5 years ago
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Reggie Watts is a comedian, actor, author, and musician. Look for his new book "Great Falls, MT: Fast Times, Post-Punk Weirdos, and a Tale of Coming Home Again" on October 17. https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/714088/great-falls-mt-by-reggie-watts/
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
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A lot of that leftover monkey stuff. Yeah man, it's the, it's not, it's just it's still here. Yeah. It's still here and it's fucking shit up. Well we also needed it just a hundred years ago. Totally. Yeah. People were doing duels when they were, the president was doing duels just a couple hundred years ago. Oh that's right. Yeah you're right. That shit is so recent. You're right, yeah. You're a barrack shit man. Shooting each other with little mini muskets in the fucking street. In front of everybody and you were the president. Is that true? Was there a president that got in a duel? That is true right? I think you're right. I looked it up as Andrew Jackson got in like over a hundred duels I think but that like. What? The duels weren't like that duel type. It was really just like a challenge to see if you would show up really and then like. Oh it was like just a formula. It wasn't really like always like someone died. Did you shoot anybody? He did but I think one person. Oh cause usually they didn't. They have a crazy story about it. They don't aim at each other. That's why I heard that there was like you kind of like aim near them. Really? Something like that. Yeah and that was a way to concede. In one duel he got shot I think in the chest but he was such a badass he stayed. He like put his hand over it and held it and because his gun jammed when he was supposed to fire so the other guy got him and then he fixed his gun, shot the guy in the head and that guy ended up dying. I'm pretty sure that's how that's going on about like the one guy he killed. Don't you? You have a real motivation to kill a guy when he shoots you in the chest. That should be real. Yeah you're like he'll eliminate threat now. This becomes real. And the guy just has to stand there. He can't even run away. How goofy is that? You have to stand there and let a dude shoot you. That's part of the deal right? I don't, yeah yeah. I don't think you can turn around and go oh my god help. You can't be like I went bitch and just run. I'm out of here. You have to kind of stand there. There's a guy named Charles Dickinson not the rider but a horse, a rival horse breeder. And here's the account of their duel. Oh my god. Okay here it goes. In 2006 Jackson and Dickinson met at Harrison's Mills on the Red River in Logan, Kentucky. At the first signal from their seconds, Dickinson fired. Jackson received Dickinson's first bullet in the chest next to his heart. Jackson put his hand over the wound, just staunch the flow of blood and stayed standing long enough to fire his gun. Dickinson's seconds claimed that Jackson's first shot misfired, which would have meant that the duel was over. But in a breach of etiquette, Jackson re-cocked the gun and shot again. This time killing his opponent. Although Jackson recovered, he suffered chronic pain from the wound for the remainder of his life. Damn. Jackson was not prosecuted for murder and the duel had very little effect on his successful campaign for the presidency in 1829. Many American men in the early 1800s, particularly in the south, viewed dueling as a time-honored tradition. Wow. Dude that was just a couple hundred years ago. We were barbarians. You're like, well, sometimes you just got to do it. That is a time-honored tradition. Two hundred years ago, people were so goddamn crazy that you could shoot someone in the fucking face in a duel, a street fight, and then run for president and win. Yeah, it's consensual. I mean, there are versions of that now. That's amazing. But yeah. His divorce raised more of a scandal than him killing that guy. Wow. How is that possible? Wow. I mean, again, priorities. Different societies. Yeah. What was gossip like back then? Like gossip magazines that have like hand-printed newspaper with gossip in it that they would hand out? Yeah. Why would his divorce become a big deal? Oh, they had the printing press back then, right? Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah, they had the printing press. The United States got it. There is in 1856. Like everyone had to buy into it. People are so goofy. Just a couple hundred years ago, they were so goofy. I mean, that's one of the best examples of like a difference in a shift in culture. Imagine hearing that today. Imagine hearing that we had slid so far down that Trump and Putin were engaging in a duel, and they were going to go back to back, and Trump cheated and shot him. Oh, my God. Yeah, I wonder who would cheat who? Well, if that happened, if Trump took a bullet, but his gun misfired, then he re-cocked it and fired again. Oh, that would be a Trump thing. That's cheating. But that's what he did. That's what Jackson did. Oh, my God. Was it Jackson? Yeah. Yes. Okay, so he married Rachel Jackson, who this is part of the duel because the guy who killed Dickinson had publicly called her a bigamist because she married Jackson not knowing her first husband had not finalized the divorce or something like that. So that was a bigger scandal that he was married to some already married woman. Oh. And that got outed, so he was like, fuck you, I'm going to kill you. Oh, my goodness. Wow. So he challenged him to a duel because of that. Jackson challenged him to a duel? Yeah. That Anna reneged horse bed, he said. Oh, my God. A horse bed. You can't cheat on horse bedding. Those are two big things, man. Don't say a man's wife is a bigamist. And you don't say that's what they're shooting people over. Fucking horse beds and shit. Yeah, those are barbarian people. And those are ancestors just 200 years ago. This is like very civil. Civil barbarianism. Civil barbarianism. It's like, well, we're barbarians with their rules.