5 years ago
3 appearances
Bill Maher is a comedian, political commentator, the host of HBO's "Real Time with Maher" and his own podcast, "Club Random." Catch him in residency at the David Copperfield Theatre at MGM Grand in Las Vegas on September 15 and 16 and November 3 and 4.www.billmaher.com
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
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We want to categorize people as being, like you said, one or zero, binary, irredeemable, like either chosen or irredeemable. And you have to be very careful with how you talk or you get labeled in one or two of those categories and people are so scared now. Communicate. I had a conversation with a friend a while back and it was a crazy conversation. It was alcohol involved. But he said something really ridiculous. He was saying that maybe it's good that women get so much money in divorce because of all the shit they've been through for men over the years. And I was like, what does that have to do with money and divorce? Like if that's an individual person that's getting money from another individual person, is she getting, is she collecting? Is this like reparations for all the horrible things that have happened for women? And he goes, well, and so he starts getting defensive and he goes, well, what about income inequality that women have to deal with? I go, oh, Jesus. I go, well, you know, that's not real, right? And he goes, what do you mean? I go, it's not like they have the same jobs. It's not like both women, the man and a woman are both male men. They both do the same amount of houses, but the man makes a dollar when the woman makes 70 cents. He goes, that's exactly what it is. I go, the fuck it is. That's not what it is. It's illegal. It is illegal. We've already passed that law. I had to explain. Everybody walked on eggshells. Everybody was like, oh, Jesus, what are you saying? You're saying income inequality is not real? Right. No, it's not. Not that it's not real. There's many of those mic drop phrases that they use, you know, kids in cages, which of course we don't want kids in cages, but there's a whole discussion to be had about immigration as opposed to just kids in cages or Islamophobia. Of course that is a real thing. It exists, but there's a whole other discussion. But just these, look, the left often uninformed. They just are. But they have these bullet points that they feel like they definitely can shut a conversation down with them. They don't feel like they have to learn a lot about a subject because you have these mic drop sayings or phrases that just stop people from talking. Well, I'd fortunately known the actual statistics. And so when we were talking about it, I was saying they'll know that they choose different jobs. And also they negotiate for themselves differently. They need to negotiate for themselves better. Well, that's one of the things when people accuse Jordan Peterson to be in sexist. Jordan Peterson literally counseled and coached women how to be more assertive in their jobs to get better raises. Sure. It was really explaining how to do this and just even maybe possibly against your better instincts to exert yourself and show that you understand your value. And this is what men do. And this is why men get raises. And oftentimes women just kind of keep it to themselves and they're a little nervous about it. But it is amazing. I mean, you mentioned divorce. Yeah, they don't assert as well going for a raise. But the divorce thing, I mean, that can go both ways if the woman is the one who has more money. Yeah, but when the fuck does that ever happen? That's like women who beat up men. You know, women beat men up too. Like when I hear that, I'm like, oh my God. Go to the gym. Yes. You should go to the gym, man. It's like these fucking... Get yourself a little spunk. Men's rights assholes are like... There's so much to make fun of men's rights guys. But I had one of them on my... one of my comedy specials, I had a bit about it where they were saying, do you know that men get raped more often than women? I go, yeah, by other men, you fucking idiot. Right, exactly. Like, what do you think? I remember that, yeah. The chicks are out there raping dudes? What do you think? Cheerleaders are out there raping cops? And also, have you had Christina Hobbs Summers? Yes. Okay. Yeah, I love her. I've been with her so recently and we were talking about the fact that also they don't bring up a lot of the time that most of the horrible dirty jobs in the world are done by men. Yeah. They're the ones who are up on the telephone pole. Most likely to die on the job, most likely to be murdered, most likely to go to jail. Yeah. Most likely to get a much longer jail sentence for the same crime. So we're not crying about being men, we're just saying as she says, life is a complex mixture of advantages and disadvantages. Yeah. I think the pendulum is swinging the other way though. I think really dumb statements like fuck all white men like we used to hear on Twitter and people used to like applaud and retweet it. I think people are now like, oh, come on, what the fuck? Well that's a little out there, but I have heard when now it's going in the other direction because the race is winnowing, but at the point of say six months or a year ago when lots of people were getting into the race, at some point there were 24 Democrats in there. And when a white guy would get in, it was very common to hear, do we need another white guy? Yeah. And that was completely okay on the left. And it's like, okay, but then we are saying that we are using race to judge whether someone is qualified. And gender. Right. Exactly. We are using race and gender to say whether someone is qualified, just so we understand what we're doing here. Because I don't think that's exactly what Martin Luther King meant when he said judge by the content of their character and not the color of their skin, which seems to elude a certain set. It's the dumbest form of identity politics and it's really ridiculously dumb when they don't realize that that same sort of strategy is going to come right back around at you. It's like people that think, oh, that guy is pissing me off, I'm going to go fucking punch him. Well guess what, he's going to punch you back. Like this is not, it's not that simple. If you go around judging people based on their gender and their color and their race, guess what, they're going to do that to you now. This is, it's a terrible strategy.