A Mushroom Trip Convinced Rashad Evans to Become Vegan | Joe Rogan


5 years ago



Rashad Evans

1 appearance

Rashad Evans is a former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion, and a 2019 inductee of the UFC Hall of Fame.


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And then you also have this crazy green drink that you were telling me about. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So this right here is, um, Sperolina. Ever since I changed my diet up, I need to have a couple of these every single day. And it makes me feel good, you know? Yeah? Yeah, I don't eat meat anymore, so I know you're a big meat eater. Yeah, do you eat fish or any of that? No. Nothing. All vegan? All vegan. When did you become vegan? Uh, probably about, man, I want to say probably about almost two years now. Really? Yeah, almost two years now. Like it? Love it. Love it. It's changed my life, man. It's been one of the things I can honestly say that's just revolutionized my complete everything. It's been everything that lately that has, you know, changed me from a mental standpoint, physical standpoint, and even a spiritual standpoint. I definitely think it changes the mind because this all meat diet that I've been on, that changes your mind the other way. It makes you more aggressive. Yeah, too much so. Yeah, I have to work out extra to keep the demons at bay. It's the blood. It is. It's the blood. It's that. It's also like if you think about it, if your body thinks, okay, I have to eat animals all the time because all this motherfucker eats is animals, right? Right. If your body thinks that, your body's going to sort of take on the characteristics of something that's a predator, right? I mean, this is obviously like some bullshit bro psychology because I'm a moron, but I would say your body is going to think I'm more aggressive. I have to chase shit down and kill it. Yeah, that's you have to be more predatory, but your body has to think that way. I can get with that. It makes sense though. It makes sense. Did you do it right after you retired? You know, I kind of not right after I retired. It was kind of something that kind of just happened. Like ever since I like because I do mushrooms, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah. So it was it was it was when I did a like when I had a really really deep trip that just caused me to have one of those ego deaths. And when I had the ego death, I was like in a state where this knowing this was coming to me and it was like, you know, I was like it was all day. I did a mushroom ceremony and it was all day and I was just out in the sun and just, you know, in my own mind. And then I was smelling real bad and then I smelled myself and you know, ever you catch a smell yourself and I was like, oh my God, I stink. And then the knowing that said like you stink because you eat dead rotting flesh and it said if you want to eat if you want life, then you eat life. That's what this knowing that said to me. And then I was like, that's a strange thought that just come into my mind. Like and then after that, no kidding, like I just lost my taste for meat. It just and I used to eat all kinds of meat I eat. I would eat pork and I was, you know, big into pork and big into like all kinds of meat. And I was never one of those diet guys at all. But after that happened to me, after I had that experience, it was just like one of those things that that I just couldn't help but go into. Like I just lost the taste for me. One trip. Yeah, I mean, well, it was well, it was it kind of started when I like about eight months before that I did the toad. And then a toad was one that that really was the catalyst for everything. There's a lot of people listening. You're what the fuck is he saying? You did the toad. Yeah. So five M.E.O. DMT, which is the toad and the toad was one that was I guess the catalyst of busting that gate open. And that's a crazy psychedelic. That's a very underrated psychedelic. Oh my God. It that that will. Yeah, that's the first really bad. I had done mushrooms before, but I did a fairly small dose. I mean, fairly small in that I could walk around. I was pretty whacked out, but I could walk around a couple grams. But the five M.E.O. DMT was the first one where I just ceased to exist. I just stopped and it made me really aware of ego, really aware of like even the way I express myself, the way I would frame sentences and say things. I was just I was trying to sound cool. Yeah, I was trying to portray something in a way like not just trying to portray the information, but trying to impress people and it made me like feel real gross. Yeah. Well, that's the thing like when I had my five M.E.O. experience. It was man. I just never I never thought that consciousness could be so vast and so big. You know, when I when you have that experience with the five M.E.O. It just like it made this consciousness make look as if like it was a drop in a bucket, you know, just like a little drop in. I got to experience the ocean of consciousness and that right there was it was the most humbling experience I ever had, you know, just to feel my ego who I thought I was, what I thought I was completely just annihilated and to feel what I actually was. You know, it was it was crazy. Yeah, I feel like regular consciousness that most of us exist in most of the time is a veneer. It's a very thin veneer. And through some things you get a taste of what's under the surface through meditation and yoga and all these different methods that people use. Holotropic breathing. You get a taste of what's underneath the surface. Kundalini yoga, apparently. Kundalini yoga, apparently. I've never really done it, but some people say you could really trip out if you do it in a certain way for long periods of time. People have like very intense psychedelic experiences akin to DMT. Yeah, I had like a Kundalini kind of experience like an awakening where it was like a as I just had felt like the top of my head just completely was gone. And it was it was like I was just open to all like the information. It was it was a crazy. It was like I had no no no no head like it was just I was just. Information was just pouring into no roof. No roof was this from Kundalini. No, it was it was from mushrooms, but it was a similar type of but I felt but I felt that that that Kundalini experience where you see the light. It was like this really intense light that that happens in my head and it was just boom. You see you see the universe, you know, you know that that thing about the center of your head. That's what the there's there's a lot of speculation and what the Egyptians were trying to draw when they were drawing certain images, but there's certain temples that seem to mimic certain shapes in these temples that seem to mimic the pineal gland. Like even the eye that there's that famous Egyptian eye that has that sort of dip down. Yeah, and that weird sort of Egyptian shape. There's been a bunch of different scholars that have tried to figure out what exactly that man. And one of the theories is that that's a cross section of the pineal gland and they think that what they were emphasizing was that that is the area where the brain produces all the psychedelic chemicals and they speculated this for a long time. But Dr. Rick Strassman. He's the guy that wrote that book DMT the spirit molecule and there was actually a documentary on it that I hosted and he he's done a bunch of work with this Cottonwood Research Foundation where they've shown now that it exists in live rat. And that it that it is actually produced by that gland that DMT is actually produced in these animals by this one particular gland that they associate associated with spiritual awakening with the third eye. So it actually is a real thing that feeling that you get and the thing about mushrooms. It's really interesting. It's mushrooms actually mimic natural human neurochemistry. There's five m e o d m t. There's n and d m t. And then what mushrooms the way it was processed to the way the way your body process it becomes something called for Fox for a loxy and and dimethyl tryptamine. So it's really it's a real close. I might have butchered that technical description but that's it's it's real close to human neurochemistry. So your body absorbs it very easily. Your body takes it in. Your body knows what it is. Your body knows what to do with it. See when I was on I like mushrooms because the mushroom. So the five m e o is so powerful that you can't really get a handle on what happened. Like I came back from being away for like 17 minutes. I'm just like whoa that was intense. You know I felt as if like I was everything off the same time and it was you know, so many different things that was just happening but you really can't unpack it because it's it's it's incomprehensible to an extent for the larger extent because you're dealing with you know concepts that the human mind can't even grasp. Because there's no vocabulary to to speak about it. You know so when I did the mushrooms the mushrooms were kind of like the rivers and the lakes that leads to the ocean and it helps me understand how I am part of something so big and something so grand. So when I when I did my much when I have a mushroom experiences they were all different in some in some respect you know like I'm like whenever I do go deep because I like to go deep I don't I don't I don't play around with like a do yeah micro. I mean I do micro dosing sometimes but I like to get in there with like five grams may you know 10 you know how you know what's up. Yeah those big ones the big doses where you you get kind of scared once you ate it and then you know you got like 40 minutes for kicks in like whole boy yeah turn it back now turn it back now you in that that's the thing about it when you face that fear of just going deep and it's helped me out so much.