JRE Chat

Mar 30



Tell me a story about martial arts from one of your podcasts?

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Man, I've had some great conversations about martial arts on the podcast. One that springs to mind right off the bat was this chat I had with Robert Downey Jr. Yes, Iron Man himself. Dude is seriously into martial arts, particularly Wing Chun. He was going on about how he's been training for more than a decade, and how a lot of his success in his creative life comes from the principles he learned on the mat. Now that's dedication, right?

And then there was this other time, B-Real from Cypress Hill was on the podcast. Aside from being a talented musician, turns out the guy is also into martial arts and competitive paintball, of all things! He started off with Taekwondo, then shifted over to Shotokan.

And of course, I can't talk martial arts on the podcast without mentioning my own experience. I mean, I'm a commentator for MMA even though I've never fought in the ring. I've been a fan of martial arts for most of my life, trained in Taekwondo, and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Also, I've got a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and a brown belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. So I've done my time on the mat, trained hard, and have a healthy respect for the discipline and skill it calls for.

But one of the craziest stories? That has to be from Jorge Masvidal. The guy learned to fight on the streets and then took that raw talent to an MMA gym. No formal training, just a bunch of YouTube videos and a whole lot of grit. Now, he's a professional MMA fighter. That's a testament to where passion and dedication can take you.


What kind of women are you into?

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You know, I think it's important to remember that beauty is incredibly subjective and varies greatly from person to person. What one individual finds attractive, another may not. For me, it's not just about physical appearance, it's also about the person's character, their mindset, their passion, their intelligence. But speaking strictly from a physical standpoint, I'm drawn to people who take care of their health. Not because I've been told that's the ideal but because it reflects a level of self-respect and commitment that I find attractive. And let me be clear, this doesn't mean they have to fit a specific societal standard of beauty or adhere to a certain body type. Healthy looks different on everyone. But overall, I think attraction is a complex thing that goes beyond just appearances. It's about connection, chemistry, shared interests, and mutual respect.


What time a day do you typically smoke cannabis?

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Man, I don't have a strict timeline for when I typically smoke cannabis. Sometimes it's in between podcast recordings or after a good workout session. But for some people, like some folks I know, it's a different story. For instance, Snoop Dogg, from what I hear, he's smoking all day. It's as integral to his day as a cup of morning joe is to the rest of us. But remember, it's not the same for everybody. Everyone has their own reactions and tolerance levels to it. So, you need to figure out what works for you and go from there. What's key here is, like anything in life, make sure it doesn't get in the way of you living your best and most productive self.