prius. How about that and a Jaguar? Exactly. See that's exactly what it is. It's the white. It's the white guilt symbol in Los Angeles. You can say I got a Prius No, I really say that but it's people that don't want to spend a lot of money on gas They bought a lot of them bought them in 2012 you don't want to spend a lot of money on gas you would do the cost savings estimation You would see buying a used car any used car, especially a Ford Fiesta, which would get more mileage than a Prius anyway It's a white guilt symbol. No, it doesn't get does there a fiesta gets more money or American small cars It will get over 40 miles per gallon. Yeah, but a Prius gets over 50. No, pull it up Jamie. It's motherfucker Let's ride. Let's say it's an eight. Let's say it's an eight mileage difference Yeah, but that's not what you want You don't want an old car is gonna break down you want a new car That's reliable that gets really really shouldn't have to put a Prius that's fucking pussy No, seriously, you don't want that's gonna be tar straight into your lungs if you inhale that I'm switching to weed You're driving me crazy Oh So much better Well back to the route. Well, there you go. All right. So what's that a Prius is Ford Fiesta, right? It's a 40 highway 29 city Sun 40 highway now pull up Pull up. Well, please gonna have way more in a city because the battery work because it's better Son of a bitch you have a Prius your point sucks No, that wasn't the point though. That was a kid. That was a side No, you were trying to say that if you really wanted to save money on gas You'd get a fucking shitty old Ford Fiesta and that's absolutely absolutely Yeah, absolutely son It's more in the city Joe You're wrong No, no, no many tens of miles per gallon you are incorrect if you look at the actual price of a Prius versus the best thing You can do for the environment is buy an old beater car buy an old Camaro That it's $24,000. It's cheap as fuck for a car. No, you'd be better off buying an old beater car recycle They're buying a Prius. Listen, it's not even close digular your heels in you don't see the other side You're a real issue. You're like everybody else on the right to giant non recyclable batteries Take your heels you giant non recyclable not recyclable for now, but much like nuclear waste. It's making a comeback You know that they can make diamonds Batteries out of diamonds with nuclear waste now the last thousands of years. Yeah, but why do we want diamonds? Oh, they make batteries out of diamonds. Yeah, the nuclear waste nuclear diamond waste batteries Thousands of years nuclear energy that we could be using but we can't be using because people thought it was worse for the environment Wow It's we're using it whether people thought it was worse or not The real issue is like the old plants like Fukushima that they have huge difficulties with shutting down someone told me Fukushima is not you know, we're talking about the other day that someone had said that the radiation levels are growing they're saying it's not growing that the real issue is a aerosol or something The old global warming No, but not aerosols. What was the airborne airborne? Radiation is an issue with Fukushima that they're monitoring it. Yeah, it doesn't surprise me But you know my my point on that one is why why are leftists for example against the sharing economy? Why would Bernie Sanders? Just abandoned People Are the people that have why is Bernie socialist Sanders against the sharing economy you call it you give him a nickname Yeah, you son of a bitch the socialist the self about European socialist. Why would they be? $1,000 a year. Let's let's let's stand around What are you telling me? Bouncing all I know I should bring up your fucking dog again. What about your dad? Is it just a guy who said you wanted not talk about politics? Say I don't want to talk The sharing Uber and Airbnb shouldn't everyone be on board with that Why do you have people like Bernie Sanders or Nancy Pelosi banning them or or Austin? Politicians and constituents banning them from their city if we're talking about sharing do socialism Yeah, you can't do uber in Austin Bernie Sanders doesn't want uber now. Why don't Airbnb? Why do you think they're doing that you think they're doing that because they want? Taxis to survive. I think they're doing it because just like people like to throw out this big conspiracy about big bankers and their own self interest Which is true I think that people don't want to acknowledge that the left is beholden to giant cabbie unions who are punching people in the face in New York because uber removes their surcharge and decides to ignore the Trump travel ban I think they're against Airbnb because they're beholden to for example the culinary union who might In the side about the Trump travel ban we talked about that was they people were protesting an uber in New York City Right they went in and they were still going to the airport the cabbies unions in New York said we're not gonna go and So people were punching uber drivers people getting furious about it saying your scams you're coming in uber actually removed their surcharge because remember all the airport Protests right it was a quagmire. No, I don't I don't oh yeah during the airport murder the Trump's travel ban There are protests at all these different airports right about that. Yeah Well, they're gonna have to do with uber the point is in New York right cabbies unions went on strike They said against the travel ban right Oh Uber's going in weren't clear and they're moving their surcharge Well if we're talking about the sharing economy if we're talking about bringing in refugees and resettling them against people's will right? Because want to be compassionate right well just take that and say okay instead of resettling refugees against somebody's will because you want to share What about somebody deciding to share their car at an agreed upon service or share their house and the the left the political left? Has fought against that vehemently it is so remarkably inconsistent house. I would were banned. Who is this they okay? So this across the board or so just Bernie Sanders Pelosi Elizabeth Warren what they want to do is either get uber banned in cities As you see in cities like Austin or in cities in Europe or they want to make sure that unions That cabbie unions either get first right or that uber hires these union workers, okay? Well, I have a hit I definitely have an issue with that yeah So let's pull up that pull up that story that Bernie Sanders is in favor of banning uber Bernie Sanders uber Yeah, and let's let's break that down and unpack it because I think When something comes along that's better, and it fucks with a business that is worse Right the better things should win because that's progress sure I think uber is progress. I think lift is progress I think what lift is doing and what these? These programs are doing where you have an application on your phone You can turn it on and off anytime you want you can work anytime you want as long as they Certify and test you and run and make sure you're not a crazy person as long as they know where you are at every time They can actually monitor your location through GPS Which they can and everybody like saves money and the people who drive the car make money like you can make like 35 bucks an hour Doing that well wouldn't you rather do that if you have a car like a Prius that gets? 50 fucking eight miles to the gallon wouldn't you rather do that so I'm in favor 100% in progress And I think that anybody that opposes that because somehow or another it's gonna challenge other people's jobs Right when it comes to something like uber versus cab in my opinion. This is pretty black and white This is a new technology a disruptive technology that benefits a lot of individual users hence It's good. Well also benefits the middle class more than anybody and there's no union for uber drivers So there's no lobbying and there's no money that goes to politicians. Well. That's the big problem So I'm not aware of this you're more balls deep in politics than I am so let's Jamie's gonna pull up a story And we're gonna figure out what the fuck is wrong with Bernie Sanders take on it from an individual point of view Yeah, or you can look up. I mean you can look up European cities that have banded or Austin I know was a huge issue in London I remember watching those cab drivers that had decided to block streets They decided to shut their cars off in the middle of the street and literally stopped cars from passing people had to go Way around them and it was a huge issue the reason the term political left and right matters right now To me anyway, they not matter to some people But the reason it matters to me is because you do look at one side of the political spectrum right now And I think the line's been pretty clear in this last election where there's an ideological divide And where one is deliberately looking at marginalizing and targeting and dividing victimized groups And they do so and ignore other groups of people who are victimized as a result of them complaining about victimization Okay, like what this is that's very vague. So let me give you you want a concrete example Let's find this with Bernie Sanders. Let me go into this thought I was just gonna find something what he I was trying to find a quote about what he had so here's about what I guess Problem serious problems with it serious problems with popular mobile ride hailing service uber Speaking with Bloomberg the Democratic presidential candidate contender rather called the service unregulated Waiting into one of the most closely watched economic debates of the 2016 race workers on demand at on-demand economy companies like uber Airbnb or lift are considered independent contractors and therefore do not receive the benefits and protections Afforded to full-time employees. Okay, so I could see that but they do make more money, right? Isn't that correct? Yeah, well, they don't they don't have to pay a huge commission to the copies union And they're totally independent and they have their own car and they make more money. I mean is that true? I mean, let's make sure that that is true. It doesn't matter but true But but let's just have the choice to do this Just Google uber drivers make more than car companies versus how much uber makes from their drivers Because that's the real issue like sales the uber is a company Okay, and they're pimping out all these drivers and they're making shit tons of money and then they're not giving the drivers enough Yeah, they're given them certainly more. I think they take a much smaller commission in it than the cab drivers I don't know what I mean reiterate. I'm pro uber hundred percent. I have a friend of mine is actually a big wig at uber. I Think it's great. I think even if I wasn't What's the matter this how uber fails to prove its drivers make more than tax? How do you post hmm? That's having in post those sons of bitches? Oh, that's the blade. No. No, they feel the need to be defensive. How they failed to prove. Let's how they failed to prove What does that mean? I don't know That means they're to claim and Huffington Post can't disprove it, but they're saying uber has failed to prove it So this isn't gonna come out or read the fucking quotes before you get the crazy and defend You're so right wing. I am right wing time calm instead hand me that beer son Time calm Oh uber reveals how much its drivers really earned sort of Uber has long said the drivers get paid more than traditional cabbies But do they really driver survey strikes and class action lawsuits suggest otherwise? Most recently buzzfeed is that okay? Is it okay? Is that two left wing you fuck? Yeah, buzzfeed is fake news I mean your fat news estimate But speed you fake estimate the terrible trauma impression that drivers in Denver Detroit and Houston make less than 13.25 cents an hour $13.25 an hour after expenses using calculations based on more than a million trips well That's not good this spring uber was hit with two class action lawsuits from drivers in Florida and Illinois who seek to recover unpaid Overtime wages and other expenses this is after the company. This is our Yeah, I think to our city shitty. No we have one shitty TV That can't handle an HDMI cable and it comes out every minute and a half. We have one of those When Seek to recover unpaid overtime Jesus Christ unpaid overtime wages and other expenses This is after the company paid 100 million dollars to settle similar lawsuits in California and Massachusetts, okay? Yeah, so far Massachusetts big unions if they have lawsuits, and if there is a lawsuit that does make sense enough where a judge Decides that they they're gonna rule against uber This I mean I don't know the law. Do you do you know? It depends on a right to work state But wouldn't you assume that the lawyers and the judges in Massachusetts would make a strong enough case? Where they would show the legality of it to the point where it wouldn't lose a hundred dollar a hundred million dollar lawsuit No, I wouldn't assume. Do you know anything about the lawsuit? Why here's what I would know whether it's a right to work state or not and that would determine the lawsuit And that's why people like Bernie Sanders, and that's what people oh geez what happened there you open that too fast Just go do it like you did the pilot scared It's good enough them bro So it depends if it's a right to work state or not. I don't care right okay. They make less than cab drivers I don't care well. Let's illuminate people. What is the difference you know right to work state effectively means You don't have to join a union means you can work without being a part of the driver union So determine the case just for example That's what we do hidden camera videos We have to make sure that it's a two one party consent state as opposed to a two party consent state right like Nevada When they used to do those prank call shows they would do like you remember crank yankers Yeah, yeah, they would do it in Nevada right because you know, it's one party consent state. No, it's two well in Nevada No, no, but California is one What do you mean? California well again the definition wrong, and I'm thinking is we both have to agree is that true yeah Yeah, they would do it in Nevada instead of California right that's what I'm saying Right in Nevada you only like you can call me up and prank me and I'm doing I wouldn't have to agree right that Might have changed it might change for example in Michigan. It was really controversial It was a one party consent state that depending on the judge read as a two party consent state So that's really scary because you can be in the clear right we recorded a prank call Or we found some kind of corruption, and it should be legal But there's a little wiggle room where they can say actually this isn't legal and you committed a felony oh So that's a problem with that okay, so in these right to work states yeah When you have this uber situation is the issue that it's taking cabs out of business Or is the issue that they are not paying people enough, and they're taking cabs out of business So people like the cab drivers if they switched over to becoming uber drivers. They would actually lose money Because these companies aren't regulated, so they don't have to pay Insurance health insurance. I mean that seems like what the issue is right. That's what they would say the issues are so not true Well no it's not necessarily true and again that depends on the state so first off I would want to clarify just for people listening It would not be the right to work states the right to work states would be fine right The right to work state means I have the right to say hey Do you want to work for this amount and you have the right to say yes? I'm not right to work long as it's above minimum wage everybody's cool Yeah, as long as I mean as cool as you can be right yeah, and what is a non right to work stage is when? Profession if there's an established union in that profession you can't work outside of that union right now That's does that the case with trades like like plumbing being a carpenter Repair yeah generally speaking is auto repair the heavy union Depends on the state depends on the state But Shale sunnen actually would have some stories about his dad being in the the plumbers union He has some stories about that Vince Vaughn has some funny stories about that He's told actually when he worked at his dad's like paper mill But but to go back to it again. I first off. I don't care if someone agrees to this price in this service I believe that's a marketplace of ideas and services And you have the right to do it, and I have the right to Provide those services now if uber is doing a poor job. Thank God. There's left right because there's some competition there But if the government steps in and says no you have to use the cabbies unions Well even then you can artificially increase wages at the expense of the taxpayer who now has to pay more for a taxi ride So I don't care I think that people should be able to make their own decisions if they want to do uber if they want to rent out their House and Airbnb, and I don't think that Nancy Pelosi in the Bay Area Representing her district should have any say in whether I can rent well I agree with you 100% on that and I think there's also a real problem with people resisting change because Technologically influence change is coming at such a high rate. There's no way you could put a finger in all the holes in the dam It's just you can't do it. Yeah, there's too many things that are happening They're gonna change the way we communicate change the way we do business change everything from top to bottom You're not gonna be able to stop it so any anytime you're trying to stop something like an uber the only thing that I think is That who you got to figure out where's the money? How's the money being distributed and is that fair? And if it's not fair, what's the what's the solution because is the solution? Alert people to what the actual numbers are and let it all sort itself out or is it passing regulation? I am a firm believer that the less regulation you have The better right and that's what it's not like environmental pollution type shit What Adam Smith talked about the invisible hand right the mark that moves the market I certainly believe that the market is more efficient at regulating itself than the government creating a monopoly well also because unions can be influenced and when you get large groups of people together, I think it's good because Like what a union can do is they can say, you know, hey, we're gonna stand strong We're not gonna let these people take advantage of us like some sort of slave labor factory in the Middle East or wherever the fuck It is we're gonna we're gonna figure out a way to you can if you work here You're gonna get an honest wage and I'm a hundred percent with that the problem is that You get giant groups of people that you can't go against someone's gonna be in control of those giant You know that's no different than being the mayor of a city or the leader of a country No different than being beholden to Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan, right? And if you look at the top political donors, you can bring that up on from open secrets If you look at the top 20, it's like 16 out of the top 20 are big unions So this idea that it's big banks and the Koch brothers and energy companies No one wields more influence in American politics today than big unions particularly because it's because it's power Because they can influence the people that are they can also take dues from you give a hundred percent to Democrats and you have no say Well, it's one of the big contributors to the war against drugs one of the big things that's happening in this country is the prison guard unions have spent money to ensure that Inocuous things like marijuana or they stay illegal because if they stay illegal and they keep their jobs like they've literally fought for that Like fought to keep more people in cages because that would earn them more money I mean, that's really what it is. We break it down to black and white It's did you just make a joke about the discriminatory prison system in the United States? That was cold I didn't say black and white because I meant black and white people I meant I could be black and white The reality of the situation is that prison guard unions are spending money and using their influence To ensure it didn't work as an excellent influence. I like from South Park that were edge To ensure that marijuana stays illegal and the reason why they're doing that is because they profit off of it So that's not an altruistic ideal. That's not someone who cares about the people that they represent That's not someone who cares about their community as a whole that's someone who's looking out for their best interest in a way That is negative right towards the general population with you And I think that's where the wall was pulled over people's eyes with people like Bernie. Well, he's from the people He's never gotten big donors That's actually not true If you look at the collective donations from union members and from union organizations And when you look at that and what bothers me is when people follow the money trail and only one side and act as though The political left is Unbeholden to people that's the big point what you just said on one side Because I think you can see the benefits in unions as well You can see the benefits in protecting wages and making sure that people get insurance and making sure that people live a good life That like if you're gonna work for this company, you're gonna be well compensated and you're gonna there's gonna be an agreement between the workers and The people that run the company. Well, it's a problem with that and the problem with that is but there's not always a problem with that There is occasionally sometimes no, there's that's the rule rather than the exception and I talked about this when we talk about the Walmart CEO For example makes 19 million right people are furious about that. Well Walmart employees 2.5 million people 1.5 million people a full-time So yeah that he's getting less than then Well, if you add up all all the workers not the full-time workers would be less than ten dollars per person He's employing and providing an active living So when you have workers who say well, he has 19 million that's more than my I have I have no million 19 is 19 more millions these people they pick an arbitrary number That's what Bernie Sanders are doing that the debate with Ted Cruz whether you like him or not It was such a floor mopping because Bernie Sanders dealt with these phantom fears and again tried to Victimize groups and marginalized groups and my point that I was talking about there is for example We talked about the victimized groups the marginalized groups who don't have insurance in the country, right? It was 40 something thousand. Well, most of them were young people who chose not to buy insurance So now you can stand your parents insurance till 26. There you go. We bought some votes So you talk about them and they're getting more affordable insurance now and now the play is we're gonna take all these people off of insurance Okay, so we're talking about that victimized group people who didn't buy insurance But what about the people who've seen their premiums go up hard-working Americans? 