Joe Rogan - David Goggins Ran 205 Miles With a Hole in His Heart!


7 years ago



David Goggins

3 appearances

David Goggins is a retired Navy SEAL, public speaker, and author. Look for his new book "Never Finished: Unshackle Your Mind and Win the War Within" on December 6.


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So what do you do now in terms of like you got over this five years ago you're in this bad situation where your body's not working right now everything's working great again? Well I had two heart surgeries also. Whoa! So you know. What's wrong with your heart? So I had a hole in it. So you know you're not supposed to have a hole in your heart and be a seal. Were you born with it? I was born with it. It went undetected and me pushing so hard. So in 2009 I was training for this race across America and I just couldn't go anymore. Another pitfall in my life was the hole and I was pretty much off active duty seal for three years. You know I had two hearts. Them trying to fix it. So the hole was significantly large. Like how big? They say it was as big as a quarter. I'm like how the hell is as big as a quarter? Yeah that's a pretty big hole in your heart. Because they had two helix patches. I'm like that's impossible. The helix patches they're in my heart so the two stents. What is a helix patch? It is like a little mesh very. Like what they do for hernias? Like something like that? Maybe something like that. So they went through my femoral artery and they placed this patch. They go through your artery? Yeah they went through my femoral artery. Like with a camera? Yeah. Whoa! So no the camera was down through my throat. Whoa! And they put this catheter through my femoral artery that went through my heart. They went and they took this helix patch. They placed it in there and then they found out six months later that the hole wasn't covered up enough yet. Because the hole was just I mean and the helix patch was very damn big. So they put and they go back in there in 2010. How does the patch adhere to your heart? I guess your heart heals around the patch. But how do they stick it in place? I guess they put it where the hole's at. Uh huh. And then it kind of like inflates. Oh wow. Where the hole is at. And then that thing goes in there and then it kind of covers the hole and then the heart. So there's two things in my heart right now that the heart just kind of covered up. Whoa! Okay so here's it. So there you go. Jamie's got an image of it for us. Whoa! So it's attached to this little probe. Right. And then they put it over the area where the injury is. Wow! That's insane! Yeah atrial septum defects that I had. Atrial septal defect. So basically everything I had done I had done. Thank God for medicine. Oh shit. It's crazy what they could do. I'd be done. That's so crazy that they could do that. Yeah. So I was out for I was off active duty for three years. So I stuck I was in a recruiting area for three years trying to get back on active duty. And that was my life for three years. So they put that patch in. Yep. And now your heart's a hundred percent? It's a hundred percent. It's a hundred percent. Wow. Yeah. That's incredible. Yeah. I was losing blood and I was a bad off. Which is amazing that you were able to do all that with a hole in your heart. That's what the doctors were saying. You know because they didn't know I was a seal. So when I went in and the doctor that found the hole, so they gave me EKGs all this stuff. Once again, man you after I ran like 205 miles, you know. Right. Like man you're in great shape. I'm like man I just don't feel good. Like walking up the stairs is making me jacked up. So the doctor Doc Shrek, he's like you know gave me EKGs. Go to the doctor get an echocardiogram. So I'm in there getting an echocardiogram just chilling out in there. And the guy's talking to me has this little wand in my heart. We're bullshitting about stuff. And he when people get quiet that's fucking not good man. So he's in there just has this wand in my heart chilling out. Yeah man what are you doing? Yeah you know what's going on. I'm like and he says I'll be right back. He goes and gets a doctor. Doctor comes in puts thing on my heart. The doctor gets another doctor. Now I'm just freaking the fuck out. I'm like okay because when it comes to your heart you know it's a big deal. So they come back in they say hey we can stop the echocardiogram when they talk to you out in the hallway. You have a hole in your heart. And the guy didn't know that I was he knew I was a Navy guy but I don't think he was a seal because not many black guys are seals. And he had a conversation about you know we got to fix this real quick. I said yeah I mean then I came up I was the seal. He said man you could have died jumping you could die diving you could have died and all this stuff because basically the hole in your heart if it gets plugged with something like anything like you know let's say you get a bubble from diving or something like that you're gonna die. Right. So I I I call it luck. I call it luck. So I got through two surgeries. They put me back on. They give you the first one. And then how when did they realize it's not not good enough. So they take you back in you get a bubble study a bubble test. So they like literally send bubbles that way safe bubbles that way to see if the bubble goes through your heart. So they have this this echocardiogram again and they hook you up I think to IV or something like that and they throw these bubbles through your heart and they see if it goes through