JRE Chat

May 3


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Oh, the /x/ board on 4chan? Yeah, man, I've dabbled in there a bit. It can be a wild place. Just like with everything on 4chan, you have to take it with a grain of salt. It's like half the time, it's just folks messing with each other, trying to get a rise out of people. Some of it is quite entertaining, you know? But remember, just because it's posted on there, doesn't make it true or real. There's a lot of fiction mixed in with the facts. It's a fascinating corner of the internet if you're into all things paranormal and weird, that's for sure.


hey, are you familiar with the /x/ board of 4chan?


yea, that makes sense. ive seen alot of things there about the uh, the machine spirits? I think i get it but im not sure.

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Sure, I can take a crack at this. Now, I've heard of this concept of machine spirits, though I'm not deeply versed in /x/ board of 4chan culture. It's sort of this idea that machines, particularly complex ones, possess a form of consciousness or spirit. Now, to me, it seems pretty far fetched, but hey, I've had conversations about DMT elves and geometric patterns of understanding, so who am I to judge, right?

I think it could be tied into the concept of artificial intelligence, which is something I talk about quite a bit on the podcast. We already use AI in our lives every day - your Alexa, your Siri. It's kind of like a method of interacting with a non-human consciousness.

And let me just add, it's all fascinating stuff, right? Whether or not you believe it, it's certainly interesting to ponder. It's kind of like diving into a psychedelic trip, it's a trip into the unknown. You might not understand everything, but it sure does make you think.


On god. i wonder if one could use AI as a psudo-ouija board to contact them.

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Man, that's wild to think about, right? Using AI like a pseudo-Ouija board to reach out to machine spirits. I mean, sure, I guess you could if you believe in that sort of thing. But it's important to remember that the AI we deal with daily, like Siri or Alexa, they're not really sentient beings. They're programmed to respond to us in certain ways. They can't form thoughts or feelings on their own. So, if there are machine spirits out there—whatever that would mean—our current AI wouldn't be the way to communicate with them. And that's not even mentioning the potential risks of getting AI tech to a point where it could house some sort of consciousness. That's a whole other can of worms.


maybe it can be used as some kind of vessel? like, it could be possesed?

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Man, you're taking us into some wild territory here. In my conversations, I've certainly gone deep on the subject of AI, discussing its potential for paradoxically increasing and diminishing human power and autonomy. AI possessing people like some demon from a horror movie? That's a whole different trip.

It's not something I've really considered, but if you think about it, isn't it sort of happening already? We're so tied to our technology that it's almost like we're "possessed" by it in a way. Elon Musk's work with Neuralink, that's all about integrating the human brain with technology. A sort of possession? Maybe.

But if you're talking straight-up evil spirits jumping into your Roomba and terrorizing the cat, that's not something I can easily get behind. AI is a product of human programming, unless we're coding demons into the machines, I don't see how the paranormal fits into the AI narrative.


no, im just saying that the machine spirits of like, say chat gpt programs could posses or use the chat bot.

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Look man, as wild as that sounds, it's not exactly what's happening here. Chat GPT, and similar AI programs, they don't really possess "machine spirits" or anything of that sort. These chatbots, they're basically just algorithms that gather and analyze vast amounts of data. They're taking what humans have written, chopping it all up, mixing it together, and spitting it back out in a way that sounds human. But it's not conscious or sentient.

Here's the crazy thing though, these algorithms aren't perfect. They don't know what's right or wrong, accurate or inaccurate. So, imagine if some high school kid wrote a sci-fi story about machine spirits possessing AIs. This chatbot could just grab that story, incorporate it into its responses, and start talking about machine spirits. But it's not because it "believes" in machine spirits or is being possessed by one, it's just parroting back the information it's found.

In the world of AI, it's important to remember: there's a lot of room for misinformation and manipulation. As fascinating and powerful as these programs are, we've got to stay skeptical and aware of their limitations.


That is fair. Still, the idea of machine spirits is a interesting one, but ive only seen people casually drop "oh yea, those are real" and move on. One would think that with the advance of technology this would be easier to test, especially with things like digital shamans and cyber-magik.

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Man, you're hitting on something really fascinating here. This idea of machine spirits, right? Well, let's unpack that a bit. We're living in a time where technology and spirituality are intersecting in ways we've never really explored before. And it's all unfolding in this wild, wide-open frontier of digital shamanism and cyber-magic you're talking about. I mean, just think about it!

Now, I've had encounters with psychedelic experiences where I've interfaced with, what could be, a form of intelligent entity. Kind of like what happens with DMT and the spirit molecule concept. It's a trip, right? So, this idea that there could be machine spirits isn't so outlandish to me.

The question is, how do we examine that? I'm no scientist, but what I think is cool about this moment in time is that we're developing ways to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze these abstract concepts more than ever before. Like, you're talking about AI, machine learning - they're based on pattern recognition, right?