40 something percent 24 percent on average in certain states 46 percent sometimes 60 something percent their premiums have gone up Why don't we talk about the ramifications of the everyday Americans who now can no longer afford? Healthcare insurance and don't qualify for a government subsidy and if you look at the trend I will argue this and I'll dig my heels And if I feel I have to the political left seeks to divide and conquer and find for sure the most victimized group of that day How so like what do you mean the most most victimized group of that day to do what well I think well like right now For example, I'm just using that as an example because you said a concrete example with Obamacare So right now it's these people aren't gonna be able to afford insurance. Well, there are times people Let's not go too far away from unions. Okay, you were way out into the Obamacare pool Is deep and long no, no, it's not it's really not Obamacare's you subsidized technically healthcare sub the cost of other taxpayers Right who couldn't afford it and now they can't afford it Let's let's start from the beginning because you went way out there and you started out with the CEO I went out there you have Alex Jones and I went out there You went out there in terms of you covered so many different things before anybody could address either one of them You have to like slow down and like take it point by point You said that this guy makes so much money that if everybody gave him ten bucks like why should they give him ten bucks? Here's the thing like what is this guy's doing? Old biggest employer of people in the United what he's just a guy who works for them. He doesn't even own it Why is this guy makes so much money? I'm not saying he should I'm not saying he shouldn't right? He should make that much money, right? But why defend that why defend that why not? Why not have you see that's like that's like you say can I get a raise and they say no and you go away that guy Makes 15 fucking million dollars a year and he doesn't even work. What does he do? He sits behind there a lot of his punches punch. Let me unpack what you just said. There are a lot of assumptions He doesn't work. Why does that guy make that much money? How much obviously sometimes? This the factory this guy doesn't have a real job. He gets driven around a fucking limousine He gets 15 million. We can't get a raise. That's my point Well, you can just tell them this is too much But don't you think and this is what I think if that guy really does make that amount of money He's probably like how the fuck am I pulling this off? All is he doing extracting numbers from some system by his choice? I don't think so at all ones and zeros and moving things around and making sure the profit margin Trees and he gets a piece of that and he's just living like a fucking baller on a yacht a golden bikini with a bottle Fucking Dom Perignon and he has a cross dresser now Seven fun 15 million dollars this year you can do whatever the fuck he wants, but there's there's Room for debate as to what a job is worth And I think there's no good job on my show of having people on who disagree in engaging in those debates We don't just say There's how do I make an assumption there's room to your base soon how much a job is worth Yes There is room to debate So what it can be determined by the value of a company in the services rendered not some arbitrary number because Bernie Sanders throws at a percentage Point I'm not saying that he's right. I'm just saying well I think it's totally within the interest of all the people that work for a company that are critical to this company actually working To figure out like hey how much should we get for this how much do they get? and when one guy's getting 15 million bucks and the other guy's getting 15 dollars an hour and You get out like this guy if this guy doesn't work this guy doesn't get any money like these people have to work if they Didn't work the CEO would make zero dollars right because there would be no profit so someone has to work So I don't think it's outside the realm of rational discourse to discuss how much a person should make to be a CEO No, I don't think it's outside the realm of rational discourse I do think people are wrong when they say for example to take your argument how much a CEO should make I think that's silly You shouldn't be able to determine that just I don't think you should either just like I don't think you should be able to Say $15 an hour look I think if some fucking Flies if some super baller, you know Fucking Steve Jobs type character comes in and starts running a company and all sudden it goes Blockbuster through the roof and becomes Apple. I don't think you should be able to say that guy doesn't deserve way more money than the average person Goes fucking of course he does yeah that guy is an obsessed genius Who's making this okay exactly who does the term? I think the market does but isn't it a relationship between the people who are this is Bernie Sanders point of view I would imagine right the people that don't have a say The people that are they're making the least amount of money They're the easiest to replace and they're the ones that are worried about being treated fairly Well first off I would say have you no heart That's why they get mad they assume my your conservative therefore you don't care about poor people You care about poor people. Well, I was sleeping out of an 82 Datsun when I first lived in Los Angeles So um, I cared about myself. Let's put it that way. I used to be in high school, but I want to talk to those folks Yeah But that's that's the thing that they'll say is write a tribute motive and I think and I think we both know I think you don't do it. I don't do it. I don't attribute motive I don't say well you you do this because you hate poor people or you do this because But you do have to look at the numbers and you do look at a certain point when people say they're underrepresented They have no voice. Well, that's not true with union workers. They have a huge voice They have huge political influence these people don't not write a voice They have a voice you know what entertainment industry they have you know The entire music industry has been so far left for so long pushing for these same idea not country A lot of those people actually pretty fuck kid rock which is how most come on son pretty far left country music is not far left So you're taking an extremely okay? Let's remove country fuck out of dog She well stop you remove country. It's one of the biggest genres of music in this country not only that I bet they sell more fucking albums than anybody is Country going out there and making redacted and lions for lambs and rendition and avatar and all these these anti Corporate screeds the point is I know what you're talking about what do you say in his country is not gonna the movie Yeah, we're saying yeah fucking movie about aliens bro avatar the movie is possibly the biggest piece of neo-environmentalist propaganda Pizza game you son of a bitch. Did you see James Cameron is a fucking amazing movie Blue aliens now love just out of boredom that guy fell in love with that blue alien he became one of them, bro He was paralyzed they put him inside the blue alien mind James Cameron could buy an island and paint people blue and have them run around for the rest of his life if he wanted instead He decides to print them out on blu-rays using petroleum. It was a dope movie, and you're a fucking communist Communist it's a fucking great movie. No I hate it. No I hated it. I thought it was a terrible Christ dude is great Really fucking flying dragons Badass Marines what else do you want what kind of a pussy am I talking to what happened to you? You've been up in Michigan too long. It's too cold in the winter It's too cold in the winter therefore. I need to like a bad for your brain You don't think straight just want to stay home You like it. Do you actually like avatars this Saturday can't wait for avatar to really hurt. It's underwater even better They just stole that idea from Mario level two. Let's make it a new camera is a bad motherfucker He's one of the best directors of all times sure he's a classic director Moron I don't care about his politics. He makes great See I was talking about the media the entertainment industry the backlash for someone who I'm not even a huge supporter of Donald Trump Neither one of us are so they're gonna be relatively objective, so let's remove country But if you look at the internet have you turned on seeing it or some drink slow down have you turned on CNN Reese Cheers Cheers Cheers well oh my god drink it gotta go to the airport. This is literally like Relax if you let me bring it that was a dope movie It was horrible the guy in high school if you love me you'll drink it who the fuck were you partying with? Kid rock being considered as potential Senate I know you see that today hold the fuck on is that true. It's a bow hunter I'm voting for him actually saw his interview with Dan rather last night was pretty interesting. Yeah He's a lot smarter than I think you I'd give him credit for he's not a dumb guy He's not a dumb guy and have you ever seen him alive? No, I have not but I like what he does you know what he does he puts a lot of effort Extremely low ticket prices like 20 bucks for a guy like him That's huge sells out these places, and he gets a piece of the booze. He's smart He's a smart guy that was that why he's given his audience like a good deal Yeah, he makes a good deal with the venues like look if kid rock showing up this fucking place is selling out Yeah, so let's just make a deal. Let's make a deal and his deal is is really smart. I like what he's doing Well, it's a good example of a guy not being forced to do it. Yeah, right He's just doing it because he wants to do something that helps people plus He's got a dope Cadillac you ever seen his Cadillac happened He had one of them West Coast customs custom-made Cadillac is the shit man. What do you goddamn impressive? That's it. Just makes sense. He's had a year. He did it remember that so I think if you get started He started a beer company. It was called like badass American badass or something beer. I like kid rock there I said it these do you like his music? Yeah, that's a dude no I like them some of his music is not bad I agree with you some of his music is really not bad and it's become popular to crap on him I like them for that Cadillac These unabashedly friends with Ted Nugent now you still really into cars I love cars because I remember I was listening to your podcast once and you said It's only to the point when you make so much money that you no longer care about money and use your car as an example You said you know for example like I got a dent or something in my car at one point would have lost my mind Because that car meant so much and now it's like okay. It's only a car So that was a good point though that you made that when you have enough money It's kind of like it's what I call guerrilla Buddhism Okay, like the idea of this there's part of Buddhism that you should not be attached to items You should not be attached to objects And you you know I have a friend of mine who became Buddhist monk and he wouldn't even have sex anymore He gave up on sex all carnal pleasure all pleasure all attachment to women attachment to relationships and the idea is that you don't want to be connected to that because what you are connected to owns you and My take on that was okay, but does it have to own you right like can't you just enjoy automobiles? Can't you enjoy an engineering you say that you can't have a you know you can't own a thing can't possess a thing I feel like that is so ignorant of the world that we live in it's so ridiculous You're choosing to act in a way that you're ignoring this amazing Technological revolution that is going on right before your eyes And it is going to fucking happen whether you ride a bike to work or not. It's gonna happen It's what people do we are a part of this cascade of electronic progress of Electronic innovation and is never gonna stop and that's and that's until we kill ourselves I want to go back to that point the car, but you know that would be a good analogy That's my thing about a business because of iPhones or we put you know Cars no no but there's nothing wrong with Appreciating out things that people make whether it's an automobile whether it's a painting a sculpture I feel like cars are Like people look at them as just transportation, and I totally appreciate that because they are works of art if you get a Prius It's just transportation. That's at the works of art so if you get a 1969 Mustang that is a goddamn Marvel of time yeah, it is a moment where people decided to just create something that just looks inherently like Like Collectively badass there's no no one looks at a 69 Mach 1 I goes that's fucking gross if you do fuck You know what that is if you do fuck you right if you look at a 69 Mustang You don't you don't say wow that's crazy looking that's amazing But it's not a big irony that you're able to appreciate it and not be attached to it because you've been more financially successful Well, that's what I say. I mean. This is the whole point of this whole thing. It's it's not a rational Normal position to take as most people are behind the eight ball all the time and always need to pay their bills Look at that car look behind you sir Look at that guy yeah the world cuts it in and out we talked about that earlier before you were drunk That's a fucking amazing car man that 1969 Mustang is a Marvel it all came together. It's just they figured it out They just figured out some way to make something that just is incredibly pleasing to your eyes and doubles as transportation No, I should get one right There's a company that takes them and this is what I like They take the the inside of it and the engine all that stuff out and they put a 2012 Shelby GT 500 inside of it, so you get like anti-lock brakes you get airbags you get everything Yeah, and then they you know they put it together and so that's the way to go It's it's this was actually my experience with very nice cars I want to buy a car, and I had very little money, so I went and I looked there was a 2003 Ford Taurus with like 60,000 miles on it an old guy had cataracts, so they took away his license You know I can drive and like no they took away his license So I went in to buy this Taurus the guy took like four grand for it not a great car It's getting you from point A to point B, but I had to walk through cars one from George W. Bush One I can't remember the singer And there was one that was the exact same model of car that James D died in apparently They're only like 13 or 15. Poor spider you had a poor spider. No no I didn't have it I walked through it. Here's the crazy thing this guy. Well. Let me finish this guy who was selling this old 2003 Taurus What are you a ghost this is what he drove right, but you know what his business was his business was Customizing cars like that poor spider and doing high-end cars people like George W Bush the nicest cars in the country and he drove a 2003 Ford Taurus that I bought from him It was the most it was just the surreal experience walking through these cars that I mean you don't even want to touch Right you want to put a fingerprint on it and this guy I found out later was a multi-millionaire could afford any car that he wanted He'd had 2003 Taurus well some people do that because they want to stay low-key, and they just want to just kind of chill Yeah, you know there's there's that there's definitely that like Henry Rollins drives a Mazda 6 He drives like a regular car and the reason why does it is cuz he's just like he's not he doesn't give a fuck Henry wants like sit in front of his gigantic $200,000 speakers and listen to records yeah, he doesn't care about his car So like for him it's like he doesn't want a ball. He doesn't want a floss you wear the same t-shirt He has like a hundred gray t-shirts. He wears the same thing every day said well He's a fascinating character in that regard because he's a guy who has financial means like he has a very wealthy guy right But he chooses not to spend it on things like that. Yeah, well It's like my dad gave me this analogy one time We're talking about cars with the ability to appreciate it, but you don't need it It's like air right if you all of a sudden you stopped breathing You don't have air all you can think about is breathing right that's the first thing We'll just like in your jitsu if you're being suffocated by a 300 pound guy inside control Well, it's the same thing with money if you take away the money all you can think about is money because you need money and My point was like we were talking about earlier is we don't want people in those positions Determining exactly what I have to do with my money well conversely personally as soon as you get money you get this stress Alleviation sure that's palpable. I mean I'm sure it's happened to you because you've been really successful over the last few years When you all of a sudden don't worry about whether or not you could pay gas bill this month, right? It's a different feeling until I was 25 years old every Day of my life was checked check every damn I was barely mean fucking barely, you know lying to the landlord I sent it what happened? You know I mean everybody Everybody's been in that situation where you're like literally wondering how much can I spend today to eat? You know and I've been I've been there and then we all been there the moment I got a development deal way back in the day with Disney of all people Yeah of all people I was on a Disney show Because you're just they're like he's a young good-looking guy. Let's yeah, I was a little stud muffin when I was young They saw your set like uh, no, I was boy pretty where you want to be on TV. Uh, well, it was you know 1993 or something like that so I got a development deal because I did an MTV half-hour comedy hour remember those shows I did one episode of the MTV half-hour comedy hour and I got a development deal from Disney because of it I got like this little thing and there's they sent me some money and As soon as they sent me some money It was like literally like someone just took a weight like lifted it like I was carrying around a weighted backpack Right my whole life and they took it off and it wasn't enough money where I was wealthy where I could say I don't Have to work again, but it was enough money where I didn't have to think about money for a year, right? And so all of a sudden I was like wow This is what it feels like to not worry about your bills Like I've never felt this before and then I became obsessed with maintaining that position Okay, once you realize that I was like, oh my god, I'm a bulldog. I'm gonna work constantly I'm gonna I'm gonna do stand-up. I'm not quitting anything What can this why would I want to know why was that because I realized how important it is to not be dependent on anyone Yeah to not to not change like here's the thing about look you're talking about Hollywood the way people would behave in Hollywood It's in many ways. It's a Self-enforcing ideology in that you you know that someone like Meryl Streep who gets up in front of the Golden Globes or whatever the fuck it Was and says crazy shit real arts, but right but when she's saying that what she's doing is she's like It's a war cry for for the like-minded. Yeah, you know, there's no reason to say that and for any other reason She's she wants to rally the troops. Yeah, she wants to enforce her ideas and she wants to make sure that everyone is on board And the reason she said something shows royalty is because Hollywood royalty because and because of that She would say something that stupid that was received the way it was because she probably ran it by a bunch of people beforehand I'm not a sound that the point is not a single person there. They all roared and cheered. Not a single person there goes What of course they're surrounded by people, but but what I'm saying is yeah that those people That are reacting to that they may agree with it or they may feel like they have to agree with it Yeah, I don't ever want to be the guy who feels like he has to agree with something, right? I grew up in a weird way where like my parents got they broke up when I was really young And we moved around a lot and I didn't have roots like I didn't live in one place until Massachusetts when I was 13 Right. I lived there for a long time. That was the first place I lived for a long time and I got a chance to see the way people cling to ideas versus Actually believe things and I think it's very important to find out what you actually believe and it's almost impossible in Hollywood Yeah, because in Hollywood people have to audition for things right and I've been there man It's gross you go in this room and some person looks at you and they have a clipboard And they're judging you and they have power and the same way that you Power and unions can control groups of people the same thing can happen for really self-righteous Ideologues who happen to be holding that clipboard? Well, then there's also the throwing out the baby with the bathwater We're calling anybody who has a worldview in ideologue and I do think that you're susceptible if you don't have a Framework from which you look through the world if you don't have a prism where you go. Okay, hold on a second If you're a hardcore Democrat do or die without any exceptions whatsoever You're an ideologue if you start going us versus them I kind of had conversations with people in Hollywood where they've talked to me about the Democratic Party They go we have to win the house right in the house. Then we get this. I go. What is this we man? Yeah, you make a fucking cartoon, but then you have people who just go man. It's left and right there. It's all the same No, it's not you do need to determine a prism through which you see the world. For example, there's a very clear decision You make do I believe in choice? Do I believe in freedom and personal liberty or do I believe in equal outcomes? And that doesn't mean that you line up with either party the same on every single issue But it is a filter through which you will be able to see explain those options again You have to make it someone has to make a decision right now But why value three options you said no I put two options in one What about you as a double liberty personally liberty and choice right and choice freedom of choice or do I value? The idea of equal outcomes. Oh, well equal outcomes is ridiculous because I can't play basketball But you can't understand that unless you have some kind of it people don't like that There's an ism there don't you think the law that is people need to compete in things people need to play dodgeball They need to bring back dodgeball. You gotta realize stay away from that big fucker that guy throws that dodgeball It's gonna hurt when the little kid gets hit rush him That's real the Asian kid with the glasses That's you read him as soon as the whistle maybe that kid's a bad motherfucker. Maybe he's from Thailand Maybe people didn't fuck with him since he was little pretty rare catch him outside. I'll kick you in the dick How about that guy possible? That's entirely possible But the point is there there is an ism and people don't need to shy away from saying you know what I do have A worldview there is an ism. What do you mean by an ism? There is an ism where people? whether it's conservatism left ism Right wing is a liberalism. I don't think anybody's ever said there is a lot of people like to act as though Well cuz liberalism is the first person to say left ism I know I don't think so at all been alive for 49 years never heard a single motherfucker say left is well because today's left Is not the same as classical liberals the word left ism. We don't skirt the issue. Yeah, that might be the first time anybody's I'll use it. Have you ever heard left ism? Fuck I'll stick with it. I don't care. I don't think liberalism describes the current you know the current progressive movement But people a lot of people say well, I'm not an ideologue Well actually a lot of people they don't realize they are to some degree and you just have to determine to which degree that Is and recognize that about yourself everyone has a leaning well everyone has a bias it easier No, it makes it easier to get along if you subscribe to a predetermined set of values and ideas I'm not talking about that there's no predetermined set of values or ideas if someone says okay I'm looking at the world to this lens do I look through it where we need to ensure Fairness and equal outcomes or do I look through it in the idea that people should be free to make their own decisions That doesn't mean you're subscribing to the Republican people you're talking about your first initial suit Well, I'm talking about we were talking about really recently, but I agree with you. Yeah. Yeah, I mean I think what we should do see I Think a big part of the problem with human beings today is That's that it's not a fair hand of cards that we're all dealt and some want to pretend that it is It's not. Mm-hmm. It's just not and you know it and I know it and we say well You know what you got to do with the best with what you've got and I agree with that Yeah, the real problem with that is the people that got two fucking ones Those people more that are prone. Well because for them the guy with four aces just got Donald Trump jr. You know, he's like you lucky motherfucker. By the way, Donald Trump jr. Is a very nice guy He's a sportsman and a hunter you have to do that now that he's an hour. No, I like him. He's my friend I mean, I'm a big hunting advocate. He is I mean, I only text him but he's good buddies Oh my god, you should know you're gonna the forms are gonna go nuts Joe Rogan Illuminati Donald said it before I've said it before He's a very friendly guy I've every single person that I know that has come in contact with Donald Trump jr. Said he's a lovely man Nothing, but good things about him. Let me that's a hundred percent became more wealthy when you became more successful Do you find yourself being more generous? I've always been a generous person, but whenever I could be yeah Because I realized the importance of camaraderie I realized because I didn't have a lot of friends cuz I was constantly moving around so when I had friends I valued them greatly they were they were not disposable like my friends to me like they are as Important as my family a bunch of my friends have lived with me Yeah, you know like when they've been broke like when I was single especially like Tate live with me Duncan live with me They were like I got nowhere to go much. Fuck you do come on, man So money just amplify your character didn't change it. Well it it helped me help people Right when I had the opportunity to do something Look if you see someone and they're a good friend and you're you're you have a bounty of wealth I could say a good friend is hungry You have all this food You would have to be some kind of piece of shit to say don't eat my food that I can never possibly all eat myself Right you would want them to eat so you feel better But my point is that's who you are right and I will say Joe has been well You've been generous with me in the sense of actually allowing me on the show Supporting content whether people get mad about it or not and I appreciate that But the point is the money didn't change you would amplify. It's like alcohol it amplifies your character You're not a racist and you know, I'm not an alcoholic. So it amplifies my care Amplify your care, right? And so that's important people to know because you have if you if you take that and you believe that again as a worldview That money doesn't necessarily it can doesn't inherently change who you are You'll find that you'll see just as many greedy poor people as you will wealthy people and that's important because when we're deciding on some Arbitrary number and we just toss it to democracy You can have just as many greedy portions of the masses as you would big bankers and they can just vote in their own self-interest And that's not right either. What do you mean by an arbitrary number liquid? Well, I'm saying what should a CEO make right? What's the fair minimum wage? And if you understand that there can be people making less than minimum wage who if they got the Joe Rogan They made their break you worked really hard But all of a sudden they have millions of dollars. They're just as greedy as they are making $13 an hour again It's no human condition question. We are correct Yeah, that there are people that don't care about other people's feelings no matter what they make But I would say to you do you have kids not yet No I would say to you as a parent that a big part of that was how they were treated while they were developing Sure, and there's genetic variables. There's people that have illnesses mental illnesses There's all sorts of there's all sorts of variables when it comes to who is Steven Crowder at 29 years of age Yeah, who are you? How did you get to this point or who am I at 49 years of age? How did I get to this point 49 49? right Well, I was watching the day where you lifted a kettlebell I'm a strong motherfucker I probably didn't say that you did say that you said those exact words Brian Callan. