Best of the Week - May 3, 2020 - Joe Rogan Experience


4 years ago




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I want to get back to something you said earlier. You said the way restaurants were before the Food Network. Yeah. What happened? You know, I think Food Network and food shows in general are a great thing. It empowers people to cook and there's all different levels, and I think it's the greatest thing. And also it's given us as chefs a platform to do some incredible things too. But there was a different type of motivation between the cooks in the kitchen and a good number of the cooks today. So before, there wasn't celebrity involved. So you were there for the reason, for the love, the art of it. Whereas nowadays, I'm not going to say everybody because I cook with, and I know there's plenty of people that are very serious about it, it's about the craft, the putting in the hours, the repetition that doesn't make sense until all of a sudden you're doing something without thinking about it. And that's what it was like really before. We were just, everybody who was in the kitchen was there because they loved cooking, not for any reason of celebrity or whatever it is. So it really, it did change good, you know, patience, like so people, like the progression would be like, oh, you work as a line cook for three to four years and then you're a sous chef for a number of years and then you're a chef. And there was a progression. And then when the whole thing came along and then it was everybody was like, from culinary school to chef, they wanted to jump right into it. And do you think there's a significant number of people that are actually getting into cooking to become famous? There's something about it. Yeah. I mean, it has a thing. I don't know, not the term, famous is a little bit different. I'd say like notoriety. In other words, they're like ready to show like, hey, I can do this. But with cooking, there's a certain number of hours you just, you cannot avoid. You have to put this in. You have to have the knife in your hand for thousands and thousands of hours before you really are starting to cook because it's easy to do a dish, but it's difficult to do a dish and to cook consistently with all the different things getting thrown at you, like this coronavirus thing and like, okay, how do you adapt? How are you resilient? How can you bounce back? How do you understand like, no matter what, I'm going to get this dish up at nine o'clock if that customer wants it at nine o'clock, not anything else? Well, I think we're rapidly moving towards opening up the country. It's going to happen extremely fast over the next few weeks. So yeah, something that would be helpful just to add from an informational level is when reporting sort of COVID cases to separate out diagnosed with COVID versus had COVID-like symptoms. Yes. Because the list of symptoms that could be COVID at this point is like a mile long. So it's like a hard to, if you're ill at all, it's like, you know, it could be COVID. So just to give you better information, definitely diagnosed with COVID or had COVID-like symptoms. We're conflating those two so that it looks bigger than it is. Then if somebody dies, was COVID a primary cause of the death or not? I mean, if somebody has COVID gets eaten by a shark, we find their arm, their arm has COVID. It's going to get recorded as a COVID death. Is that real? Not that bad, but heart attacks, strokes, cancer. If you get hit by a bus, go to the hospital and die and they find that you have COVID, you will be recorded as a COVID death. Why would they do that though? Well right now, the road to hell is paid with good intentions. I mean, it's mostly paid with bad intentions, but there is some good intentions having so much in there too. And the stimulus bill that was intended to help with the hospitals that were being overrun with COVID patients created an incentive to record something as COVID that is difficult to say no to, especially if your hospital is going bankrupt for lack of other patients. So hospitals are in a bind right now. There's a bunch of hospitals that are following doctors, as you were mentioning. Your hospital is half full, it's hard to make ends meet. So now you've got like, if I just check this box, I get $8,000. Put them on a ventilator for five minutes, I get $39,000. Or I got to fire some doctors. This is a tough moral quandary. What are you going to do? So nice to be semi-normal again. Yes, for fucking sure. The restrictions are supposed to be lifting up here in Los Angeles on Friday, which means nothing for us, for comedians. It means something for like some retail, some other stuff, but they're doing it nice and slow and... Did you see the list of shit that the governor's office put out of stuff you're allowed to do? You should pull that up, Jamie, because it is... It's quite hilarious. First of all, it's kind of condescending. It's like treating you like you're a moron. Like here's things you're allowed to do. One of them that I thought was hilarious, it said soft martial arts. Yeah, it said Tai Chi. This is you're allowed to do this outside. Soft martial arts. No. Like why can't you do... Why can't you shadow box? Can you do that? Or it's only okay if you do things that don't work? You're saying martial. That's an art of war, right? And Tai