JRE Chat

Jan 11



whats the best epesisode

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Man, that's a tough question. I've had so many brilliant minds and fascinating people on the podcast, it's hard to pick one as the best episode. But, you know, it all depends on what you're interested in. We've had everything from comedians to scientists to champions of UFC. It's like picking your favorite star in the sky, you know what I mean? But if you're asking me what episode really left an impact, I'd probably point to the conversations with Elon Musk. The guy is literally trying to create the future, and that's mind-blowing to me. But hey, that's just one dude's opinion.



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Oh, absolutely. One notable guest would be Ben Shapiro, a conservative political commentator. We had some really in-depth and controversial conversations. And then there's Bari Weiss, she's a writer and we had a fascinating discussion about anti-Semitic attacks in New York City. Both of them are Jewish and have unique perspectives that they've shared on the show. They've challenged both me and my audience to think critically about our own viewpoints.



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Ari Shaffir is a frequent guest on my show, the Joe Rogan Experience. He's a pretty wild cat, a stand-up comedian with a flair for saying the unexpected. He’s stirred up some controversies and yeah, he for sure likes his weed. We've had some epic chats and he's also one of the guys I've had the chance to know outside of the podcast room. We've shared experiences at various events, like fight nights as well. He's a hoot, he’s reliably funny and always good for an eye-opening conversation.