Doug Stanhope's Lucid Dreaming Experiences


4 years ago



Doug Stanhope

10 appearances

Doug Stanhope is a stand-up comedian, author, and host of "The Doug Stanhope Podcast."


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My lucid dreaming has become so... You know that feeling in a dream where you're in a high precipice and you think you're going to fall. Now in a dream I can jump off of it. I know, oh, I'm in a dream. I can fucking... I'm jumping. I'm going to float or fly or sink slowly and safely to the ground. I get the same feeling in real life on a high... We were crossing the Mississippi once and I was behind the wheel and I started to have this panic attack and fucking chalies editing in the passenger seat. And I'm like, take the wheel, take the wheel. I'm freaking out a bit. So now I need to be a fucking regular dosage of Xanax. Well, hold on. Before you get into that, let me take you back to the lucid dreaming thing. Like, when did that start? Over the years. Recently? Well, no, over many years. How many years? It's getting better all the time. You're better at lucid dreaming than you were before. Was it a... I had to come out this morning. I took a Seroquel, which I try not to take. It's a very powerful anti-psychotic. It's probably bad for your liver. Why are you taking it anti-psychotic? Because I fucking sleep. I can sleep like 14 hours. I'll get up to piss. Go, like, lucidly out of the dream, remembering the dream, and go back, hang on, I have to piss. Just like I pissed here on the podcast, I can get up out of a dream, say, please hold dream, piss lucidly. I'm not in a closet like Sean Rouse. So Seroquel does that for you? Yeah, and that's why I use it very sparingly. Jesus Christ, that sounds amazing. It's fucking the best. What else does it do, though? What's the bad part? The problem is you cannot share dreams with people. I know it's a hack premise, but where I woke up this morning, I went to bed after fucking Red Band finally called me and told me, oh, yeah, I prompted Joe Rogan to finally respond to you. What time am I going to be? I didn't know what time I'm supposed to be here. He told me the address. I think you were texting the wrong number. No. I'm pretty sure. No, fuck, no, no, myth me. Myth me. Do you want to, if you want to put a half a million dollar bet, I'll use your half million as a down payment on that fucking comedian Grove. That's comedian Grove. I'll show you the texts. But we were just saying something, though. Yeah, about lucid dreaming. Lucid dreams. So I was in such a state when I woke up this morning from dreams where you know the dream where you wake up and go, oh, fucking thank God. Everything was going. But I want to. This is what I want to know. Did the lucid dreams start independently of the serical stuff? Oh, they start with those since I was a kid. Oh, you've always had lucid dreams. I remember when I was probably an early teenager, the first time that I could correlate that stomach drop feeling of when you're about to fall off of something. But you could fly. Yeah. Do you have flying dreams? Sometimes. Yeah. But those have grown where, OK, now I can fly. Now I know I'm in a dream. I can kind of control it. I know what's going on and I can wake up and piss and go back to bed and get right back into the same dream. Did you read books about this? Is this something that you just figured out as you were doing it, as you're having these lucid dreams? Yeah. But the same problem that everyone who has dreams, you can't quite remember it. But the feeling, the stomach drop feeling, oh, I'm floating. Things that connect your brain back to, OK, I know I'm in a dream, but I'm not going to wake up. Let's fuck with this. But you so you got better over the years just by having lucid dreams over and over again and realizing what's what's the thing that you do that gets you out of the dream. Don't do that and just figure it out what to do to stay in that. Sometimes you you wake up or sometimes you're only alerted to the fact that you're dreaming because you had that that that, oh, I get a text message. OK, realities on the outside. It's fucking me up. Shut off your phone before you go to bed. But the Cirquequille is more extreme. It's bigger than you sleep longer. I don't know. I don't know the science behind it. But is this a Cirquequille making you have more lucid dreams or better control your lucid dreams? It's it's making me sleep longer and making me more aware that I'm in a dream. I don't know. I just I know what's our dreams. I fucking lived an entire altered states where I woke up. I'm like, is there still a receipt in my pocket from that dream that I can prove? There's two different worlds. It was that fucked up. But you can't explain that to people. I wanted to call anyone. I woke up. It was just a dream. There is a movie about recording dreams that was pretty fucking good that I saw the other night. I think it's called Come True. And it's about apparently there is some technology that they're working on right now where they can record certain aspects of your thoughts. Like if you're thinking about a triangle, it'll show an image of a triangle. And they think something about it. Yeah, they think they're going to get to the point where they're going to be able to get at least some sort of a reasonable facsimile of the visuals that you're having in your dreams.