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's right. He was talking to me about Really talking about 450 pounds like deadlifts. I'm like, dude, that's not that much. Yeah You said you do with a trap for 50. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I am I had knee surgery recently And so for me, I know you went through the jujitsu drawbacks and you got back in and blew your ACL out Well, actually I tore my LCL and the ACL was slightly torn But they were like the actually the guy who does the surgery in the red wings. He came out he goes Do you wrestle I said yeah, he goes. Okay, we rarely ever see an LCL that torn without a blown out ACL It's like did you do anything where your ankle was going towards your face guard pass? Yeah But the problem is they went in and they they fixed that but that wasn't the real real problem The real problem is my kneecap I guess whatever it is the tissue that holds that in place is gone And they said it would be easier if you had a torn ACL to fix because we know what it is Like with a kneecap take it out do a replacement. There's really a place you kneecap I mean they said so he basically said there's no reason to do anything with a kneecap because we don't know what Save their place it replace it with an iron one. Yeah, and just start Rich Franklin versus Anderson Silva. Oh gosh and just rearrange his face. That was so Breaking to watch you know a lot of dudes wear steel cups Necessarily think there's a law against it in the UFC. They started making laws against it in Brazilian jiu-jitsu Jujitsu cuz you talk into the damn I can't talk no no here's the deal I had a buddy of mine did it to me once my friend Amir Renovardi He got on top No He got on top of me mounted me and he had a steel cup on and he was essentially fucking my solar plexus It was totally uncomfortable because in a match. Well, it's it's metal I mean you have a metal piece and it really affects arm bars in particular It creates an unnatural fulcrum well a back take to is really uncomfortable exactly it's going into your lower Regular cup like I use a diamond MMA cup. You know what those are those are their compression shorts Yeah, they're in compression shorts and the outside of them is like this rubberized thing Yeah And the outside in the front is all like a really hard plastic like they've there's videos of them Showing people taking like full groin shots on purpose Advertisements like in kicking balls. He really does protect you in an amazing way But it doesn't hurt like a dot like one of those steel tie cups So these dudes who are fucking real sadists they get these steel tie cup. It's definitely an advantage and is that why they use it Oh, yeah. Well, I think Kenny For you to still come yeah, I was just gonna say Kenny Florian fought with it I'm pretty sure I'm a pretty closely if you fucking mess up and you kicked Kenny Florian in the dick You can break your foot kid imagine that though that bar fight. Hey, why are you walking with a limp? I kicked Kenny Florian in the dick. I'm sure he doesn't wear it to the bar. I'm talking about it in a cage You don't know that's a judgment. I would make him judge Kenny. Yeah, but he wears tight pants. There's no way There's no way he's got a fucking you know We have to impress at the local dive does no one that he's looking impressed. He's a married man You son of a bitch. I thought you were conservative Kenny Florian. There you go there. I'm gonna take more tobacco Packet in I don't ask that tip to to kiss it as they look Joe Rogan so generous But I do believe in again and going with the idea of isms Generate this is a message to people that like wonder whether they should be generous or not generosity Makes you feel better. It does just does like it's not a selfish thing well to like this idea that or Not not necessarily not a selfish thing this idea that to keep your money yourself You're protecting yourself. You're looking out for number one. It's not true, right? It's it's the wrong way to think because when you're generous, especially when you're generous to friends It's super important the people you actually love that you express that to those people when you do do that It's good for you, too. It just doesn't seem like it's good for you because people are so survival-oriented There's a great book called who really cares? It's about famine mentality Brooks or David Brooks But he went out kind of seeing who actually donates and who's generous and kind of going by Political persuasion by geographical, you know by just you know, let me guess conservatives are number one. Yes, so But especially religious ones, yeah, yeah, yeah that is actually true Fucking Michigan first off Minnesotan my home state especially with jihadi's out there, you know, you've seen the most But There is the the ism This is one thing that I do that I do sincerely believe and this is why I don't shy away from saying listen I'm a conservative You said something was pretty telling you said because I really I wanted to work hard I never wanted to be beholden to someone again, right? So you made that decision Well, you knew that if you did that and you worked hard, then you wouldn't be beholden to someone else That was that was the the assumption you made. Okay, but there's a lot of Just go this real quick the assumption that that is free enterprise free enterprise or capitalism to use the term, right? It can only work under the under an optimistic society under people believing they can retire and do better socialism collectivism Can only operate by appealing to people's most selfish nature by appealing to people saying listen the cards or the deck is stacked against you You can't do this. There's someone else out there who has an ace in the hole You've been born without the leg up that they have therefore I need to help you that is the big difference capitalism can only survive an optimism or as collectivism requires the worst of human nature to sustain itself maybe I Believe that but wouldn't it be nicer if people just if someone figured out a way to say hey How much do you really need instead of saying you have to do this and put people in their heels? No, it's not like a nightmare. No, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is Can you contribute a small amount that's not even gonna affect you but it's gonna help other people and Do you do that? And if you do do that, how do you do it? Do you do it in the form of generosity like do you tip waitresses more than you should? Yeah Do you do it in the form of giving out to charities that you feel are very worthy and you know you've researched them And you know the people that are behind them. Do you do it in terms of you know social work you do Do you do it in terms of putting out? Informational videos that help people figure out how they can advance their own lives We all do in certain and I know you do to certain charitable things amongst people we care about When you address causes that you care about you go out of your way in a non selfish way right try to illuminate certain things or Add to the coffers of certain organizations that are doing what you think are good good things I agree, but that should be enforced more than the idea that some people are fucking you right right well I agree with you, and that's again that idea like you're talking about why are you giving to this cause? Why are you why are you donating your time right you're either comes down either donating money or time really at the end of the day? It's some sort of material goods or time Because you're doing it with the belief that you'll help people It doesn't work if you're being forced to because you don't all the some people that do it for a tax break no That's silly No one gives away a hundred thousand dollars to get a get a forty thousand dollar tax break The math does you might have to if you run some fucking? LLC you might have some weird shit. I'm an LLC aren't you an LLC of course? I'm talking about the other LLC son pipes Let's smoke in a pipe smells amazing doesn't it it's good. It really does smell good That's um it's definitely way better than cigarettes which shows you how much the FDA has been fucking you well actually they've now pipes are a Controlled tobacco product which they didn't used to be but it's all the chemicals that are actually added to cigarettes What does that mean is it mean the hard to get I have to show my I need to get pipe no There's no there's something that's because with pipe tobaccos a lot of these local like a local tobacco shop They'll do their own blends So they'll buy pipe tobacco in bulk like that seersucker from someplace in one of the Carolinas And I think that's changing so it actually removes the artistry where a lot of people like this is this is the blend I can Get in I don't know you know Holland, Michigan. You can't get anywhere else It's amazing that's going away and what that does FDA steps in is what it favors the big boys who send out their tins from one Centralized company the smaller tobacconists can't compete. That's the worry about marijuana Well right if it'll go legal you don't need these dispensaries anymore right isn't that kind of what'll happen. They'll be out of business exactly It's problem well what but also people it's okay to possess it and so can you sell it or? Your friends can give you some it's the most satisfying weed ever got my yoga teacher gave it to me Sounds about right how about that? Every time my wife goes in there trying to give her some kind of weird incense or a new essential every time she goes To the pot store yoga. Oh yoga. Yo, there's always a big difference between essential oils and pot No, not pot, but they're always got something you know they want to put on incense or something There's my point my point is you're beholden to the yoga instructor So they use it sometimes the sales and my yoga instructor pure and she's my friend. What's with the posing with the pipe fuck you? Oh That's who can't see when Joe just said fuck you it actually blew out his own lighter fuck you Fuck you right wing Listen, I mean I sit firmly in the flip-flopping position of the middle you don't though you're pretty you're think you're think you're pretty fair And I do like to think that I mean it's really hard to get leftist guests on our show. That's just reality We try and book them and then after a couple of times well, you know what's the most leftist guess you've ever had Well we had a mom shout re who actually said I should die on air whoa yeah He's the guy who now he's in jail for for giving to Isis or something from the UK So we had to we had to create a whole new sky said you should die on air Why why they say you should die oh because I did a three studios routine dressing up as my home I remember that of his three-year-old wife. Yeah, isn't that amazing you should die for that You die for dressing up as a guy outside of that you know Sally cone is pretty far left Christopher Titus That's what I wanted to talk about oh, I want to talk about Michael Woods jr. Cuz we try to have a money wouldn't come on the Christopher Titus debate was one of the most painful ones I've ever watched Was it painful for you it was because I felt as though I usually do try and get into an engagement of ideas And he was just screaming so much. I'm it was more painful for me because I'm a dad Yeah, and I don't care about dead kids something No, something went wrong somewhere along the line to get him to that place where he's arguing about something where he really doesn't know The facts yeah, it wasn't it wasn't just that it was when you were throwing out laws Regulations in he just didn't know enough. Yeah kept arguing about it You know when someone's arguing about something, and they don't know exactly what they're talking about Yeah, and they've gone down a dark road and instead saying okay I can't really talk about this because I don't I don't have any facts and my disposal instead of doing that He kept arguing it yeah, and I was like oh Jesus, and I contacted you afterwards like Jesus, bro This is rough well He was also you were very nice about that you were very nice to him while it was going on because it was fucking ugly And you were very nice afterwards you didn't glow we had him back We had him back one time get one chance some common dynamics. He just gets so mad yes, Sally cone Well he's saying you don't care about dead kids That's the motive thing that I'm talking about here's the thing I don't shy away from a motive thing it was it was it was a conversational Debate ploy is like he it was a crude debate They pull he's trying to box you into a corner. I want to say this because I appreciate Christopher Tedes, and we talked off air I do too he's a nice guy Whereas someone like a Michael Woods jr. Who refused to come on the show tried to leverage coming on this show to debate me Oh is dishonest and someone who's afraid or Michael Ian Black? Who I recently got into it with hopefully he'll come on the show a lot of times get in there with him Literally, I was on air and all he did was we talked about this last time my video on rape culture you saw it With Elena Dunham thing where it's one in four women are raped and in the video I literally say I'm not saying rape isn't a horrible crime and those people should be buried beneath the train tracks, okay, okay? I'm also not apologizing for I literally say that in the video, okay, okay? And then I get into the stats as to why rape culture doesn't exist in the United States and it does in the Middle East so all Michael Ian Black tweets out is A portion of that video a snippet that is not the statistics that I present a snippet That's a sketch cutaway just tweets out holy shit And this is the thing that a lot of someone sent that to him if he got a clip Well, I saw that there it goes for this just reach out holy shit And this is a constant thing right that often people who disagree with me politically who I identify as a left go Crowder doesn't think there's a rape culture and so if they say it as though it's absurd enough people go Yeah, that's silly, but I say well hold on tell me why I'm wrong and so I said well come on the show Tell me why I'm wrong and he said well I wouldn't want two straight white guys debating rape culture I'd rather you talk with someone who's a victim of rape or a woman would have a better handle on it So I said okay, how about you talk with one of my two head writers case here Courtney? They disagree with you They'd be glad to debate it No I don't think it's gonna go and then I had to call him out on air to the point where he's agreed to come On next Thursday, but again the point is holy shit. This is absurd. Why is it absurd? Tell me why I don't want to show up if you have to ask then you don't know and that's the position today that we see On cable news that we see from in this election, but you particularly see from people trying to silence dissent I love the idea of as a white man You shouldn't be able to talk about the certain thing you should be able to talk about bugs on Jupiter Okay, it doesn't fucking matter right what your sexual orientation is what your gender is what your race is You should be able to talk about things right just because you talk to somebody about something doesn't mean you the premier Expert of it right the premiere you're the premier expert of it. No, you should be able to talk about things I think you're right and that's a silly that's a silly Whether you it's a plea to the left. Yeah that really is that's a What that is is you're saying things that you think peace people could possibly criticize you about right and you're cutting it off at The pass before their preposterous ideas get to you and your Twitter feed well to me I mean like you said you you disagree with people and certain things, but you're not a coward ideologically I'm not some up physically, but you'll allow people on who you disagree with and you'll change your mind I'm not definitely change my mind I'm not married to my ideas as much as I get criticized for that no I think you're I think you're pretty consistent in that and I think on the flip side What we try and do is I say listen. This is my bias. This is what I believe. What's your bias? Oh my you said I'm right-wing what are you what if you had it like if you go goddamn Maybe I went too far down this road if I could just relax one aspect of my my Dialogue what would it be? Me it would be my pipe smoking your pipe smoking I probably you know I probably wouldn't talk about the marijuana issue that I wouldn't care because here's the thing I don't care About it one way or the other but my issue with it is when and we saw some Montreal I talked about it when people lie about it, and they're dishonest with their voting constituency like how so well saying You know it's medicine for ABC or D. It may be medicine for a but not for BC or D What are the BC's and D's? Well you're asking me what I wouldn't talk about and asking me to defend it the my point is I don't really care about It but what are the BC's and D? What you said here's cancer Well there has been shown it helps with cancer about as much as numeric and ginger those things I know but it's not a prescription CBD has been shown to see tremendous tremendous benefits for cancer and non-psychoactive Yeah, and certainly with seizures. I haven't zero problem with CBD But my issues of cannabis yeah, I feel the need to call people out in bullshit when they say well the reason it's not because of big Pharmaceutical companies go home second there are seven patents on chemical compounds for marijuana right now right the people who stand to make the most out Of marijuana legalization of pharmaceutical companies. That's why they're not so true Well it is if you look at the biggest supplement companies owned by the same pharmaceutical company you can't pound the one man Yes, you can they've patented seven seven and we can't curtain rains Animals no no seven active chemical compounds in pot that have been patented as drugs They've gone through the process yeah, but one that's really efficient the point where you can't grow pot How would you stop someone if legal if pots legal? How would anyone and if they if that's the truth that that's a real problem pot is recognized as a medicine, right? If pot is recognized there is no one who would stand to gain more than pharmaceutical companies by providing it's not necessarily True of people allowed to maybe it's not really true I'll give you that but I also think it's not necessarily true that the reason people can't smoke up is because big pharma is sitting Somewhere you know Martin Shkreck Lee going no, let's make pot illegal. Yeah, well not that's my only point, but there are Absolutely people who have lobbied as we talked about how the prison guard union has lobbied to keep marijuana illegal There's absolutely pharmaceutical companies have done the same thing was revealed in the WikiLeaks memos This is where I was saying was don't interrupting you fuck where Hillary Clinton said that she's against marijuana in every sense of the word Right you remember those those we're pretty against it came out. Yeah, is he he said he would leave it up to the states Yeah, that's actually a constitutional approach, but he's pretty he wants to beef up the war on drugs You know why I bet someone slipped him a pot cookie once and he looked at his hair in the mirror No, he's a teetotaler. He's even drink Sold vodka doesn't drink Donald Trump. It's great. Yeah ever No, he says he Colorado topped 1 billion in legal marijuana sales in 2016 good holla. Yeah Hala, Colorado. Yeah, but another thing that we just wrote about and again people get mad with the weed issue Well, no traffic fatalities regarding marijuana have skyrocketed Google that because that's nonsense Drunk driving arrests have dropped what do you mean you've what first of all I wrote about what the source of the original Just because someone gets in an accident and they're high see because hold on stop no You just run too much and you stop you talk hold on no no no no I don't talk about graphs I make full points if People are high a lot in the same amount of fatalities exist But the people that get checked once they get into these accidents happen to be high It does not necessarily mean that marijuana cause those fatalities It could be that you have an increased incidence of people doing marijuana and Altercations it could not have been avoided. It could be it could be but the statistical change is measurable Well, what is it you're talking about in Colorado in states where it's been decriminalized go. It's Colorado pull it up I'm all second. You just said let me make my point again. My point is I don't care about it. Yeah, you do No, I really don't you don't care about you Get so touchy about it because someone says you know what if people want to smoke up fine I just don't really buy the arguments that everyone is in some big conspiracy to try and snuff it out No, there are some and the idea that the drug war will end and the idea that it's it's cures cancer I just don't buy that and it does so upset well listen Studies have proven that it shrinks tumors that it helps people with cancer much like tumeric What much like any things that reduce inflammation and community heart cherry, right? But it's not necessarily a magic They should they're all legal and there's no issue because they're not psychoactive, right? But there are beneficial so all these things are good Marijuana is one of the things that are good and feet don't sure man Just like you don't sure to Merrick you don't sure ginger You don't sure a reduced sugar diet all those things that reduce inflammation or good I don't I don't buy that smoking marijuana would be as beneficial as a reduced sugar diet And my point is that people might be offended you might be saying that and saying but if you want to smoke Go ahead you might be correct But it doesn't matter because it's not a fucking contest to see what's the most beneficial if the question is is it beneficial and is it? Damaging it is it does matter what's damage it no no let me finish my point it does matter You said what would you not talk about I said probably pot cuz I don't care. Well, what do you think? And your eyes light up and all of a sudden we're in a lot of G and world you Disgust no you Like a tractor beam on the most important issue of the day that I said I don't care You're the guy that thinks people should be able to do whatever your free market guy, right? So if you're a free market guy, why wouldn't you be in support of something? Whether it's the most beneficial or equally beneficial, but you're not necessarily because you're denying Chemical compound face you did No, I should come on. It's been a good conversation friends. I'm just joking since marijuana legalization highway fatalities in Colorado are We have been bringing up the source that you want to fall Washington bring up the study right there at yeah Washington post bring up the study that we wrote we wrote about on our website look I don't care about your website you fuck since marijuana legalization highway fatalities in Colorado Since you call me a fucking a pussy you do this with the crazy lady to comedy club and funny I think if you scream enough that it makes up on my point is I don't think that if we smoke up and you just Said it was interrupting you're interrupting screaming because you don't care about it up a post You're not but I don't buy That it's as valuable as a low sugar diet and the fact doesn't have the ass value can't have a conversation about this as civilly As you