8 years ago
2 appearances
TJ Kirk is a professional ranter, author, and the creator of the YouTube channel, The Amazing Atheist. He is also a co-host of The Drunken Peasants Podcast available on Spotify.
8 years ago
8 years ago
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Hello freak bitches. So, um, your podcast Yeah. was the big podcast that kinda sunk Milo. Uh, yeah. Was kind of a combination of mine and yours. And I remember it was yours, it was me watching him on your show that led us to ask about that. Cause I saw him on your show and he was like God at the time. Cause I remember at the time he was on our show uh, I told Paul, one of my co-hosts like Paul this guy ain't no lightweight and he's got a huge army of sicka fans right now. If you get into debate with him if you lose, you're a total bitch. If you tie, you lose. If you win by a little, you lose. The only way you can actually beat him with his army of sicka fans at this time is if you just demolish him. So don't even try. You were concerned about this? Like this is like something you planned out in advance? No, I mean I wasn't really, it wasn't really a plan. I just wanted to bring it up cause I saw him on your show saying it and I'm like that's very strange. I kinda knew where he was coming from. Sure. Cause I knew that he had had experiences like sexual experiences when he was younger and he was kinda, I think he was trying to trivialize them and turn them into humor. Yeah, I mean, you know, his way of dealing with it or whatever uhm, you know say like I, oh, it was mutual between me and the priest. I was molested by a priest but I was into it so it was cool. Well he's like I was the predator. Like he seduced the priest, you know? Yeah. It's kind of hard for me to imagine a 13 year old boy no matter how flamboyantly gay or sexually aggressive uhm, you know, jumping the priest's bones or something. Mhm. You know? Well I think it sort of gives you a better understanding of how this guy came to be who he is today and why he so relishes this role of being the contrarian and being this sort of very difficult to pigeonhole gay man who's very conservative but yet believes in man-boy love I mean look, this is uhm, if you go back and you read old articles that he wrote for uhm, publications that he worked for in the past uhm, there was a lot of stuff like we're gonna take on bullying on Twitter and you know, we need to make a safe space for people online. This is Milo and now he's like the biggest troll. Right. Uh, I mean we talked about Milo last time uhm, I was on your show and you told me you kind of put the seed in my brain like ahh, he's kind of like fake. And the more I've looked into it, the more I have to question whether or not that shit with the priest even happened to begin with. Yeah. Cause I just don't, I don't know, I don't really trust the shit that comes out of his mouth in terms of like face value. Right. And I think a lot of times when Milo tries to make a point uhm, he doesn't necessarily make it by directly saying it. He tries to make it through uh, like performance art, like when he went on Bill Maher and uhm, and you know he's, he's doing this whole flamboyant gay conservative thing because he wants the liberal Bill Maher audience to be like, boo, boo, cause it's like, ah look what hypocrites, they say they accept gays but the second you don't tow their line, what they obviously like is people who tow their line, not gay people. Right. Uh, I think that was the point he was trying to make. I thought it was funny too how Bill Maher the next day, after uh, Milo's scandal broke, was like, I took him down. It was me. Was he, was he Sam? Yeah, it was like, I took, I took him down. It's like dude, you compared it, you said he was the next Hitchens when he was on your show. He really, wait a minute, he really said he took him down? Yeah, he said I took him down. No. I took him down. Oh, he's a fool. That's such a foolish thing to think. I don't, I, you know, what I think is what Milo does, a lot of it is performance art. Yeah. It's a lot of trolling and it's a lot of very calculated stuff designed to sort of rile people up and get people active and get people to talk about him. I mean that's the reason why he does this tour on colleges. I mean why, why not do it in the lion's den if you want to get the roars. I mean he's doing it like where he feels like this problem is the greatest. Well he wants to stir that pot too because he knows if he just does it in some club downtown, there's not going to be any protests. No one's going to give a shit. They'll still protest I'm sure but not like bringing it to their camp. It won't be like what happened at Berkeley. Yes, yeah, what happened at Berkeley was just fucking insane. What's really insane is that was it the mayor of San Francisco that was applauding the protests? Like hey fuck face, there was $100,000 worth of property damage. People were throwing chairs through Starbucks windows and lighting cop cars on fire. This ain't good. There's been articles on like the Huffington, I almost made a video about this article on the Huffington Post actually that was basically like violence is as valid a reaction to Trump as anything. It's like wow you're literally just advocating for violence and you think you're so enlightened. Yeah it's completely foolish. It's like it goes once things aren't going their way it goes against everything they've stood for before. What about kindness? What about compassion? What about treating people with love? What about facts? Well that's okay when they're in power. That's okay when they're in power. But when someone else is in power that they don't like it all kind of goes out the way. Well kind of goes both ways though doesn't it? Oh yeah it definitely.