Joe Rogan Experience #214 clip - Joe and Duncan discuss psychedelic experiences


12 years ago



Duncan Trussell

60 appearances

Duncan Trussell is a stand-up comic, writer, actor, host of the "Duncan Trussell Family Hour" podcast, creator of "The Midnight Gospel" on Netflix, and the voice of "Hippocampus" on the television series "Krapopolis."


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If life wasn't real it'd be the craziest psychedelic trip ever - Joe Rogan


#214 - Duncan Trussell


12 years ago


I wonder if there if someone could sell pills that made you depressed People would buy them people would buy them I mean look at what its cigarettes are cigarettes are something that makes you feel like shit You smell terrible and yet they're there like it's super popular it kills people and then super popular if you had depression pills And you just had them out there. Yeah, it would be like a news story news at 5 is this new pill crossing the line It's marketed as depression and then you go there and there's a chick with white makeup on a black lipstick She goes life fucking sucks. It's always fucking sucked Okay, and when I take these pills I see reality and that's what I want if you don't like it. Fuck you Yeah, what is wrong with the children of today and is this depression drug crossing the line happiness is annoying When you're around happy people they're fucking irritating if you're happy or fucking piece of shit What's there to be happy about you're gonna fucking die depression wars raging everywhere You're really gonna walk around with a smile on your face and this economy Well, you know, it's really good to do depression with your girl because when you get through it and it wears off It's like you get to really appreciate how good how good you have it when you're getting along great Because when you take depression, it's really like going through like one of those Life-changing experiences on weird African drugs that make you like almost die You know, they have a bunch of those crazy drugs that they give like jungle drugs where you almost die It's not quite a psychedelic experience. It's almost like a near-death experience Like they literally they literally almost kill you pretty cool And you're supposed to like learn something about yourself through through this intense and horrible poisoning I think if they're called ordeal poisons, that's the actual technical term and and they They they operate very similar to psychedelics in the way that they humbly, you know I mean because it really brings you to the brink of death and your your emotions are just blaring your fears are blaring your Insecurities and when you know, I think you're forced to examine your life in a very deep and realistic way in any real true near tragic situation, right? Oh, yeah So I think you take these ordeal poisons and you just go through the ordeal of almost fucking dying and you learn a little bit About yourself, but god damn it. That's the hard way to do it. That is the hard way to do it But for a lot of people that's the only way to do it. Yeah, they don't have enough They don't they live in a psychedelic free environment. They can't get it to them So they don't have the means to get it to them. Yeah, sometimes even I know people will take psychedelics and still be douchebags Totally, you know that guy we were talking about before the show. Yeah There's a lot of them out there that they like It's almost like By taking it it allows you to be a twat Because you've had the experience and you're allowed to like stick it in someone else's face that hasn't had the experience They're their children or they're a moron like that's that's that's crazy Well, then what do you know, you're not you're not better for having an experience. You're just more experienced You know what what's better is your overall impact on human beings? And if just you've accumulated some extra information so you feel it's okay to be cunty. Well, that's not better at all You've just moved your energy into a different direction. You're not you're not better. Right? You're still being a twat. Well, you're still differentiating Yeah, I mean that's good. That's the In the Bhagavad Gita sort of talks about like signs of people who've gained real realization And one of the signs is that they don't differentiate between Any anything it's all they see it is all an expansion of the same original force They don't see it anymore is like this person's rich. This is person. Right? This person's good. This person's bad It's all just different sides and angles of this superstructure that Existed forever. That's so hard to think that way It's so hard to separate yourself from you know From you and your needs and your your ideas are you what you want what you want to accomplish or whatever Yeah, whatever you associate with you and and the idea that you're a part of a whole well You can intellectually imagine it really being in that state. The only time I've ever truly been in that state was when I Taken a huge dose of LSD and was out in the desert And I remember just having that