did every other issue tells me that there's a not sure there's a problem This is a TNT powder can this problem is I get very defensive when people start talking over me And you started first, but the reality is that it's a low sugar diet is fine It's good, too But why is there a competition between a low sugar diet and tumeric and marijuana and CBD oil? Why why why does one is making the claim? Regarding legality that it cures cancer my only No, my only point is because the other ones are already legal they don't have to fight Yeah, but no one's prescribing no one's dishing out Dispensaries for tumeric or ginger they certainly are if you go to these local juice shops anyway you go to these juice shops people are promoting Change like crazy to America like crazy. I couldn't care people couldn't kill us people want to smoke joints. You're an idea lock, buddy Really? That's an ideologue position by saying leave it to the state. Yeah, you're you're locked in man really You're locked deep into this fucking lock house a thing man I was raised in a socialist province where your bread is buttered buddy a socialist province and you're over here in America Fucking just as much of an immigrant as some dude who sneaks over the wall trump just built a born in Detroit So that remains to be seen it could be annexed Mmm, it's a good happen. So horrible Detroit. Have you seen that thing where there is a guy who is making a An urban farm in Detroit. Oh, that's very common in Detroit now. Well, he's got the largest urban farm And he's bought up all this land and as he's bought up all this land He's taking these like dilapidated houses. They tear him down He's building his farm really cheap land and people are getting pissed off at him They're getting pissed off because this one guy now buys all this land. They're like, well, what about us? Yeah, and this is this weird thing that's going on where people somehow or another are mad at this guy He was trying to do something positive. I'm not mistaken on that story I could be wrong, but urban farming was a real we wrote about that when we did this report in Detroit I was telling actually Jamie about it beforehand We did a real-time ride along because people said we selectively edited the worst parts of Detroit So I went back with my producer not gay Jared We said, okay We're gonna start dead center downtown Detroit where all the hipsters drink their coffee and talk about how it's being revived We will drive out in three different directions We put a GoPro on top of the car GoPro in the car a mileage tab and a timer clock and it never took more than about I think point nine miles out of the city to Certain death an unbelievable urban plight the crazy thing about Detroit is you'll see downtown Detroit and then you look to the left And it looks like the Upper Peninsula. There's nothing there. It's so desolate and if I'm not mistaken with that story Everyone was doing urban farming But there were some problems with the soil and so it was a guy who probably found out he could make money if he improved the soil And he got it down to a system that was more efficient and people didn't like that aspect of it because now it's the big Ermine farmer right there. Oh, it's a wealthy guy who bought up a lot of land Right and he's a white guy and he bought it up in this You know really urban area and you know the buildings were all fucked up and somehow or another people felt like somebody was encroaching In their neighborhood that they had watched deteriorate There's no one there There's no one there those there's some people are there But the point is they felt like that should have been somehow or another a part of their world, which is weird You know, it's it's weird to think that you deserve something because that's where you live I think like we're talking earlier about uber and all these things Change is a real part of being an organism that lives on a planet Right and whether it's changed because of nature like the fucking the shoreline changes the ocean rises Tsunamis hit the coast earthquakes change the landscape Volcanoes whether it's that kind of change or whether it's economic change or whether it's technological change There's gonna be change and if you're trying to stop change, you're on the wrong side of history It's not gonna work. You're gonna you're gonna try and it's eventually gonna overcome you. Yeah, I think you know my views you should allow people to Be the change they see cuz Barack Obama put it and shouldn't try to force change But if you live in a shit neighborhood some dude wants to break down the terrible houses and build a farm That's not necessarily a bad idea. No, it's not at all Yeah, I mean they have when we did our video in Detroit packs of wild dogs roaming the streets and it's real Yeah, that's real. That's real and we got fact-checked on it because we did a video on this where we said, you know packs And then I made a joke where I said apparently there have been grizzly bear sightings So hopefully this will be our next national geographic special something. This is good black bear sightings, right? But I got fact-checked. I don't know if it was back then I don't know remember if it was Snopes or something someone saying Stephen Crowder made the claim that grizzly bears were in Detroit Fact-check reveals that only black bears have been the actual sitting like Well, you should fact-check them because black bears are more likely to be predatory on human beings than grizzly bears That is because of more common interactions though. That's a good you're very smart. You're right. That's right Kind of like sharks it occurs in three to four feet of water. That's where people are swimming. Exactly But that is the case with grizzly grizzly bears are way more aggressive Yes, but they don't necessarily associate human beings with food Are you supposed to play dead or run with a grizzly bear? You wouldn't know that probably it depends entirely on why the grizzly bear is attacking you The reality is if a grizzly bear is attacking you because she's with her cubs You're better off playing dead. You're better off covering up Yeah, I'm protecting your vitals getting in a turtle position and taking your beatings and she's your ass. Goodbye She's gonna fuck you up, but she might leave you alone if you just lay still and then she feels like she can run away She's gonna fuck you up. No matter what she's gonna incapacitate you but if an old man or a predatory male that has killed another human being and recognizes human beings as food Yeah, that has happened before where hikers have disappeared and hikers disappear all the time to the tune of hundreds of people Every year just vanish. I read that actually polar bears will stalk people. Well, that's a different animal Yeah, I read their bears are completely predatory, which means they don't eat any vegetation You can get lucky with grizzly bears Well grizzly bears can have a fucking field of blueberries and they don't want to have anything to do with you Because blueberries are delicious They don't run and they could just sit there and eat and they don't have any hunger pangs really Yeah, how many blueberries would it take to feed a grizzly? Well, there's you know, you're talking about Alaska like a mountainside Like in the spring or in the fall rather like before they go into hibernation That's what they primarily eat because all that sugar just gets like straight into the fat They're bodies and they stored up big thick fat layers Yeah, but an animal that has already killed a person is where it becomes a real problem It's not that animals are evil or animals like to target people It's they've recognized food sources that they've already eaten. Did you see those those people who are protesting? They were really really mad the Rangers at Yellowstone Park So they're very strict that you cannot feed the bears you cannot interact with them And what they do is they had a bear that wasn't necessarily aggressive, but they do this all the time But there's some specific instance that pissed people off Wasn't necessarily being aggressive but learned that people would throw food at it And so everyone will not only do it Can we not have that bear doing it but we can't have other bears seeing that bears an example? So what they do their first step is taking the bear far away, you know, somehow transporting them sedating them And if it comes back either a second or third time the euthanized they have to yeah And all these people were furious and they're going no No, we're doing this that the bears don't become dependent on humans for food If you euthanize one bear that prevents the rest of them They no longer can Forage can hunt for themselves because they realize these people gonna throw us a sandwich and that's a great example of just people not Knowing not being informed enough on an issue and instead deciding to be outraged like I don't know about grizzly bears They assume the Yellowstone Rangers kind of have their crap together on it Well, that's also like PETA people that don't want to admit that PETA kills Thousands of cats and dogs every year and their heads of diabetic who uses insulin which came to you courtesy of animal testing Yeah, but she feels like that's okay because she's a vegan She's skinny fat, but there's a great podcast that's available right now The most recent meat eater podcast with Steve Rinella where he talks to a bear biologist Who discusses the history of Yellowstone at one point in time? The dumps where people and restaurants used to dump all their food was places where people would go to watch to watch bears We did it at a campground. Wow. It was like well, what year was this? Gosh 90s, but where were you not in Yellowstone? No, this was in Canada. Okay, they'd already made it illegal in Yellowstone I think we're no bears when we went we just drove by there was no one but it's like if you go down to this Area, it's really cool. You get to see the bears foraging. Well, thank you. Yellowstone. It was one of the main like like Mortality, like you look at like mortality events. Yeah, it was a huge mortality event because they went cold turkey They stopped dumping all the trash there and these bears had become acclimated so much so that they had stopped Learning how to forage right food and bears died like Unmass. Yeah, it's really kind of crazy That's also the flip side, you know with a rescue dog where I tell people like we have a rescue dog And people get so fennimally say but if you have kids Probably better to go from a breeder, you know because for example Hopper on the road We don't know, you know, we don't know what happened He happens to be the most affectionate loving dog that we've known but a dog like that that starving can learn to become much more Of a wild dog, you know that can be trained in them because they're scared They're scared in scared and you bring him in for example, he gets recall any gun ever since we've had him any handgun rifle pull it out Goes nuts. So he's seen gun. He's seen something in a negative connotation with guns. You can't know that So if you have some kid and he pulls out a squirt and now he's not aggressive He's just a bark if he doesn't like something and people I don't know if it was Peter some animal person got really mad Well, there's so many dogs that need homes. I'm gonna listen. I've rescued a dog I think if you know what you're handling You should if you're able But if you have kids who don't have a lot of dog training and you don't know where this dogs come from I've placed kids higher on the totem pole than dogs. How dare you your species? I know I have a species. That's a new thing It is there a species ism when we were kids Jamie you're younger There's a film species where that blonde chick that's different. Where'd she go? She quit? I don't know She's probably doing soft pornography. How dare you? Maybe she's writing books Well the the grid so I didn't know that I've never thought of black bears as being aggressive toward people. Yeah, man Renella the same guy who has the podcast I was talking about told me a story of a guy who went on his very first hunt and while he was in his tent a 500 pound predatory grizzly bear attacked him his friend shot the bear and hit him in the wrist The bear takes off out of the tent goes to another dude's tent and they shoot it in that tent to kill it So everyone's covered in blood and hair and it didn't kill it. Yeah, they killed it But I mean the guy had a bullet wound in his wrist. He had been mauled by this bear I mean, this is his first hunting trip ever Did you see the Reverend? Yes You know, did you remember that there was a rumor before that film came out that Nalina on a caprio gets raped by the bear Did you know that was front page of you are on the wrong web? No, it was front page at drud Exactly where people were so I'm the wrong No, no, and I remember thinking about that never watching it going. This is an example of fake news Well, that's the right or the left was going this is clearly not a bear rape scene But it was a huge rumor that was going around because don't I mean don't go through the rabbit wasn't huge enough to reach My Twitter page. Well, you have a big Twitter page. You're just too into it, man You're too deep into the news of the world. I told this sort of Chris Leiben at the Reverend Reverend Reverend Reverend We're in it. So we're there. This is I swear this is true and Chris Leiben Thought it was fake and faking so we're watching the revenant and it's right at that scene where he cauterizes his wound Remember the gunpowder on his neck? So we're sitting there and we're watching it and he's screaming and so for a second We didn't realize it a few rows down guys All of a sudden starts projectile vomiting while the Leonardo's on screen one And we're looking and we're going oh my god, we think he starts shaking We think he's having a seizure my wife being a sweetheart goes Okay, everybody move away someone call 911 and his his wife or his girlfriend's like sweetie. He's like And it's going down two rows We I go I wait for the ambulance. They come in the guy has vomit all over him I think someone who's sitting in front of my bottom on the back of his head They thought for sure he had a seizure turns out he had fallen asleep and inhaled a popcorn kernel And he was just choking and perfect timing and then aspirating on his own vomit So we're watching this film the revenant one of the most graphic scenes in cinematic modern history What the hell is going on Wow and a coincidence Yeah, and it was I mean the guy was embarrassed. He just fell asleep. It's not a cool story I've a massive it was a scene like you remember that movie. What was that movie with? Not Matt Damon Matt Dillon. Well, it was the movie where the two girls were making out by the pool Yeah, what if he watched that movie what if that scene was going down that popcorn kernel got stuck in his mouth He started project out why would that be worse? It'd be way worse Just be more awkward make sense like the guy's scared the bear. He's killing Leonardo DiCaprio No, don't kill Leo, you know, don't do it to him. He's the king of the world He's in the front of the fucking Titanic. Don't don't do it You know people freak out and like a bear attack, but if you're freaking out like a lesbian event it turns out was just coincidentally Just pop and that's the story people gonna tell about you for the rest of your life Yeah, Bobby saw these two broads making out there were hooked on his possible own. He's alone. He's by himself He just starts hurl and change his life, bro. So he chokes on popcorn, but we know that's I've never seen like I mean from here Yeah That like Buddha statue taking up the kid in the pie eating contest and that Stephen King boom. We stand by me. Remember that? Oh, yeah. Yeah, very pie contest. I would I would say this is worse cuz it wasn't like a flow It was pressurized. It's funny cuz he was also holding his mouth. So it's coming out through a crack You know like this where it's going a squirtin So it was it would be falsely by the popcorn kernel his mouth at the revenant in the middle of that fucking really exciting movie In the middle of that scene right where he's cauterizing is the wound in his neck Fuck I felt bad for him and imagine that if that if that wasn't his wife that was wasn't his fiance There's a good chance. They're not together. Did you think that movie was based on real-life events? I Have no idea was it supposedly but incorrectly. Oh really? Yeah, it's not So based on a guy They already have oh really didn't happen in an environment Anything like the environment they filmed it in they filmed it in this like tropical rainforest in British Columbia The guy never had a son when Leonardo DiCaprio's son is killed in front of him The only thing that was true is a guy got mauled by a bear made it back to camp I Thought I should have shown that's a dead that I only said he actually survived he made it back to camp That's it. He's like what the fuck bro the guys like sorry. I thought you were dead. That's it. That's the movie But it was the entire teaser was the lead-up to the bear attack And it was him going back and killing the guy who left him behind who also killed his son There was no son nobody killed anybody that you got fucked up by a bear and they left him alone that's interesting when you think about that you know you go back and Do you like Weston Price you know that Weston Price Foundation where they do like the fermented cud liver oil and stuff and they're big Catalyst for like eating real fats and stuff and the guy claim where this what is yeah? I think it was in a price foundation and where it advocates traditional like organ long around for a long time Yeah, guy think his name is Weston Price and because I always watch those movies like the revenant I go could you imagine how much it smelled or imagine what their teeth were like and this guy? But this guy claimed he went down to Like you know third world sort of African nations where they didn't brush their teeth But they had perfect smiles and he claims it was because I don't know how I don't know if it's true at all But he says it was because they ate a lot of organ meats They were getting a lot of vitamin K natural vitamin D as opposed to kind of the sugary lifestyle with refined carbohydrates in the new world And that's a big part of like this whole kind of high saturated fat organs Bone broths It's called like Weston something price foundation But I remember there were these pictures side by side of people in the new world who were in largely grain-fed diets And these people were basically third world sort of tribesmen, but they had these beautiful white teeth Well, it makes sense in some ways that people that live natural lives with natural foods without anything processed would be healthier Yeah, but the teeth and they were nice white teeth look well sugar for sure is definitely deteriorates your teeth We know that we know that should keep kids We eat a lot of sugar and don't brush their teeth And I think a lot of that is also that stuff getting caught in your gums and your teeth and it's just not good Causes sugar it causes tooth decay. We know that yep, and the worst thing is sugar-free gummy bears You read those reviews on Amazon. God. What do they do to your asshole? That's exactly what the reviews are on Amazon I swear to you if you just Google sugar-free gummy bears are just like my asshole has never been the same size since It's just a bunch of people who trolled the Amazon review section If you're ever just looking for a laugh on a Sunday afternoon Read the Amazon reviews for sugar-free Harrybo gummy. Do you remember? Olestra there was an additive to like potato chips. Olestra just makes people just rocket shit Well trans fats are now they're illegal, but you have they have is a grace period until 2018 I believe or maybe 19 right where companies are allowed to still Use that stuff in their potato chips or whatever the fuck they sell up until like then they're like that's it Like you can poison people for two more years. That's it Well, you know why we use terrible for you because of the same environmental Vegetarian lobby who you know back then McDonald's used beef tallow for their fries It was no no you need to be using vegetable oil hydrogenated vegetable oil so they that was a bunch of lobbyists That's why we started in trans fats and now they're going actually Margarine is not as good for you as butter and they've changed but that was a huge powerful lobbying group were the vegetarians You know the San Francisco kind of hippie era. That's why trans fats became ubiquitous Well, it was also a byproduct of the sugar industry bribing scientists to lie about the beneficial qualities of their sugar they just pretended that sugar is fine And we weren't was a big deal. It's saturated fat. That's the issue and everybody was shit We got to get some margarine Yeah These people went out and bought margarine because it terrified a saturated fat because the sugar companies had bribed some scientists with that when we Were kids country crock margarine. We didn't know it's so bad for you It's interesting now that that's been revealed and you find out that those people didn't even get that much money they got like the equivalent of $50,000 today right to Literally lie to everybody about the They just made up a bunch of shit about saturated fat Yeah, and they they just diminished all the negative effects of sugar and people just started drinking that the milk from Captain Crunch remember that milk we get that fucking sugary Captain Crunch milk or two lishops. It's absolutely delicious We get the chocolate milk out of cocoa pops. Oh my god count chocula. Oh my Jesus kids We grew up on sugar I know and in Canada we we had a whole different I didn't realize till I moved to the states corn pops in Canada are actually like spherical Captain Crunch They're not at all like corn pops in the States. There are a lot of little differences because it's such a silly country where You'll be raised there and you'll come here like wait Oreos aren't the same super sugar crisp Sugar in the title. That's right. That was sugar. They're right. Yeah. Yeah, wasn't enough of that sugar Chris That's right super sugar crisp Imagine you have a goddamn drug in the name of your look at there you go. That is crazy It's not even good. It's illegal you go to jail if you even sell that There's the sugar bear. I'm here. I'm a sugar Sugar crisp Chris what's the difference in sugar? I'm not a bear. I'm a strange mongoose I'm a mongoose with a t-shirt on then there was cookie crisp. Remember that? Cookies in milk then there was Reese's puff cereal look at that one Smacks they have an Indian cultural appropriation They didn't do that today look at that. What does that have to do with a Native American? What it smacks? It's like Latino selling cars. They just put tits on it because it sells in their culture. Oh inside is a free Indian car That's a special Indian Making acceptable they created the Indian card, so it's just as bad. No, it's fine Frosted flakes good on a frosted flakes over there. They still sell their right Yeah 1950s of vitamin D D. Yeah, throw it in there. There's no natural There's milk pussy your kids gonna get sick from sugar What kind of fucking shitty kids are you raising Reese's puff cereal? That was a big one ever when I was Reese's puffs He's peanut butter cup cereal. Yeah, that's you never had that no That was a little later than you I guess it might have been illegal in my country They might have been looking out for our best interest by though I remember it because there was a there was like a fat black kid from hanging with mr. Cooper who did the commercials in Canada For Reese's I can't get it over. I love that Reese's puff cereal. We're sitting there as this kid He was in hang with mr. Cooper and so as a kid you're like well We watched that show on TGIF we have to get Reese's peanut butter cups Tgif up there that was that was the same thing ABC, you know, this here. It's a fucking place itself. Yeah Yeah, bad wings too, they're not that bad they're pretty bad in Kansas you're on the road it's true TGIF Fridays, what's the big deal? Bennegan's is coming back to see that Bennegan's is back. Don't you remember that they were gone away cuz everyone's like, well, okay, Bennegan's we can do without I didn't notice mean they went under and then they came back. Yep. They were gone now. They're back I don't know why huh whole new brand probably investment bankers probably some dudes from Marin County It's the globalists wire shit wire frame glasses those fucks skinny jeans Well, what we're trying to do is bring back a really recognizable brand. Yeah, it's really important to America Have you ever had people do that on this show feel and we understand do I have you have people try to come in and be like Listen, we can take your show even bigger. We just think there are a few tweaks. You ever get those people who approach you No, which is interesting really? No Everybody's like they know no no Adam Kroll. They got him though. Huh they did I don't know just trying to I did I did his show once and it was uh, it was the most awkward thing I'd ever done in my life. Why was it so awkward? Well, cuz the Booker so I was doing Prager University It's like oh, yeah, I know hook you up and First off he's like Adam Kroll is he's not like you like like come in and you talk off air He kind of like doesn't doesn't really talk to you