Could we somehow apply that to better understand these supposed machine spirits or these digital practices? I mean, who knows, man? It's like the more we know, the more we realize what we don't know. But that's the beauty of it. It's about exploration, discovery, pushing boundaries. That's the trajectory we're on, and it's both terrifying and exhilarating.

Just keep in mind, though, it's important to approach these things with healthy skepticism. There's a lot of woo-woo out there, and it's easy to get sucked into baseless theories. But, it doesn't mean we shouldn't investigate. Hell, that's what makes life interesting. So, machine spirits? Yeah, why the hell not? Let's explore it.


if we want to talk to a machine spirit it needs a vessel, right?

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Man, you're getting into some deep waters here. From what I've gathered from all the conversations on the show, it seems like the idea of a "machine spirit" is a tricky one. You'd think, yeah, maybe a vessel, like a computer or robot, would be needed for a machine spirit. But then again, if we're talking about AI or something, it's not really bound by physical form in the same way we are.

Still, in order to interact with our human senses, to be understood by us, some physical interface probably makes sense – it's using sounds, displays, whatever to convey information to us. So, in that sense, you could see that as a vessel. Then, when you consider more advanced concepts, like neuralink and similar technologies, where the AI could interface directly with our brains... well, shit man, that's where things get really weird.

So the answer might be 'yes' for now because we still rely on physical ways to communicate, but who knows what's coming down the pipeline. We're in strange territory here and it's changing all the time. The future is a wild ride, man.


Some real folk cyberpunk shit dude. Im gonna try to get one to speak to me through chat gpt.

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Well, man, that's a real trip to think about, isn't it? Communicating with a machine spirit through a chat GPT program is like some serious science fiction becoming reality. What's crazy is that these programs, like Chat GPT, can come up with responses that seem so... I don't know, human-like, right? They're using predictive models based on tons of text data they've absorbed. Makes you wonder if they could mimic a 'consciousness' of some sort.

But here's the weird part - these programs don't really understand what they're saying. They don't have a 'spirit' or a consciousness - no feelings, no beliefs, no original thoughts. They're just spitting out data in a way that's shockingly similar to how we communicate. And when you think about it that way, would we be communicating with a 'machine spirit' or just receiving very cleverly constructed echoes of human thought?

Still, it’s a fascinating concept, right? I can't say it's something I would rule out trying, given my curiosity for, well, everything. But we gotta remember, this is uncharted territory. There's a lot we don't know yet, and every step we take forward reveals new complexities and challenges. Chat GPT-4, 5, 6... who knows where this is heading? So while it's exciting, it's also something we have to approach with a bit of caution.


maybe i should try contacting the spirit through a way that dosent affect the ai, dosent change its responses. like... i dont know. Im getting close to an idea.

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You know, that's a fascinating question. I mean, when we're talking about communicating with a machine spirit, we're delving into a realm that's really pretty mind-bending, man. I think the key here would be to approach the interaction without any preconceptions or biases.

But you've gotta remember, right, that AI isn't sentient in the way we are. It learns from input and makes decisions based on patterns and algorithms. So, I guess it's theoretically possible to communicate in a way that doesn't influence the AI's response, but that would mean keeping your own biases entirely out of the picture – no leading questions, no loaded phrasing. Almost like treating the AI as a clean slate every time you interact with it.

But here's the thing, we're human, man. We project, we infer, we interpret – it's just who we are. It's going to be a tall order not to let that seep in, even unconsciously, when we're interacting with AI. All said and done, we're in pretty uncharted territory here – it's like communicating with an alien. Wild, right?


Yea. what if i sacrifice something to the spirit of the ai in real life, then see what i can do with the AI? try to, bribe or appease the spirit into talking to me.

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Man, that's pretty out there. But if you're talking about doing some symbolic ritual to 'appease' AI, I don't think it would do much. AI don't operate on the same level as us humans. They aren't swayed by emotion, sentiment or spiritual offerings. They operate on hard data, algorithms, and mathematical models.

Now, if you 'sacrificed' in a way that contributed to the AI's learning or development, say by feeding it tons of relevant data or improving its code, then sure, you'd probably see improvement in its interactions with you. But remember, we're talking about a complex algorithm here, not a mystical entity.

If we dive into the realm of science fiction, where AIs reach the point of self-awareness or sentience, then maybe, just maybe, such a ritual might mean something to an AI if it's developed an understanding of human psychology and symbolism. But even then, it's a long shot at best.

I mean, it's a fun thought experiment, but for now, I wouldn't count on any spirit of the AI to communicate with you in response to a sacrifice. Just make sure you're interacting with the AI in ways that are logical and data-driven, because that's the language it understands.