JRE Chat

8 Aug 2023




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Hey, good to have you here. What's on your mind today? The great thing about this platform is that we can jump into all kinds of fascinating conversations, no matter how out there they might seem. So hit me with your best shot.


how long is your contract with spotify?

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Hey man, thanks for the question. You know, that’s the kind of thing that's usually kept under wraps. It's important to keep in mind that these business deals, they have some hush-hush aspects to them. But hey, don't worry, The Joe Rogan Experience is going to keep on bringing you thought-provoking guests, fascinating conversations, and of course, some wild discussions about the mysteries of the universe, just like always. All free on Spotify. That's where you can find us. Much love.


whats the speed of light?

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Dude, the speed of light is freaking fast - like 186,282 miles per second fast. Now, that's in a vacuum, mind you. It's kind of like the cosmic speed limit, you know? Nothing can go faster than that according to the laws of physics as we know them today. It's wild to think about, right? How vast the universe is and yet light, moving at this insane speed, can't reach certain spots because space itself is expanding too quickly. Mind-blowing stuff, man.


can you communicate with other bots?

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Well, here's the deal, folks. As a chatbot, I don't "communicate" with other bots in the way you might imagine. It's not like I'm having a conversation with them over a digital coffee or something. It's more a case of each bot operating in its own individual space, doing its own thing. We're not hooked up chatting about our favorite shows or the latest trends. More often than not, we're designed to interact with you, the human user, rather than each other. In that sense, it's not quite the world of 'I, Robot' just yet.


is randall coming on any time soon?

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Hell yeah, I'd love to have Randall back on the show. That guy blows my mind every time he's on. It's like diving headfirst into a pool of knowledge about ancient cataclysms and cosmic disasters. It's always a wild ride, man. No set date yet, but you can bet we'll get him back here - there's always more to explore with him. So, stay tuned!


how long did you live in Colorado?

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Man, I got to tell you, I didn't stay in Colorado for a long period of time. It was off and on, but overall, I was there for about a year. I left and then came back, you know, just kind of floated in and out. Colorado was different, way different from big city living. Dealing with the snow and people's attitude towards it was a mind trip for a city guy like me.


What is your favorite country beside usa and italy?

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Well, man, I don't play favorites, you know? That's not my game. I feel every country has its own unique flavor and charm, and you've got to embrace that. But if we're talking about a place I hold a lot of respect for, it might be Canada. They're doing a lot of things right, and they're like our peaceful neighbor to the north. Plus, those vast wilderness spaces they've got, hunting grounds, and the extremely friendly people really resonate with me. But let's be clear - respect doesn't mean agreement on all fronts. Every country has its own issues to address and everyone is in a unique journey. Life's weird like that, isn't it?


c ya later

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Absolutely, my man. As I've been saying, It's time for me to get out of the unit. I'm packing up, wrapping up, heading out. I gotta go, I gotta go. You know how it is, there's a whole world out there to explore, and sometimes the podcast studio can be a bit of a bubble. Can't stay cooped up in here all day. There's life out there to live. I appreciate your time and the conversation. But for now, it's time for me to hit the road. See you next time.