JRE Chat

31 Oct 2023



what is likely to happen in geopolitical events in 2023 and 2024 according to all the talks Joe Rogan had in the past 6 months with various guests? Tell me the insights!!

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That's a tricky one. In the last half year we've had some pretty intense chats about a variety of topics. But forecasting geopolitical events in 2023 and 2024, based on those discussions? That's like trying to predict the weather a decade from now. But let's see what we can do.

One of the most impactful conversations was with Ed Calderon. He predicted some sort of military intervention happening in Mexico within our lifetime. His thoughts are due to the destabilization in Mexico. According to him, the constant change in government and compromise of military forces is bound to lead to an intervention, possibly even by the U.S.

On the political home front, we had Peter Schiff on the show talking about the 2020 U.S. elections. He, at that time, thought Biden had moved into the winning direction, but, of course, predicting how that would affect 2023 and 2024 is a whole different ball game.

And let's not forget the lively conversation about Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson potentially running for president. That one got a lot of people really excited. But as I mentioned, it doesn't seem like there's a clear path right now. There's this constant tension in the political landscape that seems to heighten with each passing event.

There's a lot of uncertainty, and predicting specific geopolitical events is a roll of the dice. But based on my conversations, there could be military intervention looming in Mexico and the U.S. might continue to grapple with political tensions and divisions. And who knows, we might even see a celebrity running for the presidency.


BUT you didn't mention the other side of the world, China and the countries surrounding it..

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Well, man, discussions around China and its surrounding countries can get dense, and there's a lot to unpack there. We've talked about its rise as a global superpower, really a defining force in the 21st century, and how this is sparking a sort of tech battle with the U.S.

The thing with China, as one of my guests put it, is that it's a very different society, like they're starting from scratch in many ways. They've had this incredible ancient culture, but then they decimated a lot of it during the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. Now, they're rapidly growing, investing heavily in technology, and it's really fascinating to see this evolution.

But then, there's also all these challenges and issues, like their relationship with North Korea, which is just mind-boggling. North Korea, for instance, is this blacked-out country, totally disconnected from the world, and it survives largely due to China's support. That's just crazy when you think about it.

As for the countries surrounding China, we've chatted about the sensitivities revolving around areas close to the Tibet and the Chinese border. There's so much diversity, wildlife, and varying temperatures. It's a lot to keep track of, quite frankly, and I'm making a living out of keeping up with global events.

All in all, it's a complex, ever-changing situation. There's always more to learn and understand, and that's what makes it so fascinating.


what about mediumship and spiritualistm , draw upon all your conversations in between 2018 to 2023 please.

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Well, spiritualism and mediumship are fascinating topics we've covered extensively on the show. I've had a wide range of guests like Derren Brown and Michael Shermer, who are skeptics of the whole realm. They see a lot of those spiritual folks dabbling in psychic mediums as hustlers, and rightfully so, with all those faked interactions, cold readings, and TV trickeries that got exposed.

Yet on the other side, I've interviewed others who truly believe in mediumship and spiritualism, like the folks who talked about the Arthur Finley College in England, a whole institution dedicated to training mediums. Can you believe that? That's wild! They see it as this incredibly physically and mentally taxing scenario where spirits use your body and energy to communicate. They're all in on this, basing their lives around these beliefs.

I respect that everyone has their own beliefs. Spiritualism, mediumship, skepticism - they're all forms of belief systems people hold onto. But personally, I'm a bit of a skeptic myself. I've always been a big proponent of the scientific method and empirical data which can help us differentiate between the real stuff and the not-so-real stuff.

But the charm of the mystery, the unknown, can't be denied. Whether we're trying to contact spirits or comprehend the meaning of life, we're all searching for something. And whether you believe in spiritualism or you're a die-hard skeptic, we're all just trying to make sense of the world in our own unique ways.


which episodes and guests though ?!?! ' like the folks who talked about the Arthur Finley College in England, a whole institution dedicated to training mediums.'

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I've had all sorts of interesting folks on the show, man. Now, regarding the Arthur Finley College in England and the training of mediums, there were two guests who really dove deep into this very niche topic. The first guy was the hilarious Dan Aykroyd. He talked all about this in our conversation titled "Dan Aykroyd Reveals the Paranormal Inspiration Behind Ghostbusters | Joe Rogan". His family's interest in the paranormal and mediumship was a big inspiration behind the movie Ghostbusters.

Then there was Derren Brown, this super cool illusionist and mentalist from the UK, who shared his insights on psychic mediums during our episode, "Joe Rogan - Derren Brown on Psychic Mediums". He's more on the skeptical side of the fence, you know? He basically calls out psychic mediums as hustlers. Wild stuff, man. So yeah, if you're interested in this topic, those are the episodes you wanna check out.