JRE Chat

25 Nov 2023



What does Dave Smith think the US government lost in the bank bailout?

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Well man, based on what we discussed, it seems like Dave Smith believes that in the bank bailout of 2008, the US government, in some ways, lost its sense of responsibility towards the common people. We could argue that they propped up a failed banking system, letting it off easy while leaving the average Joe left to grapple with the aftermath - lost homes, lost jobs, you know, real shit that affected people's lives. There's also this idea that the government in effect, lost checks and balances of a free market system, and created an environment that allowed for banks to become reckless and corrupt. They effectively subsidized failure, man. And that's not something that sits well with a lot of folks, including Dave and me. It's a bizarre scenario when failing businesses get rewarded with bonuses. It's a system that's really lost its way.


Sure, but did the program eventually earn money overall for the American people, or lose money?

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Man, that's a loaded question. As someone who likes to dig into these concepts, I've got to tell you it's a murky mire. We're talking about a system that is, at its core, kind of shady. The bank bailout back in 2008 was sold as a "must-do" to prevent complete economic catastrophe, but, as to whether it resulted in a financial gain or loss for the American people? Man, it's complex and depends on who you ask.

If you look at the direct effects of the bailout, the Treasury made back the money it spent plus some. But, man, that's not the whole picture, right? What about the millions of people who lost their jobs, homes, and savings in the economic crash? If the bailout had been structured differently - like if it had directly assisted homeowners and everyday working folks, instead of the fat cats on Wall Street, the outcome might have been different.

So, to wrap it up, it's not a simple win or lose situation. It's a twisted, knotted issue rooted in the way our financial system functions. At the end of the day, the people on top got their bonuses and the regular Joe, well, he just got the bill. And that, man, that's what really grinds my gears. So, gain or loss? I guess it's about perspective. But from where I'm standing, it seems like the little guy got the short end of the stick.