until you're on air, which I can respect Professional but I wasn't on the Adam Kroll a podcast. It was Adam Kroll and Dr. Drew had reunited To do like it wasn't it's not love line, but it's effectively the same thing, right? And so they still do that they brought it back and I was there like the first week No, I was there for like the first week brought it back. And so it's him and dr. Drew sitting there doing their stick At a table and then I'm literally at the end of the table with nothing to say Yeah, that sounds about right. They're taking callers from people didn't bring you in a little bit But it's just you know I've been Adam Cruella does his podcast like this with an interview and that was just it was really weird And I think what happened was they didn't realize he wasn't doing the show that day and they brought me they were very nice Dr. Drew and and Adam was gracious afterward, but it was it was clear like it's a two-guy show taking phone calls And you were just there. Yeah, I was pretty much did they say your name. No, no, they did they did but it was like We want to take phone calls. Well, Adam does Essentially does an internet radio show. That's what his show is right, you know I mean he was he had his radio show that was a big hit radio show and then the station went under in LA and I Think he just decided to do the same format and just do that same format online Yeah, that makes it when we started our show, you know It's syndicated and so we had radio and so we had all these commercial breaks We used to do at 6 a.m. On Friday mornings out of Detroit and what we do Well, no one really cares about these commercial breaks nationally So we just did a bunch of sketches and fake commercials and that's what created all these characters that people have created these Twitter Profiles for because we just said well, we're not gonna run an ad for a local car dealership We'll do a fake news break and we would do like fake tornado warnings and stuff like that Which is highly illegal by the way, we learned that one later on Because we had to kind of work with the format online and now we just took it off took it off radio Yeah, fuck radio too much dying market. That thing is not gonna last it's stupid. What's the last time you turned on your radio? I haven't ever yeah, I don't even remember. It's another person I think like all the cells in your body except your neurons switch every seven years That means every cell in my body has never listened to the radio That's real that's fucking real man, it's like if someone said to me when was the last time you watched a VHS cassette I was another person. Yeah, I wasn't even me I don't take responsibility for me of 14 years ago Because if I did I would still be pissed at shit in my pants when I was a baby Okay, cuz I would take it back to when I was three and I bit my sister or something I don't know what the fuck I did but you know, I mean I get I mean I'm I don't I don't remember three is my point It's like if you go back to the things you did when you were developing Individual. Yeah, so I feel like every seven years. I don't I don't even want I don't even want to know Yeah, what I did 14 years ago three. It's pretty rough years. I called my dad's pastor a little bastard three He's probably right. Well because my grandfather called me a little bastard Right, I thought it was a term of endearment. And so my dad's like this is faster Kevin butcher So hey, how you doing little bastard? Well that pastor should have known Kid is getting fucked over at home. No, you know what happened actually he got outed and this is actually a point Okay, no, no, no, he got out from the church because there was a his pregnant. I think his pregnant wife Was it a Detroit Lions game and there was a guy with a bullhorn behind her right up against her ear All right. This guy was a pat but a really good guy regardless of someone's you know religious affiliation but a good guy and He's like hey, man. Could you stop my wife's here? You know whatever she was either pregnant or something and I got a guy just looked at him And kept doing it right next to his wife's ear like got right up on her ear and he ended up kicking the guy's ass Getting into a fight with him because the guy was getting up on their space and get an exact turn the other cheek He did not He did when he asked him to and so there was a whole vote and I remember that was that was when I was pretty young I thought well, so they outed them they got rid of them meaning There was a whole up there was a whole controversy over it and I remember learning about it as a kid thing Well, that's that seems pretty reasonable the guy getting up and his wife's grill and bothering a pregnant woman Yeah, it's like what do you do because human nature is definitely to hit the person But do you just leave you know because you're your night is ruined. Yeah, period. Well, I say his ass I mean, I think what happened was no. No, I don't think he kicked his ass I'm saying but you guy got physical and he got physical with a guy and got the better of him So it could have been a shoving match could have been a punch. He didn't beat him. It wasn't American history ex curb stump I'm just saying no one expected a pastor to do anything to his wife. I get it Yeah, and uh, or that was that was a big deal. I called him a little bastard. Hmm. That's the end of that Reva trail Well, you were right once you got kicked out the crowd a kid. He's got vision. He sees the future This is going places. He's new that guy was a brawler. He's a fucking bleachers brawler. It gets up big It's licking up Fox's wife gets her pregnant takes her to the game That crowd is going place we called it he's gonna go to Fox News for four years He knows four years of his life. I saw him on this show once with Amy show me. Yeah, I get with her. Oh I took his side Yeah, I get with it. What is this? What did she do? She you guys were on some show and she was trying to like diminish you as a comedian Yeah, she was trying to say you weren't a comedian Yeah And then an interesting thing that said there's like a thing that people do in the world of stand-up comedy where they decide Oh, he's an opener. He's a middle act, right? You know, like the there's like there's this weird sort of a thing and someone like if they're looking like shit on you Oh you do Tom you do comedy. Yeah, I do comedy. Yeah, what are you done? You do a few open mics, right? You're a fucking comedian. Yeah, I really it's very very I really dislike that Yeah, she did that right off and I knew it because she was asking me questions in the green room Like where do you where do you do comedy? What do you do? And she was like she asked me one point Do you perform at churches? I said no, I said no, I never have and she but she was so inflexible in her argument She was all the women. Yeah, maybe 22 23 I would have shit on you too, dude Probably what I would have right next to her that that changed if you look at the the real Amy would have fucking dog tagged you Well, no, I don't think so. It changed real thing. So now what do you think would happen? You would have won that? Well, I think I think I think you probably think if you'd have been there done really well. Yeah Yeah, I think I think if you watch that thing her argument was you're not a real comedian I think I would have never said information and I would have any shimmers a 30 something year old girl who bitches the people on Twitter Now and is unmarried and miserable and I'm married to a woman. I'm pretty happy with are you comparing lives? I am I am and I think I was right. Well, I think that whenever someone and I'll say she's funny by the way Okay, good for you. I think whenever someone says that You're not a comedian thing. Yeah, that's an issue I have an issue with that because we all started out as open mic'ers and when you're talking to someone who's 22 years old When I was 22, I was an open miker. I was doing open mic nights Well, I didn't just for laughs at that point. So I wasn't an open miker. Yeah, I mean and you know, I'd had We would happy cluck. Hey, were you getting paid? Yeah, you will you a professional comedian? You're making you live in off a stand-up comedy already I've only made my living ever off of acting stand-up comedy writing since 18 years old Wow So when you were 22 years old all your bills you live in your mom or what's going on? How you paying your bills a stand-up comedy were 20 years? So I was I was I would do stand-up and I had some pretty relatively successful acting gigs did some films commercials some TV At that point I was a Fox News contributor which paid me retainer I did freelance writing where they would pay by the word So's you were doing stand-up on a regular basis. See you were a stand-up cop. I don't do it much anymore I would readily admit like now I don't because the show and everything's a 14-hour day And I would never claim to be as good of a stand-up as as you or a Nick DiPalo or a billboard by the way But Nick DiPalo asked me to plug he's doing his stand-up. Yeah, Austin Yeah, his stand-up special is going on see so this Thursday. So please go he's tomorrow the best For my money one of the best living comedians He's certainly one of my favorite Nick DiPalo was goddamn hilarious and he was here yesterday and you fucking killed me He's he's on he's a very fun and a very very very good dude and another weirdo right wing fuck Yeah, he is but um, you know, it's pretty common. I mean Christopher Titus did the same thing That was the same thing. We started losing the gun issue. You go. Oh stand up. I get paid for stand-up Well, you know what that's he what he was doing was trying to save whatever was going on in his mind What there's a conversation where there was a competition Whatever the little battleground in his mind was going on. He was trying to save his his patch of land Well, I think and I think it would work with most people I think you would probably agree there's a lot of stand-up comedians They have a void and they're filling it this is becomes their identity and so for me It was never my whole identity wrapped up in stand-up I mean I had been doing acting since I was 12 years old and I was tutored on set with a lot of things You know, I did kids cartoons that show Arthur's how I started out So I did stand-up and I'll be the first to admit I did it as a means to getting to other Avenues and then I turned out I fell in love with it, but I never planned in doing stand-up my whole life So if I were I'm a standard comedian, I'm a road comic I love being you know waking up for leftover drugs and being unhappy and bitching about my manager leftover drugs Have you ever heard of such thing? Yeah. Yeah Turkey Oh drugs, yeah, whose drugs this I can have them right? You know that the pride and stand-up of barely getting by kind of like New York, right? You're in a shitty city in a two-bedroom apartment with five roommates Right and you're proud of it because you can tell everyone how miserable you are. Mmm, so it just didn't that's not real Oh, yeah. No. No, it's real once you become successful. It's never real while it's struggling people try to act like it is right? Like oh man, I couldn't do anywhere else. It's the energy of this city It's like you literally you shit in a drain in the kitchen, you know in those in the Lower East Side you're seeing those Lower East Side, it's like a saturated. I am NOT Right wing. I like white wing people are always exaggerating I looked at an apartment drain in the East Village because they'd have like 19 Polish family members per apartment and the toilet Was right in the middle of the kitchen because they weren't designed sometimes after digger shit and your cookie bacon We want these people to walk same time it's an extra toilet There's one for mom while she's making spaghetti their multi-tasking. She could squat It's got one of those little squatty potty things you ever seen that one sign like you would go to some places It's frequented by too many people from Asia. You'll see signs that show like a person standing on the shitter Squatting down. It's like a red line through it. Don't shit really way. Yes pull has it become that popular the squatty? I've seen it. I've seen you use this quantity. Yes, I do and I would assume so I it helps the caveman thing the bowel movements. Well, if I prefer to shit in a hole in the ground In the kitchen time to dig like look at the guy No, no, no Right that would just this is a joke one. This is a joke one, but I have literally seen that That's real. That is an actual real for people in Asia Ari Shafir went to China and he has this fucking hilarious bit about it And I don't want to I don't want to do his bit that's that's real But in China he went into a restroom and there was literally a hole in the ground And you were supposed to squat over the hole and they had no toilet paper Yeah That is real and he told me that when people from Asia who are used to that environment as the norm Come over to the United States Sometimes they actually stand on the toilet seat and and shit that way So there it is not designed for the aim to be accurate if you're if you're sitting on the toilet sheet You'd be crapping on the water tank. They don't know any better brother from another country without Trump without Trump leading them They don't even know anything man. What happens is tossing defending Trump. I think yeah, you know, do you think he's a good leader? Are you happy that he's in office? Are you is it good? This is a shake-up. I will say this Um, I I think that again the left has behaved so poorly with his life. Yeah I think that Trump Donald Trump has been a lightning rod I would disagree with him on some policy issues for sure But I think that because everyone has called him a Nazi and a racist and a sexist and a transphobe That it's removed those arguments from the table For for at least several decades because people are going yeah But you said it about John McCain and Mitt Romney everyone you disagree with as a racist I think that cards been played too much and because of Donald Trump it's been overplayed and I think now we see with our channel Granted it's not as big as you know, the outreach you guys have but it's grown pretty substantially and a lot of our audience are Self-professed liberals going you know what I used to hate you I used to I used to watch the young Turks and now we used to watch some crap on you but Actually some of these points make sense and I used to think everyone would disagree with me with racist and I think because it's so Overplayed it's left such a bad taste in people's mouth I do think that Donald Trump has served a real purpose to shine a light on that and you know That may be the most important point of all at this point in our culture with political correctness Yeah I think when things go too far one way people get upset with that and when people get too biased whether it's towards the Left or towards the right it tends to balance things out in the other direction Like Robert Anton Wilson called Lyndon Johnson the pacifist president You know why he called him the pacifist president because he was such a cunt that he created so many Pacifists because of his atrocities that he ordered in the Vietnam War people were so upset that more people became Pacifists during the Lincoln or excuse me there during the Lyndon Johnson administration than than ever before Yeah by the same token he called Reagan the intellectual president because more people just went. Oh my god You got a fucking god damn it. It's important to know things Yeah, god damn it. It's important to be smart like just say no bitch. What are you talking about? Just say no you're you're bringing heroin in from Vietnam Just say no you're selling coke in South Central to pay for the fucking conscious East is you don't know the Oliver North story Oliver North yeah, we'll cross you know the whole story I don't know real Rick Ross dude the real Rick Ross not the rapper But the real Rick Ross has been on my podcast twice was a drug dealer in South Central who they put away for a life Due to the three strikes rule yeah, but became didn't know how to read okay went to jail was a drug dealer made Millions of dollars selling coke okay did not have any idea Who was bringing him the coke how he was getting it where it was coming from the profits that they were making was literally? paying Oliver North Oliver North to arm the conscious versus the Sandinistas. I mean it was literally it was all proven in court I mean this is what my new country stood in front of what was the I forget what the Gathering was but on television on C-SPAN Michael Rupert who was a narcotics officer for the Los Angeles Police Department who has also been on my podcast for committed suicide He was the guy that was the focus that movie collapse remember that movie collapse where he's talking about He was just him smoking cigarettes Sitting there talking about what he knew about the economy what he knew about all these different things that were Problematic in our society and how there's only a certain amount of time for it's gonna collapse It was kind of a crazy doom and gloom documentary, but the point is he had caught CIA agents rogue Cowboys CIA agents in them in the middle of selling drugs Yeah in South Central Los Angeles reported it and was in trouble because of that and decided to go public with it and they were Selling these drugs they were making shitloads of money, and they were transferring the money like to arm these rebels Well Rick Ross was in the middle of that and didn't know he was in the middle of that He was literally selling drugs and funneling this whole thing Went to went to jail as an illiterate person who could literally couldn't read learned how to read in jail Became a lawyer in jail like like learned Okay Yeah I figured out that you can't charge him for the three strikes rule if it's one thing If it's if you're charging him with a bunch of counts under one incident It's the three strikes law doesn't apply and that's how they got him a jail So now he's out like all of this came because of that well I knew about Oliver North in the Contra thing I didn't know about Rick Ross specifically This is this there's been proof that some elements of our government have sold drugs Improvish neighborhoods in order to fund black ops like this is a fact and this is one of the things that Robert Anton Wilson was talking about when he was talking about the Reagan administration So he became the intellectual president because people were so frustrated by how fucking crazy and chaotic and Movie-like you know things had become that they had decided to arm themselves with information I wonder if a big part of it that to is the backlash with Ronald Reagan because everyone said again He had no chance. He was a moron and he won in a landslide or people go all right screw you We're gonna consider him an intellectual like with Donald Trump listen. I don't think Donald Trump's intellectual No one was considering in an intellectual They were considering him a great American right yet slick back here and his wife stood still and everybody was happy Well being between seances at the White House calling her astrologer making sure Now But I think people might have just been like you know what you call them a moron for so long and everyone who voted him A moron that then well they didn't really call Reagan a moron. Yeah, they did well No, they called George Bush. Yeah, they did. Yes. They did Remember the playbook with with anyone who's conservative Republican is if they can make you a moron they will if not you're evil Right, Jamie can't be a moron. I'm evil I think you're confusing the narrative a little bit because Reagan might have been simplistic But he was a wonderful speaker like he gave really articulate well thought-out speeches that spoke to Americans again longing for this Nostalgia of a time where the Norman Rockwell painting made sense right and that's what Ronald Reagan represented to a lot of people Yeah, a lot of people they were you know they were coming out of the chaos of the Carter administration and the fucking Vietnam and yeah Yeah gas lines and the Iranians taking the American hostages and all that crazy shit and Ronald Reagan came along He's like I'm gonna fix it I'm your dad never he's like we're in yeah But the media treated him like a real moron if you go back and watch that and right before his landslide election When they made if you look at the the electoral map sort of the polls and the predict predictions They give him no chance of winning and that's what I'm gonna be full of shit about Colorado and traffic deaths Should we go and fuck you up with this too? Yeah About the Colorado thing at all what I never said Colorado. I said states that legalized. What are the ones are there? Well, you didn't bring up the source that I wrote about I all right well I can but the fact that you're still hung up on it, please. Hold, please what I got the article I've been looking at it for like last few minutes on your website Yeah, yeah, there's a couple statements that are really bad just off to just off the gate like this right here If you want to get higher a moron Getting high will make you more of a moron. That's not a news article right hold on please that's commentary hold on but fine After all things like Coachella wouldn't exist. Is this your article? Yeah, I think it's been article on my site Oh, wait, man, if you can want to get higher what you're a moron. Yeah, I think you're a moron I think who's Courtney she's works. We're one of the best writers. I think I've ever encountered How dare you not read them but so then the article links to a couple? Like this for instance is one that says it has deadliest year of traffic fatality since 2008 Yeah, this article doesn't say anything about marijuana. Not one one thing doesn't mention me weed at once It does say that it could be attributed to could more gas prices people driving more it does people in the state sure It's better. It's better. Well, that's not the only thing I'm gonna defend myself here because you have someone here at the ready and what you do is instead of bringing up information This is what happens with Christopher Titus, right? You don't have information that you bring up you have another guy look up a source that you specifically want him to find I didn't ask him to bring that I brought up Washington Post and goes this is what's wrong with your article taking a joke Talk you didn't have a joke the joke in there about things like Coachella wouldn't exist if there weren't okay That's a joke right, but it's a triangle. Do you think people who smoke powder more? No, it's a joke. Okay, let's not do that Okay, not do that. Well, and no pots not comparable to alcohol There are tests that determine how much alcohol content is in your bloodstream We can't you do that with weed so it's impossible to handle these incidents in the same way That's pretty okay, but there have been tests where they showed people but that would go back to what he said Have been tests where they've shown people drunk versus on marijuana and the people on marijuana drove far better. Okay, that's true So this is all anecdotal. No, these are just back to your point, right? Let's say someone has alcohol these tests Well, I don't I haven't read your test. Okay, so why are you arguing against them? No, I'm saying I agreed with your point earlier. So why are you saying there? Well, it is anecdotal if you're saying some people drive better on marijuana No, I'm not saying that I've said there have been tests where they've shown that people drive better on marijuana than alcohol That's not anecdotal. My point is if you're looking you're looking to be really good at this argument No, no, I'm not just settle down. You said you wouldn't pile on and you got two people Yeah, it is yeah, I'm talking When someone comes on the show Jared cannot enter congratulations, you know on the show and all he did was pull up No fucking two people bringing up information me without a laptop. No, he brought it up You said what would be the one thing that you've changed your mind When two people are correct and you're incorrect does that bother you I don't agree that you're correct What are you talking about? You just pulled up some statistics that show the Colorado has less traffic fatalities in Statistics no, he did I'll turn my laptop that's not way and you can you can pull up What is the issue that you would care about the lease that you've changed your mind? I said probably wouldn't even talk about that's that's a long version of what you said Was there been more Fatalities since marijuana has been legal in those things we've discussed not sure why are you so obsessed with the pot? Because you're not right and it doesn't matter if we've talked about it for four hours in this instance You are incorrect. You know, you're not correct in that instance The traffic fatalities have increased in areas where pot have increased We did the same study in Michigan where pot was legalized and people were actually in a minute more marijuana underage kids I don't care that doesn't have anything to do with traffic Talies it doesn't have anything to do with traffic fatalities unless you can prove there's more traffic fatalities in underage kids since marijuana has been legal Yeah, there have been several articles that have made that claim made that assertion. Let's find Britain about it. Let's find them They all come from one article