Don't Be Fooled: Ari Shaffir Will Out-Eat Everyone at the Table


4 years ago



Brendan Schaub

92 appearances

Brendan Schaub is stand-up comedian, retired professional mixed martial artist, entrepreneur, and host or co-host of several podcasts and YouTube shows, among them "The Fighter and the Kid," "The Schaub Show," "The Golden Hour," "Calabasas Fight Companion."


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Mexican food too will pack on the pound if you look into some calorie dense Oh, yeah, bro. There's a place up here. What is that place on? Canoga, where's that place that Mexican joint that we go to a soul? No, no, no, no Have you been assaults one the best places? This is one little join you want to say the name cuz I don't want them to get flooded Oh don't do that. He's a good dude. So good. It's so authentic you go in there gotten the Mexican soap operas are playing No, oh my god. I was gonna freak out Yeah those pickled jalapenos tell me off here big old Freak the fuck out. Oh my goodness. They got language case ideas. My baby six days old already If I had one food forever it might be Mexican Mexican or Italian Yeah, one of those two if I could only have one thing forever Like a specific ethnic food Mexicans so good. Yeah, although it's kind of no one I might say Brazilian Really made say chu has Korea if I had one meat. Yeah, I wouldn't miss the meat Yeah, dude all the yet carne asada with Mexican. Oh, that's true That's true carne asada. Yeah, but Like if I'm if there's a Mexican joint next to a phogo de chao You know what I don't know big fucker the child guy stresses me out I got to flip the green they just keep coming I'm sweating and I don't and I don't eat the salad bar. I'm like, you know, honey dick me on that dude That's how you keep your own digestive tract clean. No fuck. I know I only eat the filet the real expensive one I'm like, you know what I'm looking for. You like my lei. Oh, dude that I forget. What is the way to go I think that's it roast. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, it's real pink. Yeah Or the sausage I'm like bitch I didn't come here for sausage don't get the fucking red meat, bro What's with the dried tomatoes? Here's I know you're you could put away some food I guarantee you Ari Shafir will eat you under the table in that place I agree. I don't eat that much food. There's something but you can if you want I could you could you got a lot of room Yeah, you're a big fella bigger than Ari Shafir. I'm telling you I never seen nothing like it He just goes for plates and plates all of us including Diaz. It's always the skinny guy back sitting back on what the fuck is going So you're free He's what you want. I'm gonna keep eating. So I think Ari when he knows he's gonna go to phogo to child He like won't eat for like a day. I think the Jew in a man. He's just he just gangster about it It's I think it's competitive as well. It's like you think you think you're gonna make me pay this much And I'm not gonna eat more than that's worth. Did we? We had Dan so around you heard the comic comic. He's funny guy man. He's the best. He's from that new HBO special Right. Yeah, damn. Yeah, he's from Aurora, we played against each other in high school. Yeah. What did he play? He played Linebacker at Smoky Hill. I played at Overland. So we know each other. It's hilarious Yeah, so we had him on the show day But he was talking about we're talking he was talking about how the culture in LA the comics how they like help each other out I was like well, that's because Joe Rogan is the guy that cultivated that kind of atmosphere where you know It's we help each other out in the podcast game in the comics Like Joe's the one who started that and he goes, you know who started in New York and I'm like, I don't see it in New York I know you guys and Andrew Schultz kind of part of the squad over here now But and he goes when are a move from LA because of Joe when I moved from LA came to New York He came in there was like fuck's wrong with you guys What's wrong with you guys and just kind of like took over and was like no We're gonna help each other out man And he's like that and he learned that obviously you and Aria close but he took that same attitude and brought to New York