Chi is... It is a... It's much more of a meditation than it is an art of war. I think it's very beneficial. But look what it says. Athletics, number one. What does that mean? Badminton, singles, singles, throwing a ball, a baseball, softball, stop. Here's the problem with that. If you're throwing a baseball, you're basically shaking hands and you're doing it with an organic skin, right? All the outside of it is cow skin. You could throw a ball by yourself, but that's not what they're saying, right? That's sad. You're gonna throw it and go... Throw it and go pick it up. Throwing fly balls to yourself in the park. BMX biking. Okay, thank you. You're allowed to canoe singles. Like it specifies. What's singles? Are they talking about crabbing like crab walk? No, like catching crabs. You can go crabbing like fishing. No, that's what it means. You can go crabbing. People do it all the time? Oh yeah, in California, not here, but in Northern California, it's a big deal. Yeah, I've done it before. You catch blue crabs, I think they are. I think they're blue. What species they are. But you catch them off the piers. There's a lot of areas around San Francisco where people catch crabs. It's really big in like Maryland and those guys love crabbing. Oh, in Alaska too, they do a lot of crabbing. That wasn't a thing. It was just a California list. That's why I was like, I didn't... I'm in the ocean right here. Gardening, not in groups. Oh, you can explore rock pools. Thank you. Oh wow. Where can we do that at? Malibu, but you can't get to the beach. It's closed. Cycling, golf, singles, walking, no cart, Tony. Oh my gosh. You can't have a cart. Why can't I have a cart? What if it's my cart? I can't take the cart. It's electric. It doesn't even hurt the environment. What is... Why can't I take the cart? Why can't they clean it? Is there a logic to that? Let's stop. I mean, if it's your cart, is there a logic to that? And how is it any different than the cart at the supermarket? Like that motherfucker is getting passed around like a cheap hoe. But that lady, that new press secretary, she's a fucking gangster. When he sent me that video, dude. She's a gangster. Have you seen that video? You've never seen someone more prepared for a question in your life, Jamie. Have you seen that? You know what I'm talking about? Small point on that. Not the big point, but small point. She was so prepared for this. Yes. That's what I'm saying. Well, she's supposed to be prepared. That's why I said you've never seen someone more prepared for that specific question. They're prepared. Yes, because they're prepared. And you know why they're prepared? Because they're trying to play Gotcha. Yep. So she played Gotcha with them. She checkmated them. She came in there with that fucking Elon Musk flame thrower. Play that video. Play that video. Like leaning on a cap rail. You're on the other side. No, no, no. I was saying... Oh, you're a vibing guy. No, hey, listen. Before everyone jumps in, I almost was saying that it almost seems like she was working with that reporter to say, hey, feed me this so I can shit on everybody. No, that guy got... That doesn't happen? That guy was yelling. He was like, wait. You were ready for this. Hold on, hold on, hold on. What are you just saying? He served her up a softball so she could fucking fire off the machine gun. No, I don't think so. No, he didn't. That's not what he did at all. Like he tried to play Gotcha with her. Do you want to take your word back? Because she said that Trump is not going to let the coronavirus come into the country. And what she's saying, the reason why they're shutting down travel from Asia is because they're worried about the coronavirus coming into the country and Trump's not going to let that happen. So they tried to take what she said and take it out of context or frame it in a way while she was saying that Trump is not going to let the country get infected by the coronavirus. What she's trying to say is that he's not going to have free travel where people have coronavirus because it's going to bring the virus in. Not that it's the only way the virus is going to get here. The virus got here anyway. She came with the fire regardless, Jamie. You're going to take that back. First of all, it's a douchey question. All those journalists are kind of douchebags in the first place. They're trying so hard to have these moments where they fucking play Gotcha. But when do these journalists quit being journalists and become like fucking trolls off Reddit? Like some of their questions to Trump. That's why Trump goes so hard in the pain on them. I know, but he goes too hard. The problem is he cares too much. He cares too much about what they think. A lion should not be so concerned about the opinion of sheep. Correct. That's not it's not becoming of someone who's in such a powerful position. You're the president, dude. That guy's a fucking writer for the way she handles it though. Oh my God. She just dropped a fucking. It was sexy. It was sexy. Wildy coyote with the TNT. Boom. She's like, you ready? You want to do it now? Yeah. And then she had a big smile and walked off as they're trying to say. And he's like, you prepared for that? Yes, you went. Thank you. Have a good day. Oh gee. You think she prepared for it with all those stats that she read right in front of you?