mostly and it's from this triple-a stats and this is the stats that they said And it's most almost all the articles you're talking about come from this one article. Okay, okay So what is the percentage of drivers involved in fatal crashes who recently used marijuana more than doubled from 8 to 17 percent from? 2014 the 2013 to 2014 new one in six drivers involved in fatal crashes from 2014 had recently used marijuana, which is the most recent data available now, do you understand? Does not involving marijuana is alarming Yeah, says who it's an opinion. It's an opinion Yeah, he says it's alarming Well, is that is that a matter of more people smoking marijuana because it's legal or it's a matter Is it a matter of the marijuana causing these accidents? Is this you know what article put out by you know, what else is true Do you know what else is true that all these people also had alcohol in their system? Do you know that well, no, I know we don't know that all Giant percentage You know this because I've read these done had alcohol in their system I didn't say that you just said a lot of them rewind the tape You should say a lot of them. Well, you made a lot of let's find out It doesn't say anything in the article about alcohol though And for sure they should have tested that For sure they can't test People up a joint just Google It makes a point that you're gonna have an obvious position that would disagree with this one single article So if I can finish a point you've talked about interruption. Let me finish the one point that I'm making well You've already been for marijuana. You've already been paid tasks for marijuana roadside, right? Can we really know you absolutely can you? You can't do tests. Yeah, there's a test. How are you test it? Let's find out before you do that You said how many of the alc how many of the marijuana related fatalities also involved alcohol because it's a massively significant percentage Yeah, so you can't necessarily say that just because they have these new tests for marijuana, especially road-sized. That's the problem Okay, I'll tell you what I'll give you that. What do you give me? Let's let's say you're correct. But here's the thing. Let's say you're correct physiologically It doesn't have an effect on motor skills the way alcohol does where it doesn't slow down your response time Well, I know that we've had several doctors in the show two of whom had differing opinions on that They don't have to be right. They don't have opinions of it. Do they do you know one of themselves? Do they know what it's like? See BS news caught blatantly distorting cannabis study says legal problem doubles fatal Many press news mint press news So again, we can go into questioning sources all day long if you have someone else bringing them This is a good source. Maybe it is. Maybe it is. Let's say you're right Crowder, but let's say you're well Let us have we source up to something else. I know and you guys On one issue and you said hold on. What's the issue? You don't care about your sources right here? I've looked them up. There's people online also sourcing them They are skewed you're skewing them to make and so the Washington Post study that you skewed but you're not the Washington Post You're supposed to be the answer to the Washington Someone's evil so I'm evil to you just said that we are saying that's the argument that you just know I didn't make You just said come on man made that argument and all of a sudden when someone mentions pot you put on We're your worldview. What is the lens of we know? Shit has nothing to do with we but you haven't made an argument. I haven't made an argument you said increased we showed you what happened in Colorado What have you shown me? We showed you the statistics that show that marijuana and traffic violations They're not to let not be causal accidents, right? Okay, so what else is causing the drop number and why can't you what's your increasing number? What what increase this fake increase from fake news? It's not real. It's not real. Call it Colorado shows It's not real. Where is it real? What was it comes from his triple-a study? That was just a plan for the City Council triple-a zone by the Bilderberg group. No God You don't even know this so now we're gonna go to weed Cheers cancer and people having meetings Rams have got one One article that says one thing and one article from Colorado that says there's been a decrease in traffic fatalities, right? You're not willing to recognize that I just said let's give that to you because this entire conversation started with you saying what issue would you change? I don't know. I said it started pot because you know, this argument started with you saying that it causes more fatalities No traffic. No, that's not true. You said which issue do you not care about? And you said causes more traffic What's your opinion on pot and I said, I really don't care if you want to smoke pot. I think it's a state issue I honestly don't care. I've changed my mind where as a kid. I thought it was harmful I don't think it's harmful anymore. Didn't you say that it causes traffic fatalities? Then you said well, let's expand on this What issue do you have with pot? I said, I don't like the dishonesty where people just say it cures cancer It'll end the war on drugs. It's it's completely harmless and I have some arguments not a lot of it No, it's not entirely harmless. Well, it's not without consequences. Well consequences based on what so much leeway there But how have you have you? From me saying I probably couldn't care less about this out of all the other issues that we discuss and you laser it in on that And go, where do we disagree? No, cuz it's a huge blind spot. No, it's not a huge blind spot. It's definitely I don't have to think that if you say that marijuana is in some way or another a dangerous thing Yeah, I can tell you that it's no no, I didn't say in a dangerous thing. Well, it's not without it's causing What are the consequences? Okay? What is what do you believe marijuana does for example? Well, no, I'm not gonna get baited into this because you're gonna you're gonna get you're trying to force me to say that I don't think pot cures cancer and there's a big farm. No, listen smoke pot. No, that's not I will ask this I'm trying to say what are the consequences of you come on on my show? I would love to and have a discussion about it Now you're in front of me right now why was we're not in your conversation you and I right now We would definitely have a conversation for hours. Oh, that's not good to read snorkels It's not fair to have two people. What's fair? Just like before you know, you think about me should be in a room with no internet You think of Amy and I ganged up on you think you would have done well in that argument? Come on, man, cuz I want to find out how you feel You think I want to see if you get defensive for some reason you said you think if her and I work together You think you would have done well on that? Yeah, cuz I want to see if you get defensive Well, but why somebody in a conversation? Why wouldn't you ever fuck with someone you do that, right? No, but you've made it all about the pot issue. No, that had nothing to do with pod the Amy Schum You've gotten into this pot issue because the issue And it's the one area that you're super super Adorable you're adorable and that's the same thing. You're so used to not a real comedian. No, you're adorable On an open territory without someone else to back up your argument. It's never happened This is not a backup when someone pulls up information Let me just have to one thing that you really is he pulls up evidence to the contrary if I was wrong He would stick it right in my face and we would laugh about it. And that's what he does But I you know, but I pulled up a trip away and I've given it to you what evidence you haven't given me shit I've given you the argument what I'm fine. Let's say there's no there's no causation. Let's say that wasn't backed up well enough Let's give you that argument. Okay, what's this Jamie? There's also some evidence that medical marijuana laws may contribute to decreasing traffic Me doing this though if we don't do that, this is what we always do it's just talking about facts Listen, you're whole please there are some there are also some evidence that medical that doesn't make any sense There are also some evidence. That's not it. There's also okay I'm wrong that medical marijuana laws may contribute to decreasing traffic fatalities one study published in the Journal of Law and Economics in 2013 reviewed traffic fatalities in the 19 states that had passed medical marijuana laws by 2010 and found that Legalization is associated with an 8 to 11 percent decrease in traffic fatalities for the year after the laws took effect The researchers from the University of Colorado Denver and elsewhere also found the decrease is more Significant for alcohol related fatalities at 13.2 percent. Ask a question. It's interesting can ask a question, please do Why is that study from 2010 considered completely valid to you and the study from triple-a in 2014 considered completely in the triple-a's got a fucking Biased in there you go because there you go Company different opinions charge. Well, what are they basing it on? What so your argument is this is this is the only valid study because triple-a is but this is a study It's a study to ignore it. Do you think that's right? I think they're lying right? I think right right So if they're right if that study is right, then you were wrong, right? If that what if that study is right, then it were wrong, right? I could be wrong you were wrong, right when you were just scouting it out So we proved that in Colorado you were wrong. You didn't have that study is true Well, you didn't prove you said if that's here's what you do I asked one question and then you get a paragraph You'd like you doing this don't you Joe? You like really said I'll give it to you you win the argument and you bring up another thing about pot Well, it's because you don't really you don't really give up you reluctantly give I said I'll give it to you. You're right Let's assume. Okay, you're definitely wrong. Let's assume. I'm wrong. Okay, so what else would be the problem with marijuana if it wasn't traffic fatalities No, not what zero, but I don't want to spend the entire day talking about what's well, it's come on, man We're talking about real issues. What would be the other problems? Before you go. Oh man, just loosen up. Let's talk about life in jujitsu then you get in one thing I say let's talk you're obsessed I just want to get you away from your left versus right talking points because I'm neither Let's close because people with conviction or right paradigm Bertrand Russell Centrist I kind of am Joe you bring Joe here's the thing and I started off very and I still mean the company things I said But you can't bring people on and call them pussy and dumb fuck and then continue going back to an issue and With with someone who agrees with you entirely and act as though well someone will not your defensive. Well, of course. I'm defensive Well, I think that you were spewing a little bit of anti marijuana propaganda about traffic fatalities I had a dream I want a pair of propaganda. That's right. I'm paid by Thinking you're paid by anybody, but I just think you had a point of view what I push the propaganda Definition means I have to be pushing someone necessarily that someone is telling you to do it It's just that you had a point of view that you had dug your heels in and it's not propaganda. It is It's probably wrong if you have read it and you are spouting it out, but that statistics prove different Well, okay, and then I would say it's propaganda someone saying your yours cancer I'm not saying you're promoting propaganda like some of us ask me and okay pull that up then we yours can find out what? Not saying cures doesn't matter what I was my official Effect no, no, no, that wasn't my claim. We think yours cancer nothing there you go answer And that was what I was talking about. I literally guess nothing cures anything I mean think half of your listeners will tweet me saying there's a single drug that cures anything things treat things your immune system Takes in if your immune system fails Play drugs a cure. Okay, what what? Curves things polio vaccine done. Okay polio vaccine doesn't cure things you fuck it prevents you from getting polio The disease is a fan what you just said you just do this. Is it yourself? No, I didn't just know the disease is not effectively Cured in the person who has polio We're talking about marijuana curing cancer on people that don't have cancer yet. That's not what you're it's not a vaccine for cancer Okay, what you're saying is marijuana cures cancer with people that have cancer. There's not a fucking drug you proved yourself I know I don't medicine that proves right that you can't fucking cure polio with a medicine you get so aggressive No, you're wrong. You're wrong right here about polio Do you understand how blind and an example right now? You have a blind spot I'm pretty sure there's drugs out there that cure some diseases. I'm sure there are I never heard of them Well, they you know who they are Name one not offhand if I had someone who could bring it up. No, do you don't have to bring it up, man? You're gonna argue for it shouldn't I didn't argue for it. I don't think you Don't think there any other cure anyone and I think that's incorrect You're in your immune system has to be in place if you are a fuck if you're like dying and someone gives you some sort of a drug how many drugs are there that cure a Nasty disease that's killing you and how many of them have to be also? Compensate your immune system has to kick in as well. There's a bunch of factors It's not like how many I mean there's penicillin that kills some some like Veneerial diseases and all sorts of different fucking horrible Infections. Yeah, but what there's not a lot that but it takes your immune system has to be in effect, too There's there's a lot of factors. So now we're getting to the definition of cure And what you're yeah, man, because you're talking about fucking polio Nothing cures polio bitch and marijuana. No one's saying marijuana. I get those all the time all the time Just your assholes. This is the same people that say you're a Nazi. This is the same people that say you're a Nazi No, it's pretty common. It's pretty fucking Nazi punch not for example Show a woman on the show a psychiatrist who basically said she said people who are Adult healthy smoke potch and probably not a problem So it is a problem for the developing brain people who are under the age of 25. She explained as to why I'll be correct Yeah, and she explained us. I don't think they they think that the human brain is even fully developed your And she talked about specifically also people who might have mental illnesses whether it's schizophrenia bipolar Most people don't realize that her depression it goes unrecognized and she talked about how for those people Marijuana can act as a trigger mechanism. So she said healthy people none of these conditions marijuana is probably relatively benign But for some of these people and most people who might have these conditions are afflicted by them. It could be a real problem She's got some very good points But do you know that they've actually are weed cures cancer this dumb bitch should get off the show Do this cannabis isn't shown to kill cancer cells in laboratory tests in question six. Yeah, it doesn't cure cancer though Well kill cancer cells. No one's saying cure cancer People are I'm sure exactly what people say you can merit compared it to turmeric you compared to all these things but look the The point being I think you agree and I agree that as long as it doesn't hurt other people Any more than anything else like sugar hurts other people look if you want to make an argument for high insurance rates You want to look at the overall causes of disease in this country and why? Insurance and health insurance costs so much you would almost immediately go towards simple sugar Like simple sugar is a huge problem with people who are obese Obesity is a huge issue in this country and it's a major factor when it comes to health care costs, right? I think it's adorable that you're telling me how to craft arguments It's an easier argument to say that I think should be illegal and I know that marijuana should be illegal No, I don't and I think tell me why I'm gonna I'm gonna say what I was about to say Beforehand because you keep redirecting the conversation and you turn and for some reason you're turning into something hostile that it really doesn't need So hostile it is might be to you. Yeah, it is feel weird about it. I feel great It is it is when someone comes in to someone where they know they disagree and someone or two other people the same opinion You're gonna do a team up. He doesn't even have an opinion I think that look at this what you're doing right now Joe is like you talk about with people in jiu-jitsu Is what I think there are now a hundred scientific studies that say that I think that you think these arguments were cannabis cures cancer I think that you think these arguments work and I think it's like someone going to jiu-jitsu for the first time you've never done it I don't think you've ever actually gotten to a place without someone who can bring up sources for you I don't think you've gotten into an argument or Done anything with a debate team where people would actually hold you accountable to the arguments that you make I think we're saying you don't think that I have if you don't know what conversations I've never seen it So what do you someone with me 24 7 to 49 years this I think you're very Right now you're the kung fu guy hitting the the kung fu doll with the spikes And you convince yourself that there is an argument that would work if you had other people more qualified than myself to discuss it And you decided to zone in on an argument This is a huge way of you diffusing all these stats that Jamie keeps bringing up There's more than a hundred studies exactly proves the cannabis cures cancer exactly do you deny those studies? You don't need a jim my Jamie Jamie's pulling shit off the internet Are you hiding it specifically about something where I changed my mind? Okay, you clearly were ready or upset about the pot that wasn't I said Yeah, I probably talk about that anymore because I don't really care about it And I think state should be able to legalize it well if you don't care about it She fucking really touch three follow-up questions if you like me asking you why you endorsed Bernie Sanders on this show Man, what in the green room with the failure stuff he's insane with the socialist stuff I don't think it's very genuine what you're doing what I think No, it's not you you started on with traffic fatalities and I thought you start on I just started I've it tells you said what is you would you drop and not talk about and this is exactly why right because we talked about That was one of the things you said Wasn't it and there's no what a conversation that comes from it. Oh sure there is no for people who are listening to this This is extremely productive because they understand how someone with blinders could ignore the evidence sure and Figure out some way where they're being wronged intellectually Someone will say that oh you should be in some sort of a debate you've never been in debate You don't know what fucking debates. I've been in you know what now they're like Advised right you don't know you don't know what I'm calling on your bullshit Why is this bullying it's because there are two people who hold one opinion ask me on something that I don't care about Follow up three four questions to go into an area where you two are very specifically passionate And I said I don't want to talk about it. You don't want to talk about it because you're wrong No, I don't want to talk because I don't care because he keeps showing you want to legalize it That's fine But it is a valid issue when people of Colorado are looking at this now and there are people in Colorado who might vote differently on the marijuana issue Because of how it's perceived or because of the information at hand and I believe that people in Colorado should be able to vote They voted for pot But if they want to vote the other way in states they have the right to do that who's arguing against that Well that was my point when we're talking about marijuana my point was when I worked at Fox We were thrust on the panels where you had to talk about this because it was going on in Colorado I can't believe you called me a bully. That's such a left-wing tactic. You are how dare you are you are? How dare you how dare you how dare is it? How's it really you are but you do acts? Facts use all this all use these absolutes and call someone and then say well, what I'm just joking what absolutes Okay, let me give you one that I can pull from my memory. Thank you all of them were on alcohol Yeah, did fuck that up. Yeah, you've done it several times, but we did we're supposed to I wouldn't be doing that. I know there's a large number. There's a large number. It's just Narconon or one of those company one of those There's there was one. No, it was unlikely source. Yeah Well, you don't tell me you have to leave now my flights around. Well, you're gonna miss your flight. No matter what now you're fucked We're gonna be fine, dude. No, I'm not gonna be fine. I'm not gonna make my flight back. Yeah, you're gonna be fine You're living America. It could be in Ethiopia right now Huddling in a fucking hut, you know trying to protect yourself from a some rabid animal. Yeah Don't be scared. We're gonna be fine. You got a little defensive. I thought we're friends No, you didn't say it did Listen, I thought we're gonna have some fun. We were having fun and then toward the end of the conversation You asked me what issue do you not care about? I don't really care about the pot issue which I thought I cared about when I was 21 You said you wouldn't defend issues when you were from when you were seven seven years ago, right? All of yourselves I was 21. I was probably a lot harsher on pot than I am today. I thought it was worse I grew up around it. I had negative experiences. Then I realized that was anecdotal I don't really care much anymore But I think they should be able to do what they want to do then three four five follow-up questions So we could get to a point into this debate where the show is now going on two three hours long Well, you were trying to say was that people that are pro marijuana? Ignore the negative consequence of marijuana and I asked you what those were right and you said traffic fatalities One of them and then we tried to find out if that's true and we found out it's not didn't find out that it's not true You made an argument that it's not true, but we didn't we didn't definitively find out that it's not true A lot of statistics. Well, you just it's very easy to do that when you ignore opposing statistics No, let's find the opposing things about them. What's let's have Another hour to get into the job. I definitely have plenty of time man. You're not gonna get your flight. You got a lot of time This is this is an interesting argument, right? It's an interesting argument because it shows what happens when people not necessarily disagree But getting new position where one person wants to have the upper hand you keep jockeying back and forth We're trying to figure out who's gonna wind up on the top of the heap. No, there's no jockeying back and forth Not at all. You're the one jockeying back and forth. Oh, sweetie, you know Come on, that's a bully thing, honey. Come on. That's a bully thing. If that's a bully thing We have a real problem in this country pussy. Come on fuck that money. That might be dumb. Fuck might be bullying Yeah, sweetie is not what you've done. Come on. I did it as a joke because I thought we're friends You don't think where we talk every now and then I do like you I like you too But I mean, you don't think we're friends. You brought me a pipe. You gave me a pipe I did give you a pipe been on my podcast twice. I know how dare you Probably not invited back here a goddamn bully. I'll invite you back. Listen, here's the truth. Are you upset more than me? Well, I'm saying when you say you're defensive and you have somebody else to bring up sources That's let's be let's get really thing you want me to know I don't want you to look up anything you want me to Jamie will be let me tell you something if Jamie found something that Shows me I'm wrong and he does all the time. He pulls it up Well, not Gage here knows it is a standing pot on our show We do it differently and that's why I invited you on the show. Well, how do you do it differently? Okay, press or tightest comes in the show if Sally come comes in the show if you come on the show and you say I Want to talk about pot in the show if you say that and you say I disagree with you I say okay, not gay Jared not a word and you don't bring up any sources. This is going to be Me I'd let him talk ability. Do you think I would let Jared talks all the time, but I don't think it's fair Why not? I would talk to him to his human being two on one in an argument is fair It's not two on one it is, you know, it's not and if he disagrees with me and you disagree to me together We can go back and forth all together. I don't care. I