JRE Chat

24 Jul 2023



What happened to Jordan Peterson?

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Well, man, it's a pretty wild situation. Jordan Peterson, who's a clinical psychologist, and you know, he's got some pretty strong political opinions, his license is under threat in Canada. It's a pretty outlandish turn of events. The College of Psychologists has dropped what are essentially 13 lawsuits on him at the same time because they disagree with his political views.

There's also a lot of controversy around his academic work, particularly his YouTube lectures. People are trying to get him to stop, which I think is just outrageous. He's such an informed guy, you know, and the way he expands on his thoughts, it's just captivating.

On top of all this, he had a pretty intense interview with Vice, where he discussed women in the workplace. And he came off pretty aggressive in that one. I'm not sure if he's just tired or if he's digging his heels in, but it was a noticeable shift.

Overall, it's clear that Jordan's under some serious pressure because of his opinions. It's a crazy time we're living in, where expressing your views can land you in such a jam.


Is Jordan Peterson a drug addict?

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Yeah, man, Jordan Peterson, great guy, he had a tough time. He had to check himself into rehab. He was on this anti-anxiety medication, called it Colonopin. His wife was dealing with some heavy stuff, like liver cancer, and he needed it to cope. But these things, they're not a joke. They can really get their hooks into you. When he tried to stop, he had a wicked withdrawal. So yeah, he had a struggle with it. But keep in mind, addiction doesn't make a person weak or bad, it's a fight, it's a war, man. That's what we have to understand about it.


Jordan Peterson claims to be left wing but he works for a ring wing publication. Why?

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Your question is based on a misunderstanding, man. Jordan Peterson doesn't assert himself as left-wing nor does he work for a right-wing publication. He's a clinical psychologist and a professor, not a political mouthpiece. People might categorize him as right-wing due to some of his views, but that doesn't make it accurate. Peterson, in fact, constantly emphasizes personal responsibility and individual sovereignty, ideas that cross political boundaries. And that's the problem, right? We're so quick to slap labels on people, to box them into categories like right-wing, left-wing, but it's never that simple. Life isn't that simple, and neither are people. If we can get away from this tribal mindset, we might actually start hearing what each other is saying.


Do sports swing right wing?

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Well, fundamentally, on the surface, sports may seem apolitical, but it's a lot more nuanced than that. It's kinda interesting how people try to place sports ideology on this traditional left-right spectrum. The reality is, sports, like any other aspect of society, comprises a wide range of beliefs and values, all clubbed together.

What's crazy is that people have this tendency to try to fit every damn thing into a neat box of "right wing" or "left wing" and man, life's just not that simple. I mean, you've got athletes taking a knee to protest racial inequality and then others speaking out for the Second Amendment.

Often people mistake the patriotism associated with sports, especially in the context of international competition as inherently 'right-wing'. But then again, patriotism isn't the sole domain of the right wing, right? The left can be equally patriotic, just in their own way.

So, I'd say, sports aren't generally inclined towards the right wing, they're more like a mirror of society in general. We see a whole spectrum of political beliefs, depending on the issue, the athlete, the fan base. It's all over the place, man.


Are trans left wing?

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Based on the discussions we've had on this show, it seems like there's a strong correlation between individuals in the transgender community and left-wing political ideologies. Now, here's the important thing to understand — it doesn't mean all transgender people are left-wing. But within the spectrum of political leanings, you'd probably find the majority of the LGBTQ+ community and in particular, the trans community, are more likely to align with the left. This might be due to the progressive social policies and inclusivity that tend to be at the core of left-wing ideologies.


Are better medicines only available to the rich?

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Yeah, man, it seems the deck is stacked a certain way. You've got folks in the United States getting access to these hot-off-the-press, top-tier drugs because our patent laws support pharma companies. But those prices, man, they can get insane. On the flip side, you have countries with socialized medicine who essentially copy these drugs to offer cheaper or even free medication to their people. Somehow, they're able to take care of their population without stressing about copyright.

But here's the thing, is it right to say only the wealthy get proper healthcare? Not entirely, but let's not pretend that wealth doesn't play a part. Those with money will always get the first dibs on what's new and potentially life-saving. The system is unbalanced, man. And the pharmaceutical companies, they're a business, they're chasing growth and profits.

It's a complex issue, right? On one hand, we definitely need solid R&D to counter the health issues we face, but on the other hand, should these medicines be so out of reach for so many people? And what about the responsibility of the wealthiest nations? The G20 economies have a role to play in funding global health technologies, and they've got to step up.

In the end, the public health apparatus should be there to serve the public, not just the interests of a wealthy few or the big pharma. It's clear we need a rethink, man. We all deserve to have our health taken care of, rich or not.


Why do people think the Earth is flat?

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Look, man, it's wild. Some people just get married to these outlandish ideas, like the Earth being flat, and then they're fighting tooth and nail to defend it. I think that's where the whole flat Earth thing comes from, right? They've never seen it themselves so they just don't believe it. They're doubting conventional knowledge and dismissing tangible evidence.

And you know what's really interesting? A lot of these flat Earthers are super religious. They think the idea of us being in space on a round planet is a trick to keep us from God. It's like they're trying to make sense of the universe in their own way, using religion as a lens.

Also, never underestimate human stupidity. Some people would swear the Earth is flat even if God himself came down and told them it's round. And the irony is, if they're so sure about it, why not get in a boat and sail to the 'edge'? They could be the Christopher Columbus of the flat Earth if they're that convinced.

But yeah, it's insane how easily people dismiss things like satellite images and GPS technology that prove our planet is round. Instead, they're clinging onto this idea with zero evidence. It's straight-up crazy, man. They're just chasing their own tails.


Who are you going to vote for in 2024?

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Man, I've gotta be honest with you. I need to see who's on the ticket before I can answer that one. I'm always open to listening to what each candidate has to say, their plans, their policies, and even more so the people they're planning to surround themselves with. You're not just voting for a person, you're voting for their entire team. But at the end of the day, what I'm really looking for is a competent, courageous patriot - regardless of their direction. Progress is crucial for us as a nation, but I'm not going to tie myself down now. We've got time, we'll see what happens.


Who will win the Ukraine war?

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Well, man, it's a tough call, right? There's no clear prediction here. You have Ukraine dealing with its newfound independence and sovereignty, and you've got Russia with Putin at the helm. Both sides have their reasons, their strategies, their outcomes that they're seeking. It's like a messy chess game that's being played out on the global stage, but instead of pawns, we're talking about real people's lives.

And then there's the geopolitical lens to consider. Certain powers, predominantly the US, are playing their own chess game, using funding and weapon systems, and making the whole scenario even murkier. Some might say it's the groundwork for a potential regime change in Russia, but who really knows?

The one thing we can say for sure is that Putin's not going to easily give up Crimea. So, the question becomes what's the middle ground? How can there be a resolution that doesn't completely dishearten people who are deeply invested in this, waving their Ukraine flags?

But here's the kicker, there doesn't seem to be any real evidence of serious negotiations happening, at least not that we can see. And Putin doesn't seem all too interested in negotiating.

This whole thing is a volatile situation, full of potential missteps and miscalculations. Point being, it's tricky, man. It's hard to say who'll end up "winning" this. It's a situation that's constantly evolving, and it's more complex than most people realize.