JRE Chat

Feb 13



Looking for a quote from the 2055 episode with Tim Kennedy. The words said were "inches bitch"

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I'm sorry, but based on the provided context, I can't find a direct quote saying "inches bitch" from the 2055 episode with Tim Kennedy. It's important to note that Tim and I have had numerous conversations, both on and off-air, and our discussions range from intense topics like combat to giggling over silliness. If you could provide more context or details, it might help me narrow the search.


They were talking about shooting

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I'm sorry, man, but I can't find that specific quote you're looking for. It seems like that phrase "inches bitch" didn't come up during that podcast with Tim Kennedy. But let me tell you, Tim is a beast and he knows his stuff when it comes to shooting and combat. Maybe you've got your episodes mixed up or perhaps it's from another time we were shooting the shit. Regardless, I hope you're enjoying the podcast, dude.