Joe Rogan - Don't Aspire To Be Famous


6 years ago



Christopher Ryan

14 appearances

Christopher Ryan, PhD is a psychologist, speaker, and author of New York Times best seller “Sex At Dawn” and he also hosts a podcast called “Tangentially Speaking" available on Spotify. His latest book “Civilized To Death” is available now:


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That's that's magnified when you have children because yeah, they have no say well That's the other is my vulnerability. I have they put their kids out there like well, okay I don't know I'm not saying it's the worst thing to do But it's not the child's choice, and they're very young and you're making a bitch you look like whoever did what they did to Michael Jackson right yeah One of the things that they did is they made him famous way before he had any idea what the fuck that meant and they Profited off of it. Yeah, they kind of pimped him out right and that's kind of what's happening. They destroyed him Yeah, ultimately the whole thing destroyed him right and I Just I don't want to be a part of that. I just there's no I think that's smart I don't think it's intelligent, and I also don't this is my real honest feelings I do not think that fame is I don't think that people should aspire to it I think it should be something that happens if people like your work, and then it's cool. It's fine But I think there's way too much emphasis put on Just trying to get attention, and it's being rewarded and supported in this weird way There's nothing wrong with getting attention, but it should make sense it should make sense There should be some reason and if it's out of balance. Yeah, you know you should you should probably look at like why? Is it out of balance like yeah and lots of things that attract attention are not? things that Weaning way we want more of you know like conflict. Yes conflict. That's a big one, but it's also The I'd like just fame itself one of the weirdest parts about it is that You have to constantly be checking yourself Like all these people are nice to you all these people Or saying nice things to you or being mean to you You know one of the all people that you don't even know so you can't rely on them for your self-esteem And you certainly can't rely on them for criticism You can't rely on them and people you don't even know that don't care about you You know see you you're in this weird position You have to be very careful with who you communicate with because one of the weirdest things You'll see from famous people is all of a sudden they get this very strange thing Where they feel like people are supposed to do things for them and you know they don't they're not supposed to pay for things And everything's supposed to be easy, and they're supposed to get that That's a that's a weird one like they they don't respond to criticism Well, they don't understand that they're still a human being in the middle of growth. No. They're a fucking star I'm a fucking star, and I want this and I want it now Yeah, and they just like what kind of fucking bullshit is this you know who I am yeah exactly We've seen we've all seen like a version of that right and the problem about it the problem though is that they Know that their shit stinks yes, they know that they're human they know so they're so then they develop this sort of fraud Phobia right that people are gonna find out what they really are I mean I've seen this with fashion models You know I used to hang out with a lot of fashion models in Barcelona Did you know that whole story where I lived in the mansion with the fashion models did you talk about that could be I don't know I'm not sure but looking track of what the fuck we've talked about. Oh, it's impossible. Yeah, it's impossible Yeah, anyway, so Yeah, I've fashion models come famous well Yeah, we were extremely wealthy and that gets back to the 70 grand a year thing and the whole sort of question of You know Saturation you know what else it is it becomes a real problem with things being too easy and life being like way too Patterned like you everything is very predictable in terms of like your success you have plenty of money you have Agilation from fans without any stress or diarass like you mean you could have a little bit of stress in terms of like trying to manage Your career, but it's nothing like trying to make it. Yeah, I don't know if I'm ever gonna make it stress That's a totally different kind of stress. I don't know if I'm ever gonna be a success stress That's real shit that goes away once you definitely become Kanye West or whoever the fuck you are Right and then you're subject to your own demons and you're alone. You're really alone You can't even go to the grocery store you spend any time with Jim Carrey. No, I don't know him I'd love to meet that guy. Yeah, he seems like he's in a weird stage of his life He seems to me like someone who who you talked about You know you get to us that that pinnacle and you have to deal with your demons Yeah, it seems like he's dealt with them now. He's come out the other side Yeah, and he's in this very sort of This place of wisdom and and Yeah, it's I just think he he saw and Russell Brand is another guy who I think I really admire Where they are in their lives and how they got there They sort of went through the fire and they've come out the other side somehow Russell certainly has I know Russell He's he's a sweetie He really is a super sweet guy like genuine too and really trying to like be a better person Yeah, and a better human and you know, I don't agree with him on everything He gets a little social just or swirry on some things But I think it's just because he wants to do good and he's like leaning towards good He's leaning towards love and he's like it's it's all for the right reasons