6 years ago
3 appearances
Dr. Debra Soh is a sex neuroscientist, journalist, and author of “The End of Gender: Debunking the Myths about Sex and Identity in Our Society.” www.DrDebraSoh.com
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
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So when you're dealing with some certain accusations when it comes to human beings Like this Chris Hardwick things and a perfect example that he was just reinstated yesterday by AMC and Yeah, that's a weird one because she wrote the it was an ex-girlfriend that wrote something about him Yeah, I read that most clearly didn't tell the truth about some aspects of their relationship She cheated on him and that's why he got rid of her or broke up with her and then He she also said he was his terrible boyfriend and he did all but then there's videos of her talking about what an amazing boyfriend He was while they were together about how he stayed with her in the hospital and slept by her bed And it's like and she's also she had a bunch a host of mental illnesses that she described in their video about like Not being able to drive down the street with the windows open She's where the germs gonna get in her car and some of those she recovered from and some of them she didn't like It's and there's another problem with people when it comes to when they're talking about things they might not even be lying Yeah, they just might be they just might have a distorted perception of reality Yeah, that is another problem with human beings when it comes to any sort of interaction between two people especially after a breakup I think the way that a person can view the time they spent with someone can very much change based on you know Their current situation or how that breakup happened a hundred percent. Yeah on both sides The the real problem though is what we were saying is that? Human beings it's very difficult. I can't read minds. Mm-hmm. You can't read minds. You can't look into memories So we're relying on a person's description and then we have to rely on what we know about them What how what we know about their ability to describe things accurately what we know about their perceptions of reality their delusions their their their their clarity It's fucking super tricky. Yeah, I mean my rule of thumb what I would say to people is unless you know the two people I don't think you can ever really know what happened So in that case of say you leave and Jamie tells you I said something about you probably gonna go with Jamie right because you know Him so I would say the same is a little crazy Yeah, I mean it's for sure if I didn't know you mm-hmm and and Jamie told me you did something fucked up I would side with Jamie, but Even that's weird cuz if I'm not there if I don't know if you say I didn't do anything Yeah, like maybe one day you'll be my best friend and maybe one day Jamie would turn out to be a fucking psycho I was like remember when we used to think James, okay, he's fucking crazy, but that's the thing too I think sometimes with I do empathize with some the women who say if this happens to them and people say well That's a nice guy. I know that guy. That's my buddy. I've known forever, but you didn't date him How do you know you don't know right? Yeah, you don't know God damn it. It's fucking tricky. Yeah, you know if you ever seen that episode of black deal were watch black mirror I watched one episode so everyone tells me how amazing this show is and I think it is amazing But I saw one episode that really freaked me out. So I was it crocodile No, it was the one about it was actually about a the boy who was a pedophile and then he was being watched and blackmailed Creeped me out. I didn't watch that one. Okay, but but there's one called crocodile. Okay, and it is easily the most disturbing episode of a television show I've ever watched in my life and It has to do with technology that allows people to read memories. Okay, and I'll leave it at that Okay, no spoiler alerts here. But until Fucking dark it stays with you after this one does this one's dark I mean this I mean I can't I can't I will give too much away if I talk about it But the concept is that you can they have a machine and they set this machine up and through this machine They can literally read your memories. Okay until that happens, we really don't know and You know There's been things in my life where I looked back on it and I had a perception and then I went to the place where I grew up and I was like, I don't remember it looking like this. I don't remember this being so close Oh the streets right here. This is where the house is. Oh And then you have to kind of like remap your memories like okay We got to clean these memories up and try to figure out what's accurate what's not But then this what this I'm just talking about like this the neighborhood where I grew up in but what about you're adding in emotions and then you're adding in painful emotions because of breakups and perhaps suicidal thoughts and Time going by also. Yes time sure I mean, it's been absolutely proven that eyewitness testimony is the least accurate piece of evidence that any Investigator can ever use in terms of like trying to figure out what happened at the scene of a crime or anything involving any sort of trauma