Joe Rogan Almost Saw 2 Guys Fight on a Plane


4 years ago



Dave Smith

11 appearances

Dave Smith is a stand-up comedian, libertarian political commentator, and podcaster. He's the host of the "Part of the Problem" podcast, as well as a co-host of the "Legion of Skanks”

Luis J. Gomez

4 appearances

Luis J. Gomez is a stand-up comic, writer, and producer. He's a host of multiple podcasts, including "Legion of Skanks" with Big Jay Oakerson and Dave Smith, and "Real Ass Podcast" with Zac Amico. Watch his new stand-up special September 5 on YouTube.

Big Jay Oakerson

6 appearances

Big Jay Oakerson is a stand-up comic, on-air personality, and podcaster. He's a host of "The Legion of Skanks", "SDR Show", and "The Bonfire" podcasts, and has a new comedy special, "Dog Belly", premiering April 5 on YouTube.


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You're angry on a plane that's not going anywhere. I'm blown away by the amount of rules. We've been at the gate for like two hours before. I'm like, can I just go back into the airport? And they're like, no. It doesn't make any sense. Can you leave and not take the flight? I'm like, I'm off. I'm going. I think you can. Unless the door is closed. But it's a big deal. If you want to leave, that's a big deal. But as a Puerto Rican, if you do leave, Louis, you have to twerk on your own. If you watch those videos, when people leave planes, they go, fuck, y'all. Fuck. They always twerk their way out. You will get put on a list for sure. If you leave. They will check off your asshole every time you fly on a plane. Well, Louis already has that problem. Well, me and Louis already do. Well, last time, me and Kim flew. Am I guessing? Do you think that they would probably check you? I don't know. If you decide I want off the plane right now and they have a stock. If you make a scene, yeah, probably. And they have to pull the plane back into the, they'd be like, this guy? Oh, I don't think you can get off. I don't think you can get off unless you make a scene. You won't get off once it's away from the gate. I'm talking about when they stay at the gate and they never actually pull away from like the, uh, you're on a plane. You just hoping everyone can keep it together. Yeah. That's what you're hoping. Just hoping everyone can keep it together. What's your craziest plane experience? I hate flying and I've had plenty of weird ones. Two dudes did almost get after it once on a plane over overhead space. This one guy was claiming the space overhead. There's only four or five arguments you could have on a plane. That's one of them. Over in space. Middle person gets both arm rest. One guy was on this side, right? But his shit was all filled up. So he opens up the bin on the other side and puts his bag in and sits down on the guy who was behind him. That was his side. He goes, Hey man, that's my storage space. He goes, No, it's not. He goes, it's storage space. I put my bag in there first. I was in, I was ahead of you. I put my bag in there. He's like, No, you have yours and I have mine and yours is full. And he goes to grab his shit. And the guy goes, Hey man, don't touch my fucking bag. That guy's right. By the way, the guy who took the other storage space, you don't have it. It's not your personal storage space. Fuck off, dude. It's just storage space. Sorry. First class. I wish one of those degenerate fucks from the back would try to put some shit in my storage space. I flew first class one time. They almost went after it though. The waitress had to cut them off. She cut them off. We're in the air. The waitress. We're in the air and they're going at it again. So it's like we, they're going at it when they're about the plane was about to take off and then they got through it. And then in the air, they were going at it again. The waitress, the stewardess, she cuts them off, wouldn't let them have alcohol, but it was tense. So it's like, you know, you have to keep an eye on it. I was going to say, the rest of your eye was like the whole time. She made me. The lady made me. She's like, you're going to help me, right? I'm like, Jesus Christ, lady. I don't think anything's going to happen. Well, yesterday, the woman behind me, as I was complaining, she was like, I was like, yeah, you know, he was like, what do you want to do? I was like, some orange juice and coffee, maybe a kind bar. That'd be nice. And behind me goes, I said, like, loud enough for me here. She goes, just get him some orange juice. And I went, I turned around. I was like, mind your business lady. Shut the fuck up, lady. Guys, those undercover dudes that are on planes, air marshals, air marshals, right? So if you're an air marshal and you see these two guys getting after a little bit, just talking shit, grabbing bags, just shoot them, dicky to each other. When do you move in? Because you don't want everybody to know you're an air marshal. You're like, they don't have a bomb. You guys got to work this out. You fucking pussies are just going to push each other. Like, you know, you guys aren't terrorists. What am I doing here? It's also just an architect and a fucking... If somebody's willing to have a fight in a plane and give up their entire fucking... It's such a pain in the ass. What are you going to deal with to get into a fistfight on a plane? I don't know how many different crimes it is. But they have to pull this fucking plane over. You are fucked, dude. You have to really want to fight somebody in order to do that because you'll deal with a lot of shit before you get to that point. You're going to like Guantanamo or something when they arrest you. You're fucked. You see that lady smack her boyfriend in the head? The guy gets up, he's trying to leave, and she's smacking him. And throws the laptop. And yeah, as he's walking down the aisle. Yeah. I didn't see that. It's so ridiculous. Wait, who threw the laptop? Right, they're in the air. The lady's screaming, she starts throwing the laptop at her boyfriend. Yeah, she's like, you ain't shit. She's fine if she catches her boyfriend cheating on the plane or something. It was just something that weird. She got super loud and it became like a huge scene where everybody was listening to her talking to him. It was like, oh my God, this is so crazy. I mean, when they were dragging the Asian guy out of the plane, it's one of the funniest videos of all time. Those crazy that guy didn't even do anything. He's going, I want to go home. He just wouldn't leave. He started chanting, I want to go home. It was so sad. They would legitimately have to drag me. If they were trying to get me to get up my seat, they would have to drag me out of the plane. Imagine thinking that they can do that. Well, that's not going to go good for you. Imagine thinking they can do that. We're just going to grab you physically and take you off the show. Like, come on, you're on the plane. The plane is about to take off. We're going to grab you and just pull you out of there. Did he say we can win? Oh, he's just, I think they probably just settled with him. They probably just gave him a ton of money and said, shut the fuck up. Because at what point it is your private business. They do have security. I mean, at what point does somebody wants to leave your private business? I'm sure it's within the contract that you fucking, the terms of service for the ticket, that they can do that. So do you think so? Were the guys already sitting down? They said no after they asked him to leave a lot of times. So I don't know what the law is. But if it's his ticket and he bought the ticket, you can just decide if the guy has a no-aim. It's a ridiculous thing. Exactly. You're right, Louis. It's a term of service. It's some fucking dumb line. They can do anything they want.