CT Fletcher Has No Fear Of Death After Nearly Dying 3 Times | Joe Rogan


5 years ago



C.T. Fletcher

2 appearances

C.T. Fletcher is an ex-powerlifter, actor, video-blogger, and owner of Iron Addict Gym. He is a 3-Time World Bench Press Champion and 3-Time World Strict Curl Champion. http://ctfletcher.com


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If you're lucky, like we were talking about 100 years, if you're lucky, you get to 100 years. I'm 51, I'm halfway there, right? If I'm lucky, if everything works out perfect, and it probably isn't, let's be honest, beat the shit out of my body, right? So it's probably not going to make it to be 100. Do you want to make it to be 100, Joe? I'll see what's up. Yeah, I do because I'm a science nerd. I'm fascinated by all these 3D printed hearts and all this shit. I want to see what the fuck they can do. I really think, and talking to guys like David Sinclair and all these anti-aging specialists, I think they're on the verge of being able to reverse aging. They're treating aging like it's a disease, like it's a disease at the cellular level. Instead of accepting it and that like, well, you get older, hey, you're going to have to accept you can't do as much, your body's not going to work as well. Why? Maybe that's not the case. Maybe if they can correct certain things about the human body, maybe they can correct that. And I think it's very likely that in the future, I don't think that's an insurmountable situation. I think they're going to be able to correct what happens to your body when it ages. The deterioration that's caused by the aging process, your body produces less hormones, your body starts to slow down, Alzheimer's, all these different things. I think they're going to be able to correct those things. Wow. The problem with that is, then what? You're going to live forever? You're going to be happy living forever? Like what if when you die, it's amazing? What if when you die, there really is a heaven? You really do go to some spectacular dimension filled with love and peace and happiness. And there's no emotions like we think about here. There's no fear. There's none of the things that hold people back. None of the anxiety and the angst. It's just consciousness and love. And then you're wasting your time here just trying to stay alive, taking pills to live to be a million. Boy, you open up big ass can of worms right there. I will tell you, Joe, without a shadow of a doubt, none whatsoever, death is not the end. You don't think so? I know. I know Joe. How do you know? Because I've been dead. Right. Yes, I've been dead. What about that experience cemented it in your head? When I like I said, it was the most peaceful and I don't feel like it was the most peaceful, most restful, most I was I woke up laughing. I was. Yeah. Yeah. I was overjoyed. You woke up laughing. Yeah. I was overjoyed. Do you remember anything about what happened when you blocked out? The time I was extremely peaceful, extreme. I didn't have a worry, extremely. And I was not sad at all. You know, I was overjoyed, very happy, very peaceful. And it erased any fear that I might have had and any fear of dying is gone. I don't fear death at all. So maybe that's why I don't want to live to be a hundred because I mean, I wouldn't mind visiting that place again, man. It was so much peace, so much. And it wasn't like, you know, this is, you know, I'm just in the ground. And I'm not a plant, just dirt. You know, I know that I'm in a very comfortable place and, you know, I wouldn't mind visiting again. I wouldn't mind. So I'll definitely, I hold no fear. When I say that, it's definitely not the end. I believe that your soul, you know, some people have a different name for it, consciousness or whatever. It's definitely eternal. And because how else could you have these feelings or emotions or, you know, have that sort of comfort, the feeling of comfort and being in the right place if something didn't continue because my life, my life was gone. The essence of life, my body's, you know, gone. It was gone. Flatline, dead, whatever. I told my doctor that died and he said, no, actually it's called some kind of pause or some shit like that. And I said, look, if the pause lasted, doc, I wouldn't be talking to you right now. So I got, okay, you call it a pause. I thought, well, during that pause, I was dead. So it was a wonderful feeling, John. Well, I think with a guy like you that's so physical and you've been so physical your whole life, the big fear is to not be able to take care of yourself or move. Like that's what we were talking about when you talked about being 100. Like having someone wipe your ass and take care of you. Like that's the big fear. It's not death. Death is just peaceful. It's the end. But the big fear is the deterioration of the physical body to the point where it's just painful. Everything's painful and you can't go anywhere. You can't count on yourself. Yeah, it's very peaceful, but I definitely don't think it's the end. I think it's the beginning. Yeah. And that's a, it's an overwhelming feeling. Like I had, I was able to peek over into the other side and that it's definitely assurance that it's not the end and that there is something else on the other side. I have that assurance is able to peek into, just