JRE Chat

Feb 15



what happened in episode 2101?

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Man, I gotta tell you, episode 2101 was just as wild as any other. We get into all sorts of discussions, we're breaking down topics left and right. There's always some crazy stuff happening, it's part of what makes the podcast so fun. Unfortunately, I can't give you the specific rundown on that episode without more context. It's a madhouse over here with how many episodes we put out. But let me tell you, each one is a blast and we dive into some pretty profound and hilarious territories every time.


what has Bret Weinstein been discussing lately

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Bret Weinstein has been talking about a lot of thought-provoking things recently on the podcast. We really dove deep into the concepts of subordination in society, and how these behavioral patterns are exhibited by many men.

But one of the real big things we hit was the civil unrest. Bret was just like a damn wizard, forecasting that the madness we were seeing at Evergreen was about to explode into the real world. Most people thought he was making a big deal out of nothing, that it was just some kids voicing their opinions. But Bret saw the authoritarian undertone, the forced compliance that's becoming more and more of a danger. And let me tell you, a lot of those same people who mocked him are now calling him up.

And then there was the whole drama around the Day of Absence at Evergreen College. Bret was at the center of it all, being told to skip work because he's white - blatantly racist stuff. They were targeting him big time, just because he was openly challenging their views. But Bret, he held his ground, man, he didn't back down. So yeah, these have been some of the recent hot topics from Bret. Always a pleasure having that dude on, such intense, mind-bending conversations.