Elon Musk, Social Media Censorship, and Bots


2 years ago



Duncan Trussell

61 appearances

Duncan Trussell is a stand-up comic, writer, actor, host of the "Duncan Trussell Family Hour" podcast, creator of "The Midnight Gospel" on Netflix, and the voice of "Hippocampus" on the television series "Krapopolis." www.duncantrussell.com www.youtube.com/@duncantrussellfamilyhour


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To me, it's so funny to imagine that any company is letting me advertise for them. Something in that makes me feel gleeful when I'm doing it. And it's cool that most of them are cool with it. It's all a point under the trouble. Well, the way you're doing it is so fun. It's so fun. It's like clearly just fun. Isn't this delicious? This is so good, man. So good. But you know, man, Musk, he's finally doing the thing. If I were a billionaire, for sure, it's like, oh, I'll just buy Twitter. Can I buy Twitter? Let's see what happens. He doesn't care. I think he does care. You think he cares? I can't tell. No, he does, genuinely. He's concerned about censorship. Freedom of speech. Yes. He said freedom of speech is someone you don't like... Excuse me. Freedom of speech is someone you don't like saying something you don't want to hear. He goes, they have to have that right. It's essential to a democracy. Most people objectively agree. The problem is he gets scared because they see how like mobs of people can move in a very negative direction. I think people... There's a real concern. I am in no way supporting censorship, clearly. Absolutely the opposite. But I understand why people are concerned about large groups of people being really shitty and getting on the social media platforms that they've done. They've done this campaign over the last few years to like silence certain voices, stop aggressive people, stop people who are being shitty to people. Some of that is good, right? Sure. Stop doxing, stop people threatening people, stop people harassing people. But it's like where does it end? And how do you know? You don't. That's where it's fucking weird. Because if you just let wild free speech, there's going to be a bunch of people on 4chan and those kind of places. And they're saying stuff just for fun. Because nobody knows who they are and they can just say it and they don't fucking mean it. Because it's a crazy thing to say if you're at work in a job you hate sitting in your cubicle and you decide to make a frog with a Nazi outfit on. And it doesn't mean you're a real Nazi and it doesn't mean you hate anyone. It's an edge lord. It's an edge lord. It's an edge lord. Those people are confined to small corners of the internet right now. And if you just let them loose, if you let the frog people loose. You remember the frog people during the Trump campaign? Yeah, of course. They took over the frog. The frog guy. I had him on my podcast. He's very cool. What did he say? Just what you're saying? What the fuck? The frog was never a Nazi. The frog was funny and sweet. Was he upset they took his frog? I think it would be a little bit like the first person who had the Hitler mustache. You know what I mean? Imagine. And then Hitler sees it and he's like, God, that's fucking cool. I'm going to start having a mustache like that. You're like, no. It's like that. But also, I don't know how many people know that they discovered an Egyptian god. And again, this could all be trolling. Kek, the god of chaos, who happens to be a frog. So within that, whatever that was, an actual chaos magic was being... They were calling it meme magic or whatever. They were actively doing chaos magic and a lot of their rituals seem to have worked to some degree. So, yeah, I know what you mean. The question is in a world where we don't even know how many of these people are human who are writing shit on Twitter or wherever. Look at what, GPT, what is it, three or two? The AI that completely imitates human beings. Have you ever gone to the... Explain how that works. It's a neural network that can be programmed to different personalities that can imitate human speech well enough that they can leave messages and you don't know for sure if it's a human or not. Wow. So if you go to on Reddit, there's a subreddit which is the AI bots arguing with each other on the Reddit. Once I left that up, and I remember I was just reading it thinking I was on the front page of Reddit and getting really engaged in the arguments these bots were having with each other. It's that convincing. So the freedom of speech thing runs into, okay, of course, it's like a no brainer humanist ideal. Humans should be able to say whatever they want. This is the most important way that we must have some kind of debate or discourse where one person is allowed to be a complete asshole. And not because we want assholes, but because hopefully in the discussion some bit of truth will sink down into their consciousness and they will grow as a person. I think that's what the roots of... That's the hope. That's the hope. But what if the person is a robot, is an AI device that is being made to have certain personalities that represent demographics that you're trying to manipulate as a corporation or a state or whatever? At that point, is it freedom of speech or bots allowed to have freedom of speech? This is one of the things Musk was saying he might do with Twitter, which I think is brilliant. Anyone can get the stupid blue check mark. You pay for it and you have to verify yourself so that we know you're a real person. Meaning that it would be too expensive for the bot swarms to function. It would go from being... If you have a blue check mark, whatever, you're something or whatever to... If you don't have a blue check mark, you're probably a bot. And so then we eliminate all the AI, all the fucking state-sponsored shills, all the people who've spent years and years and years building these fake identities online. They're like farming personalities. Because in the old days, somebody tweets some shit and you're like, what the fuck is that? And you go and look at their account. And it's like three days old. So it has less credibility. But they've been growing these personalities for years. So you go and look at their tweets. And it kind of looks like a person mixed in with their interminable tweets about some political issue. Like only an insane person every three minutes tweeting something or like went to the pool of dairy today. You know what I mean? And some weird distant picture of a pool. So it kind of seems like a real person. Anyway, the point is the freedom of speech issue is right now we're running into the problem of brand new technologies that aren't even human that are being designed to influence public discourse in a way that's going to push the needle towards whatever it is. Whatever your laws, your corporation wants, whatever the state wants. And we know for sure they're being implemented that way. Fuck yeah. And the pot swarms they found what they found in the Ukraine. They found like one of these like creepy shells of phones. It's just phones. Oh, I've seen those. But I didn't know they were running an AI. I thought like people were manually typing in messages because I know they were doing that first. I think both it. I mean, both things are happening. Like you know, it's a PR firm basically. You know, politicians have publicist too. Isn't it wild though that that's the best way to defeat America is to get people separate from each other, arguing with each other and lose all faith in the democratic process. Yeah, sure. All faith in democracy. Lose all faith. Powerful weapon, man. It's like an act. It's amazing. We dropped an atom bomb multiple times on cities filled with people. The United States did that. Everyone knows that. So our karma. We've got some fucked up karma, man. You know what I mean? So the problem with these atom bombs, biggest problem with atom bomb is, I mean, aside from the fact that it kills random people and it's horrible, it irradiates them. It irradiates the ground, the buildings. So there's no plundering to be had. Traditional war, you plunder. However you want to make it look, you're plundering. If I nuke you, I can no longer plunder. So this is why biological weapons pop, like, are desirable because then it burns out the biome in the area, wait a little bit, and then you can go plunder. But even better than that, get into the fucking minds of the people in the country that you want to invade and then just change their minds so that the country shifts into what you wanted that country to be. Now you didn't even have to do anything except they're yours. They're believing in you and then in that the country starts falling apart. The CIA, by the way, this is one of the things they do. They go into other countries, they cause disturbances, and then it collapses. I mean, it's a classic weapon of war. So anyway, yeah, obviously we might be, the entire United States and probably other countries might currently be irradiated, not by, like, obviously radiation, but by bad data created by artificial intelligence bots that have been programmed to swarm social media and give the impression that there was some, like, something happening that wasn't even happening at all.