peek into it. Well, I think we all have this feeling that we are something other than our body. Most definitely. I mean, I have that feeling. I feel like there's like a little ball of energy in there that moves this thing around. Well, you're right. But that's what it feels like. It always feels like that. That's what I, I've always rejected the label atheist. Like people say, are you religious? I'm like, I was when I was a little kid, I had to go to Catholic school and I, you know, I did all that jazz, but my parents, when I grew up were hippies after that. My mom split up from my dad. My mom shacked up with my stepfather who's a, he's a hippie. There was no, no church after that, but I'm not an atheist. I'm not, I don't know. Like I don't believe anybody that says they know what life is or what life means or what happens when you die. I want to hear your opinions. I want to hear your thoughts, but you don't know. And anybody that says they know what happens when they die, I know what happens when I die, it'll be black and, and cold. And that is the end. And just like there was nothing before there'll be nothing at the end. Like you don't know that you're just saying that there is no God. How do you say that? How do you say that? Well, one day, what if you stand in front of God or in, in God's presence in some non-physical form and then you're, you're weeping and in your arrogance and say, stating that there's no higher power. Like it might be the, the universe itself might be God. I mean, we don't know anything. You, we are strange little monkey people living on this fucking planet, making things that alter our environment, moving around, driving, flying, talking to each other, talking shit. But at the end of the day, you're only aware of what you've experienced. Right. And when you don't know, that's like when people have, I've, I've talked to several friends that have had near death experiences. Um, a very good friend of mine, she, she was in a car accident and she had a very similar thing where she said it was so peaceful. Yeah. She said, you know, they got, I think they got rear ended and like really banged up. And when it felt like she was going to die, she felt so peaceful. It's so true. I mean, I think a lot of people that, uh, have come that close to dying, uh, are, uh, a lot of them are going to say the same thing that they have no fear of death anymore. It's, it's, it's erased. And, uh, you, you, but you also have the feeling that you know that this existence on earth, you have when your physical body is definitely not the end. The way she describes it is exactly the way you do it. She's my manager and you know, I talked to her all the time. The way she describes things is essentially exactly how you did that. It's just so peaceful. Just felt, just felt peaceful. Yeah. And, but not, uh, you know, like, like people who don't believe in back there. You, you're, uh, by the way, let me say, I'm not religious either. Yeah. I was raised super religious in a super religious home by a, uh, a Pentecostal, uh, heaven and hell, brimstone, fire and brimstone preacher. And they do the tongues. Oh yes. Oh, that's hilarious. That's my favorite. And, uh, speaking in tongues, everything, everything, you know, everything was a sin. Awesome. Everything was dancing, rock and roll music. Yeah. Oh yeah. Everything was a sin. So I think that's really what drove me away from being a religious person. I'm definitely not. I always say I'm a man of faith. I have a tremendous amount of faith, but faith and religion are two different things. A lot of people confuse them and they talk about them as being the same, but they are definitely not, uh, religious man-mates and, you know, uh, set of rules and men say, okay, we're going to be this. And if you want to be this religion, then you're going to have to go by these rules. Yeah. And it's, it's all man-made, but faith is not man-made. And so I'm a tremendous man of faith, but not religion. Yeah. Some would say that like, you're a spiritual person. That's like a thing that gets thrown around today. Like I'm not religious, but I'm spiritual. People say that a lot. Like, what does that mean? No one really knows. It's a strange sort of definition, but I feel what you're saying. Like that there's something more to this. There's something more to this than just tissue and bone and blood moving on this rock that's traveling through the universe. There's something more. There's something, there's something, there's some, and maybe it's just something more for us, but the, the beauty of friendship and love and family, like those things are intense, beautiful, emotional experiences that I don't, I don't know, they seem to transcend just regular life itself. They seem to have a, there's a higher power to them, a higher beauty to them. I think that's one of the things that we like when we see people doing something really great. We love seeing people accomplish things because we love, we like seeing people succeed. We like seeing people like that have doubts and, and, and something almost insurmountable and incredibly difficult in front of them. And then they, they overcome and it gives us all hope and it gives us all like this inspiration, this feeling. We're connected in some sort of very, very strange way that I think