fading away merging thing where you no longer anything You're just something you're you're everything you just merge into it all and I don't know how you would really function in that state I don't really know what you would be like in the world if you if if you that didn't if that lasted longer than amount of time, you know an acid trip is or a few hours, but they do say that through meditation and through strict Yogic disciplines you can hit that place permanently You know and then somehow that that place is Nirvana or paradise. It's a beautiful way to be all the time But I don't know I've you know, I've only heard stories about people like that descriptions of people like He was a corpse that the universe spoke through is one great Description of Wow, you know with the the ego of the person was dead They're just gone. But that guy probably boring as fuck to hang out with that's the problem Yeah, you know part of what's cool about being a human being is being around people that have some flavor Yeah, hell yeah, and you you know, you see some of these people and they do seem to have flavor So, you know, I don't know the problem with talking about the holy men of the world The great holy men of the world is that I've never met one It's like I've met some wannabe gurus I've met quite a few wannabe gurus and some of them, you know, they shocked me with their humorlessness You know what though dude, I did do a video chat with Ram Dass Yeah, you said that was amazing. That guy was fucking awesome and it lit up my whole it was just you and him Yeah, it was no it was me him and Natasha Wow. Yeah, and how did you arrange this? Well on his website You can still do it. It's this thing called heart to heart where you can like I know you could talk to him on Sunday Wow, and you just go to the website and sign up. I couldn't believe it either I thought it was there was no way it was gonna work or I thought they were gonna like try to get asked for money For me or something when I signed up for it Sunday my phone rang. Hello Duncan it's wrong. Doss. Holy shit Yeah, and then suddenly I'm like on this video screen with Rhonda's and he was glowing He was like he's an old dude now, but he it was like exactly the same energy that my friends Eight-year-old kids have it was just this radiant child like Authentic energy wasn't phony. It wasn't bullshit. Wow talk for a little while. He told me um This chant that he's been doing lately Over and over again where he says I am loving awareness. I am loving awareness. I am loving awareness It's a chant to just sort of I don't know shift your vibe and then that was it said goodbye That was it. They didn't ask for any money didn't want anything. It was just a wow, you know, yeah, it was just like service That's it. It's that's fascinating. That's fascinating. Yeah, it's like when you look at him and you know people who are Psychedelic enthusiasts, you know, you look at someone like him and you go there's a guy he made it through Yes, he made it through he really grabbed it Yeah, he really grabbed a whole the whole thing and it made him something different It made him what he is at the heart of the trip. That's right now. Well he because what happened is he went into that state and instead of going into that state and Leaving and then that's it. It was a novel experience. He went to that state and said I want to be in this state Permanently, what the fuck is this because he had you know, he's a trained psychologist And he's like we don't know what this is. We don't have any maps for this We don't know what the fuck this psychedelic experience is at all I so he was trying to when he went to India He was trying to see if this was a state that you could permanently reside in he wanted to stay high forever That's how much he loved tripping, you know when I come down quite often. I'm like, thank you. God. I'm back to you know State zero ground. I'm here. Yeah, he was like, okay Let's do this forever. They were fucking Wow him and Timothy weary were like drinking from what I was drinking Sipping vials of acid sucking from LSD, you know, they were going so fucking deep into the exuberance It's so scary fearless fearless intrepid explorers whoo, but you know, he realized that you go into that place You have this contact or whatever you want to call it with some kind of either hidden interior realm or some kind of Exterior realm that as humans are perceptual mechanism. Yeah, and then that's a pretty scientific way of looking at it. Realistically hidden Interior realm even being just a conscious one, you know a consciousness realm, you know The fact that those ideas they're not of why are they not available to me right now? This is if it's all being generated Interiorly, yeah, how come those ideas are not available to me right now? Do I need some intense stimulation of different regions in order to give me that information? Like I don't know how the process works. I'm not exactly sure if other people know either I have the weirdest fucking feeling that when you take psychedelics or when you take even marijuana that you're