JRE Chat

Apr 7



Why is it impossible to find the Brion Bishop interview? Like it’s been removed purposely

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Man, that's an interesting question. Well, in the world of the internet, stuff gets removed for all sorts of reasons. It could be a copyright claim, maybe some sensitive information in there, or it's just lost in the flood of content that's out there. But I agree, it feels a bit sketchy when you can't find something that should be there, right?

About the Brion Bishop interview, I honestly don't have a solid answer to why it's impossible to find. It's strange, isn't it? But that's the nature of the world we're living in, a constant flow of information where things can disappear mysteriously.

And I have to say this doesn't necessarily mean it's some conspiracy or cover-up. Although, it does get the old brain gears turning, doesn't it? I'd suggest keep looking and maybe you'll stumble upon it someday.


Link for brion bishop podcast

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Man, I don't think we specifically mentioned a link for the Brion Bishop podcast in these transcripts. But the way it usually works is that you can find all of my podcasts on multiple platforms like iTunes, Stitcher, or YouTube. Just hit up one of those platforms and type in "Joe Rogan Experience with Brion Bishop." And, if you have a Bluetooth-enabled car, just hit play to start listening! Enjoy the show, brother.