How Do You Address Homeless Problem & Lockdowns?


3 years ago



Lex Fridman

9 appearances

Lex Fridman is a scientist and researcher in the fields of artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles and host of "The Lex Fridman Podcast."


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What did you say that Burt made a video of the homeless? It was on his Instagram, I'll see if I can pull it up. Yeah. Burt Crusher? He was driving up Highland Avenue in Hollywood and was just saying like, he wasn't showing the whole video during it, but he was like at a stoplight and like, there was tents the whole way up here. And he was like, this is also a really nice tent. People want me to talk to Burt Crusher because of this Russian story. Oh, hi Burt. Look at Burt. The machine. Oh, it's in his Instagram story. That motherfucker. His stories will go on for years. He does them every 15 seconds. He might even be deleted now. It's crazy. Productivity wise, he's basically the Elon Musk of Instagram stories. Is it? Well, there's so there it is. There's tents all the way up on Highland. People living on the side of the street. This is fucking insane. This is literally hundreds of tents everywhere. By the way, that's a nice fucking tent. Also, those are two very nice tents. I wonder if the city's giving them out because we don't have a tent that nice. I mean, I'm not even joking. Our tent isn't even that nice. Wow. That's a tiny image he showed you know, you didn't get to see the real homeless situation, but Bridget Fettisie sent me a video when she was driving by Venice and it's a minute and a half long of just straight tents as she's driving down the road. Just nothing but tents. Yeah. How do you put that genie back in the bottle, Lex? Well, this is oh, you mean it's a slippery slope. Now listen, I've been thinking about you know, a bunch of tech folks move are moving to Austin, right in terms of in terms of starting businesses. So that's one of the questions they're asking like where's this headed and you're talking about the homeless. Yeah. But well, the governor just today came out and said that if the city does not re-impose a ban on camping that the state is going to step in. Well, yeah, because people are there's safety concerns people are openly defecating on the streets. There's you know, it's not nearly as bad here as it is in California, but it's way worse here than I've ever seen it before. But you know homelessness is it feels like that's a symptom not the problem. Right. I mean is that it's hard to say because homelessness was horrific in San Francisco before the pandemic right and the concern is that when you are too lenient on the homeless folks and just allow them to camp whenever they were wherever they want shit wherever they want. They just do it. And if you don't put up rules if you try to be progressive and open-minded and it's like these are they'd like to have new words for them like the unhoused and shit like that. And when you do that you open up the door for more of them to migrate there because there's like there was a video that somebody put up of them interviewing these homeless guys like why do you like San Francisco and they said first of all they give us food they give us money. They let us you know, they're really loose. They let us camp where we want and these guys had moved to San Francisco to be homeless. Which is a problem but see just like you said that problem is tied up with the fact that a lot of people are struggling financially because of covid so it's like yeah, it feels like trying to solve the homelessness problem is in direct tension with trying to take care of people who are struggling. Well, I think it shows that there's a problem with people losing a place to live and that the solution is not necessarily let them camp out anywhere they want. I think there should be some sort of a step that the government takes whether it's to develop housing or to build something for them. But when you let them just camp and shit everywhere, then you ruin all the other spaces. Like the best way to keep the city intact and to try to help these people is to implement some sort of a program where you provide housing for them letting them just camp on the street. That's chaos. Like now you've you've fucked up everything. So this particular state government just seems incompetent at solving this particular problem, but it also seems to be not very good at solving some other problems right in terms of encouraging businesses to stay there. California, California. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's it's it's bad. It's over-regulated. So crazy regulated state, you know, and it's also very high taxes. And there's a lot of people that are recognizing that there's other places that don't have any state taxes. Like why would I stay in a place that's descriptive? They're telling you you can't work. They're closing down businesses. Gavin Newsom today is there's a lawsuit got filed by more than 50 San Francisco Bay Area restaurants and bars trying to say like why why are we closed? Like this doesn't make any sense. You should you can't just keep doing this forever. And some places are starting to wake up. My hope is that a lot of this is political as gross as that sounds and that now that Biden and Harris are in that they'll open things back up and the mayor of Chicago said this the mayor of New York has said we have to open things back up and I'm hoping interesting. I'm hoping that they take this chance. It could go the other way as well though. Right. It's the other way is now that there is a Democrat in office that they could see there's a pass to pass further regulations and push this closed economy go into lockdown further. Why would you do that though? Listen, I was thought is a terrible idea. The long-term consequences on the economy are going to be potentially orders of magnitude worse on our like the fabric of our society. So I don't know why they would do that. The so the Michael Malice said the devil on my shoulder. Okay, Michael. Wearing white suit or the devil wears a suit and tie. Right. That's a badass. I've been listening to that. How good is that guy guys and me culture wall and your story. Sorry, this more tangent your story that he doesn't he hasn't been on your podcast because he's working on a ranch like as a fucking rancher as legit. Like we reached out to them. He's like, well, he's working on the ranch right now. Like what is he doing on that ranch? He's a fucking cowboy like a legit cowboy. Like there's literally no more badass thing to do than turn down Joe Rogan experience appearance. Massive promotion. He's like, yeah, I'd rather just rope steers. Yeah, but the Michael Malice devil argument is that you know, that's one way for the government to gain more control over the populace is to fear monger say that there's a big problem and that magnify the sort of the narrative around how big that problem is. And unfortunately, from my perspective as a scientist to use scientists to say look scientists are saying there's a huge problem sort of use science as a tool of fear mongering and then gain further and further control of the pipe. That's the devil on the shoulder. You have to have an incentive to do that. Like why would they want that kind of control while also devastating the economy? They need the economy because they need tax revenue. They're not getting tax revenue. How are they going to feed the military industrial complex? How are they going to feed all their businesses? How are they going to feed the pharmaceutical industry? Like what all these people that finance their campaigns and all these banks that pay for them to speak after they get out of office. Where's the money coming from now? There's no economy. I don't think that I think that's like one of them doom and gloom QAnon type deals where people are thinking like this is they want to kill half the population and you know, yeah, no, I agree with you. Everything said incentive wise. It makes sense. Catch new episodes of the Joe Rogan experience for free only on Spotify. Watch back catalog JRE videos on Spotify including clips easily seamlessly switch between video and audio experience on Spotify. You can listen to the JRE in the background while using other apps and can download episodes to save on data cost all for free. Spotify is absolutely free. You don't have to have a premium account to watch new JRE episodes. You just need to search for the JRE on your Spotify app go to Spotify now to get this full episode of the Joe Rogan experience.