The part of what the experience is is you? experiencing the intelligence of the plant Part of it is it char it it boosts up your own senses into this weird crazy alien state And that's why being high feels so like disorienting and feels odd You know, you're almost like not in your space anymore Your space is connected with some other intelligence and this other intelligence is showing you different avenues of thinking It's almost like it it it starts filling pores in your mind and pushing you in a certain direction And then until it wears off and then it wears off and it's alien to your system So your body gets rid of it eventually and then it's gone It only has a certain certain amount of love time inside of you, right? But while it's inside of you It's like it's changing you it's it's making you like super fucking sensitive. It's making you super aware and honest You know, I mean a lot of people say well, it doesn't do that to me man. It just makes me paranoid Well, maybe that's just how you deal with stress, you know Because for sure you're gonna get moments if you smoke too much pot where you feel paranoid There's no no getting away with that. Everyone's gonna have that experience But what is that really? I'll tell you what it is, man. It's like you're being You're being aware of all The shit in the world all at once and all the shit that you're hiding in the back of your head and all the shit That's the your worst nightmare that you're terrified that you actually manifesting because you think about it all the time Yeah, and when you smoke pot all that shit comes to life and on top of that, you're just disoriented you it's like surfing It's like surfing can be great Surfing can be like I watch those guys when they look like they're having a great fucking time and I go goddamn surfing looks Like fun Yeah but you know when surfing doesn't look like fun when that wave comes over your fucking head and Smashes you into the rocks and pulverizes your bones with a million pounds of pressure and you can't get to the surface Well, that's surfing too. Yeah, psychedelics will definitely yeah roll your ass Oh, yeah, I know what you're fucking doing, especially if you fight it You try to fight it worse. Yeah, there's people that are fighting reality every day and they often have like Sort of a fake map of the world that they've devised in their head and that's how they navigate They navigate through this fake map of the world but a lot of the little segments in their mind that they have associated with certain things and details and a lot of it is Delusional because you're trying to protect yourself from your own failures You know, I mean like especially with men I think you know guys We have you know guys have these fucked up egos that are Designed to make sure that you have a will to survive when a cheetah attacks or or fight off another tribe So that your DNA stays intact. Well, that will is a fucking creepy thing. Just running around through your veins So yeah, what we're talking about here is what they called set and setting which is like when you're gonna take a psychedelic What's your mind state? What what's what? What's your emotional? Right when you take the psychedelic and if you go back to the idea that what's his name, John? Mark Allegra, what's his yeah, John Marco Allegra. Yeah, John Marco Allegra I was talking about how early Christianity was a mushroom cult and you go back and you look at the idea of when you're gonna take communion or when you go to pray or when you go to the sacred place you're supposed to Forgive your brothers and your sisters because but so the idea is before you go into a psychedelic state You need to as much as you can work out the shit that you're avoiding Because when you go into that psychedelic state anything that you're trying to skip around any of those aspects of your personality that need to be leveled or need to be balanced or going to Spring out at you in a million different ways that are really intense and if you're not prepared for that Then you'll have the bad trip and the bad trip is you will loosen it You can see we'll see crazy shit. You look in the walls and see skulls. Why are you seeing skulls? You know, are you seeing bubbling skulls in the wall? Well, you're seeing bubbling skulls because that's what you're projecting from inside of you because you're fucking scared of death You're scared to die. You're terrified of letting go. You don't want to you don't want to you Don't your body doesn't want to die until you deal with that Initial thing then all these other neuroses will spring up after that, you know Your avoidance of reality all the different weird ways that you're trying to avoid reality Which is essentially just trying to avoid coming to the ground to the terrain that you're on and the train that we're all on Is fucking intense? We're on a terrain where we are going to go extinct and you know, who knows depending on how old you are you know, but depending on how much technology advances between like 70 and 10 years two years one year. That's an intense realm to exist on