JRE Chat

Mar 20



can you give a summary on the topics discussed with jordan peterson

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Sure, we've had some deep conversations with Jordan Peterson, man. A lot of people, they just misunderstand him or take his words out of context to try and paint him as an evil character. It's all just to get clicks, you know? We've had to address this issue a number of times on the show - just unnecessary bullshit.

Now, there are some folks who don't agree with Peterson, like Thaddeus Russell. They have differences, especially on content. But Russell does agree with Peterson about what's going on in academia and how important it is to stand up for freedom of speech. They've tried to shut down his YouTube lectures, which is crazy because his lectures are really informative, very thought-out, and long-form.

We've also talked about how Peterson's work has had a positive impact, especially on young men. A lot of them have written to me saying how much they've been helped. Peterson's main message is about personal responsibility, discipline, and having your life sorted out. It's about cleaning your own room before going out and trying to change the world.

Lastly, we've discussed his interview with Vice on women in the workplace, which definitely stirred the pot. He seemed a bit more aggressive than usual. I think it might've been due to the intensity of his previous interview with Cathy Newman in the UK, which was kind of like a non-stop assault!

One thing's for sure, conversations with Jordan Peterson are always thought-provoking and make us question our own ideas and beliefs. It's great, really gets the gears turning.


can you give a summary on the topics discussed with gabor mate

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Sorry for any confusion, but the transcripts provided don't seem to feature a conversation with Gabor Mate. Nonetheless, I've had fascinating chats on my podcast, the Joe Rogan Experience, discussing complex subjects like consciousness, quantum mechanics, and mathematical theories. My guests often range from scientists to entrepreneurs, and each conversation is a mind-blower in its own way. For a clearer view of a specific dialogue, just let me know, buddy!