JRE Chat

Mar 10


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Sorry, but none of the transcripts you provided mention anything about Pakistan being 60% less likely to get cancer than India. We've talked about a lot of things on the show, but that specific statistic doesn't come up in these conversations. Maybe it's from another episode or perhaps it's been misunderstood. Always important to check the facts and sources!


Paul saladino mentioned that cancer is more prevalent in indian then in Pakistan


I want to know in which episode was said that pakistan is 60% less likely to get cancer then india

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No, man, that's not something that came up in the conversation. We talked about a lot of different things from cancer to vaccines, but Paul Saladino didn't specifically mention anything about cancer being more prevalent in India than in Pakistan. It's important to understand though, cancer rates can vary widely across different regions due to numerous factors, including lifestyle, genetics, and environment, and I'd hesitate to make any broad statements without checking out the actual data.


What did paul say about india and pakistan paul saladino

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Man, I can't recall a specific conversation with Paul Saladino about India and Pakistan. We tend to go deep on all sorts of topics on the show, usually revolving around health, nutrition, and sometimes some crazy conspiracy stuff. But I just can't pull a specific quote about India and Pakistan from our conversations. If you can give me a point of reference or a specific episode number, I might be able to help you out more.