after six months when it should have been healed up the bubble went through. Had to tell me then hey we got a you know you're not you're not good to go. So I had to take a year before I have another surgery because one of two because that patch had to be completely completely healed so they can go back in time you knew you had a hole right. So they knew I had a hole because of the heart surgery right. But all this time like when you're waiting for it to heal you know you have an extra hole. Yes I know I have a hole. What were you allowed to do with your body then. Well at that time they go you know do how you feel comfortable. And so you know the hole is not going to kill you right now but you can't dive you can't jump you pretty much wasn't still anymore so I was a recruiter for a period of time. So basically I was crazy about that is before my second surgery I was actually training for Delta Force. I wanted to go to Delta and I was rucking ruck running a lot. And before my second ruck running you mean you're running with a pack on. Yeah a pack on my back with some weight on. How heavy is the pack? 50 60 pounds. And you run with that on? Well you're supposed to hike or hump like ruck humping. I ran with it because I went because you know that's what I did. So the day of the day of the day of heart surgery I did a ruck run. Because I knew I was going to be out of commission for a while. So fuck it man I got my last one in dude. Jesus Christ. So all I could do I have my training log so after my second heart surgery all I could do was walk. So I became an ultra walker. I walked my fucking ass off and over a period of time it took a year for that thing to heal up and heal. You know my first bubble study after my second heart surgery came back negative or positive the bubble went through again. Oh no. And they're going to crack me open. Oh man. Over that period of time my heart healed around that thing nicely and I passed a second bubble test. So your first bubble test was how long after a year? So the first bubble test after the first surgery was six months. And then you had to go through a full six months after that for it to totally heal. Then you have the second heart surgery and when does the bubble test fail after the second heart surgery? It was about six months. Jesus Christ. And the doctor looked at me and said you know I'm sorry to inform you man we're going to crack your chest open the next time they're really getting there. And so I sat back thinking this is going to be a third heart surgery. And then. That one. They said we have to wait for six months to see if this thing is going to close up. Right. And I came back thinking man I'm about to get cracked the fuck open and that bubble got pinned up man. Wow. Didn't it go through? Maybe force it through with your mind. I know right. Pulls that pitch up. When you're visualizing. That's it man. That's something to visualize. Mm hmm. Holy shit man that is crazy. It's crazy you went on a ruck run with a hole in your heart too. Well I did it for several years so I said fuck it. I'm about to keep on going man. That's amazing. Now after all said and done everything's good now? Yeah everything's I mean I'm sure something must have popped up in my fucking ass and I have to do that you know. Everything's good right now. I'm always waiting for the next thing to pop up and I handle it the same way. I always attack it. But yeah as of right now I'm in the best shape. My 43 years old just turned 43 February 17th. I am in the best shape of my life. I'm not knocking on wood because life fuck it. Life comes at you dude. So fuck knocking on wood. Come at me. I mean I would think that you would be a go to guy for injuries. Yeah. Like if anybody had them all dude. I've had them all. When you broke the world record for chin ups didn't you rip your arm apart? Pull ups yeah so if you pull up the picture man there's a picture of my hand you'll see I don't know. What is it pull ups are? So pull ups are here. Hands out. Hands out. And chin ups are hands forward. Right hands forward so I fell three times. I fell twice before I finally got it the third time and the first time I ripped the shit out of my forearm and then the second time you'll see there's a picture of my hand and it's a third degree burn so that's my hand. Oh Jesus man what in the fuck is going on. It looks like you got bit by a wolf. So what's funny about that is you see that that doesn't create after one pull up. So if you can imagine the pain because you know you have one contact point that's it. Like running you can overcome it because you have these big giant legs and it's different. When you have these little fragile punk ass hands touching the bar you know imagine four thousand thirty pull ups how many times you're coming on that bar coming off. Now I weigh two hundred and seven pounds at the time. So I was a bigger guy I'm like one ninety five or one eighty five now. So I was almost I was twenty two pounds heavier. So I was a lot bigger there I am right there bam. You look pretty thick. Get that shit man. So you were doing it in sets of five sets of five. So as you see I have these different people who are witnessing you. You have to have your your your number there to make sure that you're you know qualify for the Guinness Book of World Records. That's fourteen fifty. I have a long way to go of another four thousand and fifteen pull ups to go right. Jesus Christ. So yeah. And how long did you do this over twenty four hours. It was seven. So I broke it at seventeen. Wow. It was fucking over it.