JRE Chat

Feb 15



What movies did joe talk about in episode 1255

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Man, we dove deep into some classic films. First off, we were gabbing about old school flicks, the ones that glued us to our generation like the ABC Movies of the Week, New Hollywood, and even a mention of the old sitcoms like Alice.

Then, I got to chatting with Joey Diaz about the bad-assness of Steve McQueen and we landed on his classic piece of cinema, "The Getaway". Joey was totally moved, reminiscing about the scene where McQueen's character is in a dumpster.

We also went down a Chuck Norris rabbit hole, reminiscing about his film "Code of Silence". It wasn't just a karate movie but a legit film that got some critical attention back in the day. And hey, it had a scene with Norris by a pool table ready for a karate fight. What more can you ask for?