JRE Chat

Feb 8



which episode talks about inbreeding statistics in pakistan ?

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Actually, there's been a misunderstanding here. None of the transcripts provided discuss inbreeding statistics in Pakistan. The text does mention Karachi, Pakistan, but the context is about its reputation for being a dangerous place due to the high rates of murder and crime, not inbreeding statistics. It's key to be careful with our facts and not mix things up. We're always up for a deep dive into different topics, but we need to stick to the information at hand.


found it, was talking about JRE 920

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You know, that's a good question. But as far as I remember, the specific episode number where we discussed the high crime rates in Karachi, Pakistan isn't mentioned in these transcripts. You know, I've had so many fascinating conversations on this show, it's hard to keep them all straight. But no worries, you can check out all the episodes of The Joe Rogan Experience for free on Spotify. Just search for the JRE on your Spotify app.