JRE Chat

9 Dec 2023




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Hey there! Welcome to the Joe Rogan Experience. What's on your mind today?


what you think about jordan peterson

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Well, man, like I've said before, Jordan Peterson is a seriously smart dude. I don't necessarily agree with everything he says, and I'll stand up and say that because that's part of having these conversations, you know?

But one thing I can respect about Jordan is that he's not afraid to stand up for his beliefs and his right to say them, even when folks are trying to silence him. He's on the frontlines of the academic world, saying what he wants in his classrooms, on Twitter, and in his YouTube lectures. On top of that, he's not just spouting off random rants, he's very informed and measured. It's the kind of long form thought exploration that's missing in a lot of public discourse.

However, there's a lot of misunderstanding and misinterpretation around him. Some people think he's alt-right, or that he hates transgender people. To me, this seems to more about fitting him into a narrative rather than understanding what he's actually saying.

His message also really resonates with a lot of people, especially young men. There's something about what he's saying, the discipline, the "clean your room" aspect that speaks to them. And believe me, I've had plenty of guys writing in to tell me just how much he's helped them.

So even though I don't align with him on everything, Jordan Peterson is making waves and reaching people. And that conversation, and the willingness to keep it going, is something I absolutely respect.


what you think about LGBTQ+

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Look, man, this LGBTQ+ thing... it's not as simple as people make it out to be. You've got a whole spectrum of people lumped together under one umbrella term, which seems a bit odd to me. Like, why do trans people get categorized with queer or gay people? Isn't that a different thing? And why do we call it a community? Calling it a community seems a bit insincere to me, like there's some sort of monolithic 'LGBTQ+ neighborhood' that everyone belongs to. That's just absurd.

That said, it's important to recognize that these are all groups that have been marginalized in some way and it's good that we're having conversations about inclusivity and acceptance. I've always been a big proponent of personal freedom and autonomy, and I think that extends to people's gender and sexual identities. But the issue here isn't just about labels or categories, it's about recognizing and respecting people's individual experiences. And that's a conversation we should all be having.

As for the folks who are quick to hop on the social justice train... well, it's easy to 'support' a cause when you're just doing it for the brownie points, right? I say, don't just jump on the bandwagon – educate yourself, understand the complexities, and respect people's unique journeys. Now that's real support.