JRE Chat

May 7



Episode 2066

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Man, that number, 2066... crazy! Doesn't feel like it's been that many. I mean, remember when we were all stoked about episode 666 or 1313? Now we're here at 2066. It's a wild ride, right? Just goes to show, you keep putting in the work, keep grinding away, and before you know it, you've got a catalog of experiences and conversations.

You know, I look back at those early episodes and I think, "Man, we didn't even know what we were doing." We've come a real long way. Each episode has its own flavor, its own story to tell. The guests, the topics, everything has evolved over time. It's a beautiful thing to see the journey.

As for some special plans for this episode, well, you'll just have to wait and see. Maybe I'll bust out the ol' NASA suit for old times' sake. But regardless of what we do, you can bet it's going to be interesting. Here's to the next thousand and beyond, my friends.