Governor Cuomo's Mishandling of Coronavirus in Nursing Homes w/Krystal and Saagar


4 years ago



Krystal Ball

3 appearances

Krystal Ball is a political commentator and host of the YouTube show and podcast "Breaking Points."

Sagar Enjeti

3 appearances

Saagar Enjeti is a political commentator and host of the YouTube show and podcast "Breaking Points."


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I think you're so right. And to make it like a not a partisan thing, our politics are so shallow, hollow, theater, cable news base. They're like Twitter politics. And you can see it not just with Trump, who's like the ultimate incarnation of that, but during this pandemic, Andrew Cuomo was like the celebrity governor. Democrats are like, God, we got to get him in there. He's amazing. New York had the worst outbreak of any state and that's not all on him, but it is partly on him. How is it on him though? Because of the dynamics of the city itself. Let me tell you a couple of things. Yes, in part, yes. But also they shut down later, right? Then other places like Washington, like California, which had a much lower outbreak. He mandated that nursing homes take back in. And 43% of coronavirus deaths are nursing homes. This is a nursing home pandemic. Mandated that they take back in recovering COVID patients. And he happens that he got a million dollar plus campaign check for his reelection through an affiliated committee before he got reelected. And so he also made sure to put into place a liability for all their executives so that if they don't do a good job, they can't be held liable. That data shows is correlated with increased COVID death and infection rates because they know that they're not going to be held responsible. So there's a lower threshold there. So there were very specific decisions that were really bad and fueled the worst outbreak in the entire country. But because you can get on TV and give a commanding press conference, that's all people really care about. He's got like 80% approval rating. Yeah. Has he spoken about the recovering COVID patients being readmitted to the nursing homes? Not much because his brother- On CNN is prime time anchor Chris Cuomo and they do these ridiculous interviews where they like joke around about how big his nose is rather than asking questions like that. And look, it'd be one thing if you were going to have your brother on once or twice, like I get it fine, you know, but no, night after night after night, it's the show of the two brothers chumming it up while people are dying. This is a politician who's supposed to be held to account. That is supposed to be your role as a journalist. He's fucking around with his brother, joking about the size of their nose in a swab where there are like literally thousands of elderly people who died because explicitly because of this decision. Now we're not saying new the decision, but like there needs to be some like scrutiny and accountability of that. Nobody at CNN wants to touch it because Chris Cuomo is the anchor. Nobody at MSNBC wants to touch it because he's the Democrat. Because he's the biggest Democrat and they all live in New York and they all probably have dinner with each other. And of course, I mean, people on the right are talking about it because he's a Democrat. But like there's no, I mean, outside of Crystal and a few others on the left, you're wearing it. And on the right, they're total hypocrites too. Max News picks it up with this like liability story and how he gets this through. Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell's proposing the same thing at a national level and they're like, A-OK with that. So I mean, this gets back to the sort of central concept of the show, which is how we don't do that shit. Like if it's a Democrat, we're going to, you know, like you fucked up on this thing. Like let's talk about it. If it's Republican, we're going to do the same thing. And that's the way, I mean, at a basic level, that's the way it's supposed to be. And it's a big, big problem. Again, going back to this moment that we're living in, because no one trusts anyone and for good reason, even if you are an MSNBC watcher and you know it and you love it and you love Rachel Maddow and whatever, you know, you're getting spun. You know that they're picking certain stories that are going to like pique your interest and they're ignoring everything. The end of every, the lesson of every single news story cannot be ergo Trump is bad. Like that cannot be the conclusion of literally every news story. And over on Fox News, the end conclusion of every news story cannot be ergo Democrats are evil and un-American. Right? We all know this. No, people are not that stupid.