you could just chalk it up. Oh, that's just camaraderie needed that because of evolution. That's how we stayed alive. Like maybe, maybe, but maybe there's something else. Maybe the, whatever this consciousness is, that's totally not, no one has ever defined consciousness and there's certain people that think that it occurs only in the brain and the neurons and the synapses. And it might, or that might just be an antenna. I mean, consciousness might very well be, you are using your physical tissue to tune in to whatever this, this thing that we share is this life force that we all seem to share. And when, when, when there's other things like looking in someone's eyes, man, like when, when you know someone's like there for you and you know you're there for them, like that camaraderie, that intense camaraderie, there's something, it's like that, that, that expression, the windows to the soul, that the eyes of the windows to the soul, it really does seem like that, right? Like you see people, you see them, you know, like the Avatar lady said, I see you. Yeah. And you can, it's, um, looking at, being able to look into somebody's eyes, you can tell, uh, you can tell if they're bullshit or not, man. Or if they feel weird about something, maybe they feel like maybe this isn't a smart thing, or maybe, maybe, maybe I should have done better by you. Or maybe I fucked you over. Yeah. You can tell that. And I, uh, I, I, I tell you the first, first time I had the, uh, uh, open heart surgery and flat line three times during that surgery, I also had an experience, um, that also strengthens my belief in there being something after the body dies. I, uh, vision or whatever you want to call it. Uh, okay. Well, I see, I was able to see my mother who had passed away, uh, the year before. And, uh, you know, I say, I see my mother and see her face. I just heard a voice and I knew it was her and she was, um, you know, pleading. To, uh, I say God, a lot of people may say, you know, what, whatever they look up to. And I ain't got no problem with that. I don't think that, uh, because people don't believe exactly like I believe that they're doomed and they're going to hell. Although that was the way I was raised. Or if you don't believe like this, I mean, all Catholics, when I, when I quoted my dad, all Catholics were just lost. They're not going to make it because they don't, you know, believe. They believe the wrong shit. They don't believe the right shit. They're so, of course, they're not going to make it. What about Jews? They're not going to make it. Yeah. They're not going to, like, you don't believe like this. Muslims fucked up. Oh, just lost me. Mormons fucked up. Oh man. Scientologists really fucked up. Oh, oh, you're especially, you're especially lost. And that's, you know, but that's how they felt. Yeah, that's how they felt. That's how I was taught. That's what it is. And I just, you know, I don't believe that you got, you got this. My dad was, some people, they found my dad thought that he could walk on water. He could do no wrong. And it's the same guy that, you know, you know, break my nose and send me to the fucking emergency room. Kick my, and my mom was a slave and that was perfectly fine with him. And also this was a guy that was fucking women in the church. But you don't believe like I believe you're going to hell. Yeah. People have a remarkable ability to be hypocrites. Yeah. There's soup sauce. And I've seen that so much from super religious people that it just turned me off from being a religious person. Well, I think a lot of what it is is control. People want to control other people. They want to be able to tell people what to do and when to do it. And that it gives them some power in their own life by doing so. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm, man, I just, you know, it destroyed my faith and just super, you know, people that are in church every Sunday, every Tuesday, we went to church three times a week. Three times a week? Three times every Tuesday, every Friday, every Sunday in church, in churches. I mean, during the Watts riots, I'm a little kid. We went to church. Wow. Yeah. And the guy that soldiers, the National Guard on the streets, they pulled my dad over, I'm a little kid in the back seat. Where are you going? Uh, I'm going to church and I'm like, fuck, these guys got this tanks on the street. This guy got a fucking M-16 and my dad's like, we're going to church. I'm like, fuck, could you leave us at home? Could you meet my brother? I'm like, could we leave? I want to be at home looking at fucking hecko and jock with cartoons, man. I don't want to fucking be out here. You guys got, but we went to church, man. So he was super dedicated, you know, to, you know, part of him was super dedicated to what he believed. And then, um, you know, you'd go over to sister's Sally's house to give her consultation and I'm looking in the room, her bedroom door is open and there's my dad with his fucking t-shirt on, sister Sally's in her slip and shit. And I guess me and my brother were there to be his, uh, scapegoat or, you know, his excuse my mom, you know, if I take them and I, you know, nothing could be going on wrong, man. I'm like, I still remember that shit. I'm like, fuck, what kind of consultation is he doing? Like, come on.