don't mind if there's three people get another friend that hates pot But I don't hate pot. Well, I mean just again. I'm saying I said mischaracterizations and absolutes there. I don't hate pot. I'm not saying you do I'm saying get a friend who hates pot bring another friend who hates pot get another friend Jared get another friend another Jamie look I should have used the word also. No because the implication there's another meaning you hate pot No, if I said Joe get another person I don't doors Bernie Sanders and then have a thing on his face I think it would imply that you did arguments I think I gave you the argument and you continued for another hour Joe didn't really you gave it to me with a caveat And that caveat is that I'm a bully and that Jamie pulls up statistics. It only benefit You are you are you are how my how is it a bully when two people are talking? How's it but it's not two people talking though You don't have conversation with two people talking you have a fail-safe you have other people who agree with you You have an audience who agrees with you. I'm on your program talking to my audience man. Just two people talking. Let me be clear Okay, I don't hate pot. Okay. I couldn't care less if you want to smoke pot if states want to legalize pot Okay, I couldn't care less about that now. Okay pot is not a substance without consequence That's all and some of those consequences can be Damaged developing brain when they're 25 with a psychiatrist on talk about it and people called her a dumb bitch who you know It doesn't weed cures cancer There have been statistics and reports on fatalities increasing regarding marijuana you may not accept them and Maybe you're right in those sources. Maybe your sources are more valid than my sources. I'll grant you that So my issue is when people are dishonest and only present one side of the issue I just presented several signs and on my show on a regular basis Listen, if you want to smoke pot I couldn't care less go ahead and smoke pot and I think that the people who have tried to make you think you know Reefer madness and wet and wacky to back you I think that's overblown But I also think there are some issues that people who simply want to justify it sometimes a habit which could be negative to some people not all Overlook completely one side of the issue and there is an entire side of the medical community who disagrees with you And I don't know that I agree with them or disagree with them yet. Wait, I'm in the medical community There is an entire side to the medical community who would disagree with your position Yeah, I don't know that I that that you think marijuana is a benign substance. I don't think it's benign to Developing brains we were to discuss that. Okay, good example developing brains. Why I don't think I think a lot I think a lot of I would agree. I think a lot of kids Listen to shine. I know you're not responsible. It's like you should be 18 or 18 in Canada You should be 16 years old to drive a car You're not telling kids to go and smoke up But I think a lot of people who are listening you have many young listeners who are in that developmental say certainly under the age Of 25 who only hear the positive virtues extolled of marijuana sometimes they're not entirely honest Sometimes they're not entirely accurate. I should say I Don't think that's necessarily a good thing necessarily accurate. How so? Like positive things Talked about how harmful marijuana could be to the developing brain under yeah, we have many times Have you in a way that you've conceded that's valid? No, we've said the I don't think you should do anything When I don't think like any 15 year olds do anything to their brain because we don't know what the fuck happens to your Brain when you give a kid alcohol, I did it. I'm sure you probably did it too. When was it? When did you drink first? How old are you? Probably 50 well first beer pike I think I was 14 the first time I got drunk with my friends. I mean it's terrible It's not good for you. It's not smart. It's definitely not smart and I know and you know and I'm sure we all know someone who did get completely overindulgent in marijuana and became one of those wake and bake people that ruined their life and I think people can do that with almost any substance anything that's psychoactive at least I think people do that with cigarettes where they do they need that fucking cigarette more than they need anything I think a lot of a a people do that with cigarettes and alcohol They replace their weird addiction to alcohol to something that's not as bad for them I think there's a lot of things for the developing mind Particularly for the developing mind that we have available to us all the time that are really dangerous You know, I had Henry Rollins on here. We was talking about when he was a little kid He was like five year old they put him on Ritalin. Yeah, the time was five. I think that's fucking horrible I think psych meds for little kids that don't necessarily need them, but maybe they're just a little too energetic I think all that shit's horrible So whether it's marijuana or alcohol or quaaludes or whatever you want to give a 15 year old kid That's got a developing mind. I think there's massive consequences and I don't think you can really calculate those consequences That's my position. I think you can calculate those consequences Well, I think you can but I mean you would have to fuck up a lot of kids in order to really prove the statistical Viability of what damage is being done to kids and how much would cause the damage are you talking about Ritalin now? I'm talking about Quaaludes alcohol marijuana heroin In 2017 Wow quaaludes oxys. Let's go with Oxycontin's. I'm just talking about downer So I'm talking about anything where it's a depressant or stimulant. There's a significant amount of effects Bitch with by the way, I think it's just classified as narcotic It's not like a downer like like a benzodiazepine or something where aren't opiates considered a downer I don't think they're officially considered barbiturates whether I think there's it a depressant alcohols a depressant, right? I'll call the central nervous system depressant, right? but I know something like like a quaalude or um Actually a power lifter where the only drug he could it was a prescription remember this the date rape drug was a prescribed drug Guy named Chad I want of the date rape drugs. Well, whatever the most common date rape drug I don't know if it's I don't know if it's actually rooflin or whatever it's called But most commonly used or the most effective date rape truck. I know what you're thinking about But I can't it's not coming to me. I know the drug but it's it's a weird one where it helps bodybuilder sleep Well, this guy was a power lifter. Yeah power lifters do it too because it actually infers more development Or more growth. Well, not just growth hormone, but recovery time because they have like deep sleep Fuck what is it called? But you know what I'm talking. What is it used as a date rape drug? No, not not that's rupees. That's rupees. There's another thing. I know what you're talking about The date rape drug. Yes, and there was a guy who actually a lot of thing he could sleep on and then it became so They don't prescribe it anymore He had in Sony. He had like a kid like an 1100 squat was close not quite world record but close to it and Lived out in Reno, Nevada And that was the only way he could sleep when he wasn't able to get it anymore his lifts. Did you find it fell? Suggestrix no, no God damn it. It's got a like a real common name. I'll text my buddy cuz he had an overdose of it But he was like 18 God hold on a second. Can you talk please? Thank you, that's it I have a shoulder tomorrow and where you going to have to go back have a show tomorrow a TV show or radio You're sure show to do so. There's no way we're gonna get it on us Making up is gonna be so good for your show and my show to know it's not the entire commentary from this is gonna be Oh my god, what a moron. He thinks so weed doesn't cure. No, man. We're all I guarantee it I guarantee it don't be don't worry about it. We're gonna be we're gonna get through this and get through it in a way That would make sense. Look I definitely get Weird with these conversations and I assume everybody can get You know fake hostile with me. So if I call it, come on bitch. I talked to you like that I don't mean it in a negative I do it like I would do it if you were Brian Callan and he would start laughing along Yeah, but you live in Michigan you get a little sensitive When you go that's adorable, let's listen that's adorable When you said that's not meant to and we were joking about other topics, but on that you lasered in got serious You're wrong. Let's stay on this pound it in that's that's just it's just I don't understand the purpose to it Have some fun. So you're so that's fun. It is a little bit fun So you like doing that you like having you like having someone in disagreeing with them when having going to town get a little Silly like I think you might have got a little silly. I like to have a little fun Got a little silly. Did I did I bring up to punish you? I Said it's the issue. I care about the least come on. Let's get away from that. We're free. We're out of the woods We're back on the road. We're doing good. I'm just gonna grab the wheel Turn towards the trees don't do it resist Nitro hibiscus cold-brew tea. It's tea. Yeah, I had a hibiscus beer recently Most disgusting they've ever had in my life and I love hibiscus tea just does not work for beer I bet if you were in Birkenstocks and you have a what if you had white dreadlocks You'd have thought this is amazing. Have you seen that? Beer I've had kombucha. No, no kombucha beers. So that's like a kombucha. That's like super strong All right, you think I don't know how they do it because the alcohol with the active culture in kombucha should figuratively Right there should be alcohol shouldn't it figuratively eat it as sugar because of the way kombucha ferments No, not necessarily because GT's kombucha that you buy at Whole Foods You have to actually have an ID to buy it because it's more than one half of 1% alcohol vibe by volume So you have to show your ID and be over 21 in order to buy kombucha, right? Now that you say that I think I might have tried kombucha beer once called. Can I say the name or yeah? Yeah, good vibrations. Mmm, and there's one that's okay and one that literally tastes like one There's like a ginger one and there's like a bit and one of them I don't the problem is I don't remember which one so it's rolling the dice every time you have it See some people I just tell them about kombucha about the positive benefits of probiotics and like you should try it and you should eat Kimchi and you should eat. I was a key for out key for is great. I had on my own culture Did you ever had a have you ever done key for yourself? No, but I did make kombucha myself. I've done that before He was easier. Really? Yeah, it looks like it looks like a slimy Kind of like a sea brain or cauliflower. It's not like a grain originally technically It's a grain, but it's really just an active culture of bacteria and yeast So literally as opposed to yogurt with a straining or kombucha Which you literally just put it in a jar put it in on a countertop for a day and strain it and after I think about Four or five batches. It's doubled and then quadruples It's like an investment account and my wife killed it while I was on the road actually doing stand-up I was I had a few shows and I came back and you have to replace it every day Otherwise there's no sugar to feed it and came back and it looked like a snot rag and it was so that was the end Of it. Well, I don't store kombucha is not really a fungus But it's somehow or another like a cousin of a fungus and people think it's a fungus But it's a life form and when you get it like I had it at one point time was like the size of a laptop And I had this like big salad bowl and I was growing kombucha in my refrigerator in the salad bowl and the top the whole Top of the salad bowl was this rubbery sort of life form. It's that like disc. Yeah But it would get big it would get really big and then what I would do is I would drain it into a pitcher and I would put the pitcher into the refrigerator and then I would put more of the sugar water and I forget what all the ingredients were but I know sugar was a part of it because the culture had to eat sugar in order to Stay alive and then it would ferment and the fermentation was a part of it And then you would you know, and you get like some sort of probiotic benefit from it That's a lot harder than kefir. Okay, if you just pour the milk in the lactose is the sugar and that's it That's done. What's actually good about it, too If you read the studies on it like two tablespoons of kefir like actual homemade kefir is tens of billions You know of microorganism. Yeah, but super good for you and it's higher in protein because if you do the math So you can still basically at that point you're left without the lactose So you're left with really just the fat and the protein. Yeah and all the B vitamins So it's like it's like they I read an article once cannot corroborate this But they said that goats milk whole goats milk kefir If you could only have one food would be the most complete food you could have Wow But what about all your vitamins that you would get like phytonutrients? It's not ideal It's not ideal if you'd only do one because you get the B vitamins you get vitamin D vitamin K. Yeah And that's whatever they said if you could only have one and then there was an article said if you could only have two It'd be like that and egg yolks. Have you ever fucked with like some of those pharmaceutical grade? Probiotics like what was Rhonda Patrick was talking about those once on the podcast She was talking about some stuff you have to refrigerate it you buy it as like super. Oh, yeah, I have yeah I have have you well, you know my friend my producer not get Jared had ulcerative colitis. So oh Jesus Christ, so he's going to our office bathroom four or five times a day Oh the poor guy um and I had a problem one time where I just I was so stressed I have all these nerve endings where my stomach just I thought like I thought oh no ulcerative colitis was getting tested for it and just turned out it was stress and They put me on these probiotics and it didn't really work And then when I did the kefir that actually helped a lot more wouldn't be ironic if marijuana was really the cure That's needed the entire time that you probably would have helped because it would have eased the anxiety I bet you would have it might have but it also might have made you more anxious because it makes people if that's one thing You want to talk about the here's the negative? I'll give you one sign of the negative People ignore is the paranoia that marijuana gives you it 100% gives you paranoia I have had some friends that were deep deep potheads that went fucking cold turkey and don't want to go back It's like a monster that's in their closet. That's rating a waiting to get them when they go to pick out their socks There's there's no doubt about it It has this one effect on some people particularly if you take too much of it Or if your life is getting away from you You know if it's like slipping away from you and then you start waking bacon and then you just don't ever deal with all your issues So they compound and fucking whirlwind. I was told you of bullshit But my shrink should I you probably have you done this gene site testing? No, what's that really haven't done it? No, I'm surprised. So, um, it's mainly used in psychiatry now but they're saying it's gonna have all kinds of future with you know, determining cancer and things like that and they actually use it to Look for depression bipolar ADHD and they can look at your genes now I'm not a doctor. So I'm gonna butcher this but basically for me They can look at your dopamine and say this is this is how your genetics work. They say if you're gay I don't know if they can type your gay but I already have accepted it. I actually have a video called you choose to be gay and my answer is definitively. No, what if it was you? well Again because I don't choose a pretty much new When I tuned into the OC when I was a kid and I was looking at Misha Barton Rachel Billson and the people who wanted To screw Adam Brody. I think that's when you realize you're gay. Mmm If it were me then I'd be gay. Okay, what does that matter? Just question. Would you be uncomfortable if I were gay? No, I've had Milo on the show because I've told you quite a bit. Thank you. You could look back and think well Maybe he's gay. Maybe it ulterior motives. I don't think I would think that But with dopamine for with me like we have a relative in the family who actually Well, I should say who has an issue and so they looked at genes that create serotonin and then okay You have a long most people have a long gene in a short gene and you have two short genes and with me That's the case with dopamine. So like a lot of people who would maybe typically be addicts or people with ADHD or people who For me, I didn't realize this until I was a lot older Look, this is I'm gonna totally expose myself less vulnerable to all the angry potheads after the argument I didn't realize until I was older. I didn't actually feel the same feelings of joy like pleasure that other people whoa So dopamine, right? You know how that works. It's your reward center Like you do something good bing and I was a B student in high school. I never opened a textbook Because if I completed something I did a project that was it bones. You're like I did a project I was like, okay. I did a project. What's the next thing? I never really felt that reward center in the brain and They did this gene site testing and they found that basically have the worst genetic pattern It's not entirely accurate, but it's actually increased the efficacy of antidepressants from like a one in a one in two To like a two and three Wow something like that Because they can look in and look at your genetics more effectively. And so no, I'm sorry to interrupt Are you have you taken? antidepressants I've taken ADHD medication. That's not anti-depress. No, it's an anti-depressants But it's easier activity disorder is a completely different situation. Well, it's but it's also basically a dopamine shortage ADHD is wow, that's why stimulants, you know on people who actually have ADHD don't rev them up actually to zone them in You know some studying and they feel like wired and Before the genetic testing that's how they often tested for it as well How do you react to this drug and if you feel wired like, you know me with all this I had 600 milligrams of caffeine, right? Then you probably don't have ADHD What kind of shit that they put you on when they put you on ADHD medication, you know the base like Adderall stuff like that Oh, so they put you on Adderall? Yeah, I'm taking it and I don't I don't take it every day because I never want to be dependent on it How often you take it? I don't know a couple times a week. Yeah, probably. Yeah, you just did it when you feel down It is amazing. I will tell you this I never realized Until I took it and this is not an I'm not advocating cuz I think it's way over prescribed I think you're right. I think most kids were I don't think you should put kids on it I think you're right too and I think that most kids or most people who take it don't need it But I also think that there are people with real conditions out there like you that can benefit from it Well, you have a genetic well, you can prove it. Well, cuz for the longest time my wife will hear this and she'll I I Denied it through and through I thought no, you know, there's this is just this is bullshit the ADHD just to get kids whacked out on Ritalin and I you know, I had people I would deal with like counseling or stuff. You know, that would get stress I had stress management issues and No, no, I don't believe it and then I was given a book on ADHD and I never I've never finished reading it like three pages and moved on to something else and they said, okay Let's do this test this whole kind of questionnaire deal and was pretty extensive, you know short of actually doing a CAT scan So okay, you test like in the top 99th percentile and we did the gene site testing. I think it's called gene site and It was pretty remarkable and I will say that I won't get into exactly what it is that I've done or what medications I've taken but it was certainly life-changing as far as I didn't know what normal people felt like Wow That's really fascinating ADHD is a fascinating form of a sort of a Mild-mental disorder that's extremely frequent. I Don't think it's as frequent as a lot of people think though. I would give you like it's overprescribed I really do I really do because whenever I say it, you know people go. Oh, I too. I'm major ADD I don't know you it's not the same thing, right? That's the thing that people like to say to just compensate for them being a douchebag Asperger's. I'm so a See I'm on the spectrum. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I'm on the autistic spectrum So but it is I came into it kicking and screaming and I mean I never did anything in school. I just did the bare minimum. So boring. Hmm so boring and Then when you know, they sort of doing actual like, you know, test, you know IQ testing and stuff and we found like well Listen medication doesn't make you smarter Yeah, I have my own theories about this whole Thing that they do when they take kids and they make them all sit in the same School in the same class and listen to the same subject, right? I don't think there's anything in life that mirrors that and I think experiences in life very radically and I think that if you looked at nature and the great spectrum of survivors and You know winners and losers and how genes get expressed and how evolution takes place in nature Yeah, there's all sorts of different kinds of animals. Why wouldn't we assume? There's all sorts of different kinds of people whenever you force all people to sit down and do the same thing You're gonna have aberrations you know people that don't like obviously you found something with your show and with public speaking that you you excel at like you found this Thing like you do this ranting thing that you could do We could just go on a hundred words a second about all these different things like you found this thing where Whatever way your brain works. Yeah, it works perfectly for that It's the same thing with a stand-up comedian. It's same thing with a musician an author There's a lot of people that daydream all the time like oh you're a fucking loser No, right this guy's writing books in his fucking head just give him a goddamn laptop and he's gonna make a million bucks Yeah, you know I mean it's well I mean and the truth is people they want to know you probably talked about this with Christine off summers Actually, there are people who have a lot of those kind of interactions that you talked about in a classroom on a daily basis They're called women they sit down and talk think about women they get together with a book group or whatever it is they literally sit down and Listen and they'll listen to someone and that's it and they'll sit because they're very auditory That's the way they learn the public education system in the United States was designed for girls from the ground up and you put boys Into a world where they don't do well They do not thrive in that atmosphere of what girls do and that's why girls have much higher grades in high school going into college And then when boys can study at their own pace, they do better on the SATs That's a great book called wild at heart I think by John Eldridge that talks about that and this is a long time ago talking about then rather we know boys learn Better with their hands think about it, right? It's considered a masculine gym shop or not just masculine things But physical science where you're working in a laboratory Those are subjects where boys actually tend to do better than girls often in high school or they rate it as something they like instead of changing the way we do male education we try and change little boys and That's a real that's a real problem And I think that's a big reason not because someone was bullied because someone used the word fag I think you probably have a lot of incidents of depression and young boys in particular Because you're putting them in an atmosphere where they can't possibly succeed. Yeah. Well, I think both are problematic but I think the square peg round hole issue has been there for the beginning of school in the first place mean I Don't mean to be like a proponent of homeschooling But really every I mean once you have kids I think you kind of realize it goddamn every kid out of the box is a totally Different thing they're just different. Yeah, we're gonna homeschool Because my wife she went to Montessori school and she went to You know, I don't know if it was a public high school or private high school But she's she's basically she's a genius. She's very very smart, but she did not do well in a normal school at all at all Do you think you could find a school that maybe is more flexible or because it's a Montessori school Socializing is critical for kids and socializing during the day where they learn about each other, you know They learn about