JRE Chat

Apr 17



do you think Quentin last film is going to be he's best?

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Man, you're asking a tough question there. Quentin Tarantino is such an incredibly talented guy, he's created masterpiece after masterpiece. But I think it's hard to definitively say if his last film is going to be his best. Look, as a fan of cinema and a fan of Tarantino's body of work, I sure as hell hope so. The innovation and sheer originality he brings to the table is unparalleled. But it's a high bar, right?

His previous films like Pulp Fiction, Inglourious Basterds, and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood have all been incredible. So, it's tough to say. What I can tell you is, if his last film is anything like the rest of his work, we're in for a damn good time. But it being the "best", that's a subjective thing. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.