Duncan Trussell: David Goggins is Enlightened!


4 years ago



Duncan Trussell

60 appearances

Duncan Trussell is a stand-up comic, writer, actor, host of the "Duncan Trussell Family Hour" podcast, creator of "The Midnight Gospel" on Netflix, and the voice of "Hippocampus" on the television series "Krapopolis." www.duncantrussell.com


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It's the best. Driving before the pandemic when there was still traffic, driving around at 4 a.m., you're awake, you're half asleep. Also, I think it's easier to work out that early because whatever part of you resist that shit is just like weak. You got to be careful lifting weights in the morning. You really want to warm up because you can injure yourself a little easier sometimes. I didn't know that. Yeah, because you're sleeping all night. You're kind of stiff. You want to warm everything up, get everything going. They say that people lifting weights, it's not the best idea to lift your personal record deadlifts and shit like that first thing in the morning. It's just, yeah, you got to heat your body up. That makes sense. Your body's more heated up by the end of the day. By the end of the day, you're loose. You've been walking around, doing stuff, looking forward to your workout, getting pumped, and then you can go in there and work out. I used to love jujitsu class at 8 30 p.m. For me, that was perfect because jujitsu was like at 8 30. It's like, man, I got plenty of energy. I've eaten all day. You know, it's like I'm not tired yet, like going to bed tired. But because back then I was going to bed at like two o'clock in the morning every night anyway. But it was like 8 30 was perfect. Oh, done by 10. I'd hit the comedy store, be on stage at 11. That's crazy. I don't like working out at night. I loved it. Loved it. It's great because you're you have energy. But but it's easy to do because you wake up at noon, you know, and just fucking stumble out of bed, do whatever bullshit you have to do that day. If I have my day off from, you know, doing stand up at night. Yeah, it's easy. Just eat and hang out and then eventually work out. But if you get up in the morning, you get a little bit of a victory. Yeah, a little bit of a victory. Just having accomplished that thing. You've gotten up. And then next thing you know, you're doing chin ups. Maybe you're doing chin ups. You're not doing any chimps? Well, I could do like two. Do two. What I would do more of what it would be is like me sitting on those nice couches at Equinox. Writing because like I don't want to work out. I would procrastinate and that's what I realized is like I do my best writing at the gym. That's hilarious. So do you bring a little notebook? Yeah, I just started bringing my gear there to write and then I would just sit and write and I would spend so much time writing because that part of you that doesn't want to work out would rather write. It's like when you have to write and you find yourself cleaning. It's that you know, you can like sort of convert your procrastination into something positive. Yeah. Yeah. That's interesting. Then I would go work out, you know, but I would like I was so when I was doing that man, I was getting the best ideas. I was just running on the treadmill stoned at, you know, 530 or whenever the fucking gym open and I was listening to this like I started listening to that was when I was listening to Goggins. So I'd be blasted listening to Goggins running on the fucking treadmill like yeah, fuck yeah. I'm going to do an ultra fucking marathon. How about that? I'm never going to do an ultra marathon. You listen to him too and he's aware that people like me are going to be hypnotized by him because he's like don't do what I'm doing. You can kill yourself. No, it's like there's all people like these hearts are just exploding. I get a build up to it. How many people do you think have collapsed at the gym because of David Goggins? I bet like what 30,000 people have just like driven themselves. Yeah, for sure. There's probably a lot of blown out knees out there. Blown out knees. Fucked up backs, torn biceps. That guy will run with his foot falling off. This stepbook is really good. What's that? It's called can't hurt me. Yeah, Jesus. Like it's amazing. He like sows his calf muscle back on with twigs and becomes a Navy SEAL. He's a badass man. 100%. That guy could like I could like if that guy wanted to like burrow into an elephant, he could like. He's a good dude too. I like hanging out with him. He must be. I've hung out with him a few times. Gone to dinner a few times. Really? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He went to the fights a couple of times. He's a good dude. He's a fun guy. Me and my friend think he's enlightened. He's something. He's something special. There's a switch that that guy has that we all wish we had where he can he can power through. But also he's a beacon of inspiration. Like for other people when David Goggins does the shit that he does and when he has those speeches while he's running. Yeah. Like someone's talking to him. It was like 104 degrees outside and he goes why are you running? He goes I'll tell you why I'm running because you're not motherfucker. He goes that's why I'm running and you know he's out there just I mean he's he's constantly doing it. Like he's constantly pushing himself. That's what I love. To me that's this. He's like a servant in that way. He's a servant. He's a servant to the world. He's not just like he's really giving people because like he's put he posts pictures of himself when he was like sort of fat all the time. And I'm like yeah. He's showing people like look this is the possibility at any moment. You can do this at any moment. And I love that because I do. I know when I see him like he's like running through glass. He's running like you know he's like running through like swarms of mosquitoes and malarial swamps just to show people look it doesn't. The part of you that's telling you that you can't do this because of X in your environment is probably wrong. Not all the time but for sure man. A lot of the time wrong. A lot of times. And not for a lot of us that's like so powerful. Like I've never all the self-help books I've listened to. I listen to one audible. That's the best one by far. Hands down. That's the best one man. But because it's real. It's not from a guy who really hasn't done anything that's trying to get you motivated to go out there and conquer in life. It's from a guy who's actually done some really fucking crazy shit and is telling you that you can do it too and that he used to be weak. He's doing something right now because Cameron Haynes son Truett is trying to break Goggins 24 hour chin up record. So Goggins was at he was like when I think it's on Cameron Haynes Instagram page. See if he put the video on his Instagram page. But he was at some ungodly number of chin ups when they were making the video. He's trying to break that break that. He's like I've been doing chin ups for nine hours straight. Fuck that. Like fifteen hundred chin ups or something stupid. Crazy. Yeah. And he still had all those hours to go. So I think it might even be like a two day thing. I don't know how many days are supposed to be doing this. But it's some. Does he have it in there with Goggins. Is there a video of Goggins doing champs. I mean the stories have got the hope I'm not releasing any information that shouldn't get out. Is this live again. Nope. Oh there you go. Can't find it. Whatever. Anyway. You want to see the show. He's doing. I would love to see your show. So anyway shout out to try out shout out to Truett. Good luck. Shout out to Goggins. I hope I hope they battle.