interactions and you can talk to them to they come home You know Debbie said something mean to me. What did she say? Yeah, you know, I mean that's important I can tell you kind of a tale of two homeschooled kids I have I won't give any names here because I have they'll know who they are. Okay family. They have homeschooled kids very weird Just stare at their screen all day I have another family friends who were homeschooled their kids They're the best kids you could possibly have in an adult dinner table because they put the kids in jujitsu I think one of them does tennis they put kids in all kinds of social activities. They travel with the kids They take them to Europe and then whenever they have adult get-togethers where it's appropriate for kids to be they still have adult night and date night Kids can be there and they'll speak when asked to speak. They don't interrupt. They're able to interact with adults They're probably the most well-adjusted kids I've ever seen and then I have seen the weird creepy homeschooled kids where you do your class On your iPad and then afterwards you get to watch PewDiePie, you know play video games or whatever it is So it really does come down to the parents, but I do think that a parent who knows how to homeschool a kid I think that's gonna be especially if the mom is at home with the kids, you know, I think that's a huge leg up Well, there's obviously so many variables as far as the intellect of the parents and what their thought process is behind Homeschooling their kid and what their experience level is and how much thought they put into it and where they're coming from emotionally Psychologically intellectually. Yeah, there's a lot of variables I mean the idea of homeschooling is bad or homeschooling is good I have friends that have home home schooled three of their kids. They have four kids a homeschool three of them The kids are fine. Yeah, they're fine. They put a lot of work into it. They spend a lot of time with their kids They took their kids all over the world. They took their kids traveling all through Europe Yeah, you know, they just decided at some point in time and it wasn't always home school. They had done some public school They had done some private school and then they got to a point They were like look like what are we what are we doing here? Like we're trying to you know the kids got older into their like pre-teens and then their teens and then they came to this conclusion like what what they're coming back from High school with and from middle school with is not what I want them to be exposed with I want to rather I want to be exposed to the classics I want them to be exposed to life and let just looking at human beings in a way That's like open-minded and traveling and seeing things and so instead of like necessarily just having them take Spanish They lived in Spain for a little while. They went to Spain and lived there So they think of that interesting shit crazy Asian you were talking when I'm Tucker Carlson. She's a middle school teacher Yeah Think of the enclaves of crazy places where these social justice warriors go and often they go into teaching because it's their way to get Power of these little kids and here's the thing that was really we wrote about that on the website And what I wrote about that was that interview. Yeah, whatever about that was This is a horrible interview because she's okay with violence in Berkeley but what really disturbs me is Every other professor out there who isn't a national story Let's say she didn't get caught on camera hitting a guy with a stick, right? But some kid stands up who's a conservative in middle school. I was that way where I would argue with a teacher And just as why I think you're wrong and she kicks that kid out of class and just says that kids being disruptive and Or a fat let's say that teacher is the principal gets the kid expelled from school These people have these little enclaves of power these positions of authority and parents kind of have to trust the teacher So you see that it's a national story. She's exposed, but what about all the teachers who aren't I had a teacher Complain to my parents and talk about how disrespectful I was and what a horrible person I was because I think in the ninth grade I actually argued I was like I actually don't think we should give the land back to the Native Americans when she was I'm with the teacher. Fuck you And she's your argument, what did you say? Well, I was I was a smart ass. So this is me as you know I was a 14 year old right I said the fact that I remember who she I won't use her name I said the fact that you're wearing Levi's and because you have a sore throat you're speaking to an electronic speaker when you just drove here in a Toyota Yaris And you're gonna like electric electrically powered school In a union tells me you're glad that we settled here and she just she didn't answer She didn't argue. She sent me out of class and call and I remember the next morning I thought it was kind of I didn't really think my dad was furious because he got a call from someone saying I was Disrupting class or she asked students. Was you dead mad at the teacher? No, he's mad at me Why was he mad at you because he didn't get the full story. He just you know, he just hears I Stevens being immensely disrespectful right talking back in class. He didn't hear the she asked for an opinion This was MRE moral religious education was a class we had to take in moral religious education So there's guilt for the First Nation people up in Canada Is that what it is? This is just specific professor and a matter of fact I learned what right wing was because I remember at one point said that's so right wing That's so right and I didn't know what it was. I was 14 I had said something and I said dad what does right wing mean? He says well and he kind of explained to me the political spectrum. I said, okay, I guess I am right wing. I Was in it. I was in Alberta and I was with some friends who live up there and we were fishing and we were fishing right next to these First Nation people which are their Native Americans, right and They have a limit of walleye that you can take you can only take one walleye per day, right? if you're a regular person, but if you're a First Nations person, you could just yeah pull in as many as you want and and and I was like How does that work and they go? Oh, it's way crazy than that they can go out at night with spotlights and shine them on moose and Gun them down from trucks because then it frees them. Yeah the spotlight. Yeah, they don't know what it is They don't stand still they try to figure out what the what's going on moose don't see spotlights, right ever in the real world Sorry, so when they see when they freeze and they shoot them with guns from trucks and I was like what so they're allowed to poach Yeah, it's not poaching. They can do whatever they want I go well, how many are they allowed to kill as many as they want so they can kill all the moose They can kill all the moose. Whoa. Yeah, I was like what that is that seems that seems odd You know who makes a great argument in the Native American case is actually have you read Chael Sunnen's book? No, it's very interesting and he talks about this like Michael Medvedin Dennis Prager have talked about this But I was surprised as to how cogent Chael's arguments were. He's a very smart guy Well, he's a very smart guy and then he always kind of play it He plays it down or plays it up when it's convenient But if you read his book he talks about he says it's just a numbers game The reason that we were able to colonize here is entirely because of Native Americans They were being he wrote about it in a way I'm butchering it but he said like when we came for example, like let's talk about the Mayans he goes they had literally Pyramids or Aztec whatever they had buildings entirely full of gold. He goes now, how do you think they procured said gold? Do you think that they maybe went to other tribes or other members and said you are going to bring us this coal gold or be? Die and so what happened was Thousands upon thousands tens of thousands Maybe hundreds of thousands said when the conquistadors came who would never have had enough to take over that that area of the world said We're gonna take our chances with the red guys with the beards and the metal helmets because they've been treated so poorly for so long And the same thing if you look at the Algonquins and the Iroquois and Quebec Those were the tribes that we had and the kind of the packs that they would have and listen they screwed them Don't get me wrong. They really screwed them with the fire water thing and they pulled the rug out from under them I'm not defending it But the idea that we came in and just conquered these people know there were a lot of people who were mistreated because this horse Culture that they did first off they hadn't domesticated horses. They didn't even use the wheel and So a lot of the things that were taught are not true and we're taught that they were peaceful. No, they weren't peaceful That's why all of a sudden these new people who came in with sticks that go boom had Thousands of Native Americans at their disposal who were willing to die with them because they were tired of being treated that way And I made some argument to maybe that effect got in trouble got sent home Wow, it's a complicated issue that spans hundreds of years But there was certainly intertribal warfare and the word that the Sioux used they don't use the word sue They use the word Lakota. They call themselves Lakota people sue is a word for enemy. That's what it means So like that's what other Native American cultures would call them They would call them the enemy because they're killing each other the Nez Perce and the Apaches They would go to war with each other neighboring tribes. It was constant It's just when the Europeans came they were so overwhelming that we feel bad for what they did But you know what killed more Native Americans than anything our diseases. Yeah, our dirty dirty bugs Yeah, we came over here and coughed on them. They all fucking died Well, that's another thing to write that we killed them deliberately with smallpox blankets. That's not true. That's not true We didn't we didn't even understand we didn't have germ theory. They didn't understand They didn't they didn't understand that scabs if you like take the idea was he took scabs from people with fucking diseases And you put them on blankets and you gave the Native Americans Rock out rubbing your hands. No, that's good. Well a big thing was horses. Yeah, they hadn't domesticated horses and a lot of animals Mm-hmm So think about that you've never come in contact with these animals there in the wild and all of a sudden these people are Coming off effectively with a boat. That's a giant farm Mm-hmm, and they're bringing these animals in that you've never had contact with before all kinds of disease. Oh sure well That's the thing that people a lot of people who don't understand where diseases come from a giant percentage of them come from our livestock Right, that's why you have swine flu and avian viruses and all these different things. Yeah ours in the Toronto Airport only Canada Stars, it was right back SARS. You were the only ones who had SARS. What was it? New call it was it what it stand for? I don't remember his new SARS I knew all the Asians were wearing those mask at the Toronto Airport. I remember SARS Yeah, I want about Ebola was just a year ago. It's fucking we're gonna die Ebola that fucking chick from New Jersey that bitch she she left the hospital, right? So much flak from conservatives too because I was like listen I don't like Barack Obama as a president, but you can't blame it Bola on the guy Fuck you. It's an African disease. Yeah, I know you know and that's one of those things where I know I'm seen as an ideologue But it's something like we get so much flak for criticizing Donald Trump for example on on some trade policies I just think this is bad. What's the big thing that you've been criticized about Trump for? That I've been criticized about for your show just for criticizing him at all anything and you can cut total line Yeah, people get real because they're used to versus them bro Well, cuz you know, they're used to like you've had people on the show You've even mentioned in this program people who are there only they're only rezone day, right? It's being a is being a provocateur to offend there and there's there's a purpose to that There's but if just offending people is the end goal and I really don't think that's what we do if people actually watch the show I mean people actually watch the show every day an hour of content. Most of it is really pretty reasonable They see the highlight reel of me dressing as a tranny interviewing Wendy Davis, right? Right? That's from thousands and thousands of hours of the program So we criticize them all the time But you know less and less because every time he does something stupid the left does something so bad So it's like calling him literally Hitler like that woman who was the schoolteacher who's talking about Well, they don't Jim Jeffries really bother me about that woman who's a schoolteacher was she was talking about Just just labeling they're all fascists and you have to stop fascists And then when he described when he asked her what is a fascist? She gave like this shitbag definition what a fascist is it only suited her needs? Yeah, let's pull up the actual literal definition of fascist young Jamie What is the literal definition of fascists as I interpret it? It is I do you video I did a video on this and here's what's so funny if I'm not mistaken Google's definition brings up fascism and mentions right wing, but if you bring up communism or socialism Maybe it's authoritarianism something that's very clearly left-wing. They don't actually mention left wing Okay, an advocate or follower of the political philosophy or system of fascism He went to Spain to fight against the fascists to extreme right-wingers Extreme right-winger rightist or a military coup throughout the old fascist regime synonymous authoritarian totalitarian Dictatorial see this is where it gets weird because undemocratic illiberal now type in communism, but authoritative but hold on a second authoritarian and Totalitarian like this when you talk about extreme left-wing Ideologues you are talking about Authoritarians and you're talking about totalitarian. Yeah, and you're also talking about people that would advocate violence Against anyone who does not fit their mold sure of how a person should think or behave and what they do is they call Them a fascist or they call you a Nazi and that lets them alleviate themselves of any guilt of being a Violent person against these people and that's what happened at Berkeley And that's why this woman felt no irony about being on television saying that Milo is a homophobe when he's a gay guy Well, and she was also talking about justifying beating up people who weren't Milo Jimmy. Yes, could you hit authoritarian real quick? Yeah, okay Favoring or enforcing strict obedience or authority especially especially that of the government of expensive Now do me a favor type in communism and I want you to see the Google So it just said right-wing extremism right with fashion, which is not a right-wing ideology at all Communism do we all agree is an inherently left-wing ideology? Yeah. Well a political theory derived from Karl Marx well, there's a lot of like I had Jordan Peterson on the podcast and really talked about how it's like progressives who are sensitive and kind people gravitate towards Marxism in a lot of ways because the initial draw seems appealing advocating class war and leading to a society in which all Property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid for according to their abilities and needs So here's the point and I wrote about this. I think we did a video on this Fascism which is not inherently right-wing at all. No, it's not they write right-wing extreme right-wing illiberal communism which inherently has to be left-wing it is the definition of the political spectrum of left-wing would be Communism and then capitalism and then in between can be authoritarianism right fascism depending on the regime No mention of left-wing with communism because I know there's a this is Google. They know there's negative connotations The first thing that comes up but fascism authoritarianism. They immediately try to attribute to the right Mmm, that's what people are fighting back again when they when they talk about media and fake news and the constant bias You see it there with Google. That's not fair, right? Do you think there's a problem with also defining things in terms of a word like Marxism or like communism? Like let's just talk about like what are you trying to do? Like what are what are you actually trying to appeal to? When you're saying that you can't have someone speak at your university if they say things that you don't agree with Like do you remember the story about the University of Toronto really famous story guy who is an author? They completely misrepresented what his book was about They were saying he's pro rape culture and these feminists shut it down They pulled fire alarms the famous red-haired lady who's yeah, I'm screaming at people Yeah, I remember her name Melissa clique. I don't know if a clique no no no that's the one from the University of Missouri Oh, I'm talking about the one from Toronto who is like this like she's kind of funny in a way cuz she was like shut up Fuck face. I'm talking Yeah, the red with that Hair I mean that was That was this crazy moment in time where this guy had Scheduled an appearance to speak about his book yeah, and someone had misrepresented his book Decided what his book was actually all about and decided that they were gonna have a campaign to make sure this guy couldn't talk Yeah So people would show up and they would try to just go to listen to this guy talk and women were screaming in their face Yeah, fucking rape past you piece of shit. Yeah, the guy's like I want to hear the guy talk Can I hear the guy talk no they wouldn't let people then that is fascism well? Yeah, isn't it? Well it happened to with Ann Coulter in Toronto. I remember and whether you agree with her or not serves it I disagree with her on a lot, but um She was I remember she was asking like what and I said well You don't understand freedom of speech doesn't really exist in Canada as a matter of fact It doesn't exist outside of the United States. It really doesn't exist in Canada I mean you they have some weird rules doesn't exist in Europe And when I told her that she couldn't and then actually someone went on news on the news and said well What Ann Coulter needs to understand is that America has this idea of free speech and rugged individualism and all speech is protected But that's not the case in Canada, and this was the representative They trotted out where she basically said freedom of speech does not exist in Canada And so you can read the YouTube comments where every time I see the freedom of speech doesn't exist in Canada Thousands of people let's bullshit because they think they get to type in an internet message board But you can be jailed in Canada for saying something or you can lose your business. There's a human rights council Yeah, we talked about it actually yesterday. Did you have him the cat? No, but we talked about well. He's got a different case. That's from Montreal We talked about the comedian from Vancouver that had the altercation with the lesbians in the crowd They were heckling him and the comedians before and he called them some fucking you pussy eating dikes or whatever He said something crazy, and they sued him and won. They won Yeah, like we had pay I don't know if he's paid, but it was tens of thousands of dollars I think was like something like fifteen thousand dollars this fucking guy had to pay to these people were hecklers Yeah, I know that people and you know that's why again what people say with a left versus right? This is why it does matter because I lived through it in Quebec so in Quebec We only have the left we have liberals and then liberal separatists. That's it There's no there's liberals and there's liberals who want to only speak French and separate from the rest of Canada Yeah, exactly Quebec's a weird place right it's a very weird place. It's not like the rest of Canada It's multiculturalism gone awry the French were a conquered people it should have been shut up. You're speaking English instead They said it's cute Let's let them have their little enclave and now it's just a nightmare for the rest of that's where white golfers are afraid about With California is that what it's gonna. Just gonna dominate and turn this whole thing into a Mexican speaking joint I don't know what we were talking about before oh yeah the left versus right because yeah I do think you do at one a certain point and I think a lot of people are readily acknowledging now That those stories that you're talking about the red-haired girl the Melissa clique. Yeah Asian lady You really can't find that today on the right right it just doesn't exist today on the right and that's just like that What doesn't exist period on the right you know people try to point to like Parental advisory lyrics and stuff and he probably has to pee as badly as I do oh my god And then we'll be that was Tipper Gore way Yeah, no the parental advisory thing from the 80s when they were trying she was trying to ban rap music Yeah, we'll forget about that Al Gore's wife Yeah was trying to ban rap music and Christians never wanted to ban South Park That's one thing where they talked about they said no we don't we just don't want it on at night We want it on late at night. We don't want our kids watching it never Trey Parker and Matt Stone So Matt Stone him as stoner Trey Parker I saw Matt speak at UT and he just a guy stood up and he was like asking this question like honey fight bag You know against these Christians, and he actually said he said well You know what he said we've actually never had an issue Really he said they don't want it on in primetime. We don't want it on in primetime We've seen them as an ally He said contrast that to the Comedy Central reaction where they decided to cut an episode because we put Muhammad in it and that Tells you who's really in power right something to that effect, but the kid who was at UT You know in Austin my brother went to UT so he would get access to all these speeches Or presentations the kid was dumbfounded. He thought well Matt stones not one of me and Matt stones not a conservative It's not a Republican. He's not a Trump supporter, right? He just recognizes the intolerance today of the progressive left well There's definitely an issue when you have that woman the Melissa Glick lady who is yelling at that kid who was just a photographer he was a journalist yeah, and I think he was hired to be there in a public space who's Asian yeah, he's taking pictures and She said can they can we get some muscle here because we've created a safe space You tank can't take photos of our protests and our sit-in in our safe space about racism So we're gonna get this Asian guy cuz you don't understand black America like what the fuck How long do you think she was waiting to say I just want to use the term muscle? Oh, man She was just gonna say get some well She was Intolerant in that she was very adamant about getting her way and she did not consider whether or not they were in a public place and this Kid had the right to take those photographs and again like you said this an Asian kid I mean this is not like some fucking white jock with a crew cut like from you know back to the future We didn't say oh, it's fucking biff fuck him. You know it wasn't that right It was it was like it was really hard to label him as an oppressor right She still found a way and it was such an Asian response to where he was just like I just want to do my job I don't want to be the center of this story His camera up above us. Yeah, you know I don't want to start a march You have to get out of here. He's like no. I don't know this is my job I'm paid to be here have to be you have a public thing going on here. There's a protest after urinate so bad Don't do it. Dude. Go do it. You're gonna keep doing the show. No, we'll wrap up. Let's wrap up All right, let's wrap up all right, so s Crowder on Twitter. I'm glad we got through this dude No, I really you're generous dude, and I really do like you know I like you like to talk to you a little bit as I treat you like a stand-up comedian I figured you'd fuck with me back and you got a little poor fine. We got that was me I'm glad we got through it back. We got through it. Yeah, we got no I'm listen seriously and for those listening Honestly, I won't say I don't because I don't want you to get in trouble if I say behind the scenes Joe has done some things he says things have been very nice, so he's a nice He you know anyway. I don't know if that hurts your street credit like no. I don't have any secret I have zeros tree credit well people I like have cats you cats have no street cred dude. I take yoga He's a good dude too folks. We're all fine. We're gonna be fun We're gonna find a way all these ideas to come together. This is part of it This is part of it, so thank you very much. Thanks for tuning in. Thank you Stephen Crowder. Thank you everybody see ya fuckers