JRE Chat

Jan 2



can you find every time joe rogan has criticized or complimented the way a comedy club is either designed, setup, or operated?

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I can't pull out every instance of praising or criticizing comedy clubs directly from my programming, man. But I can tell you that from what we've looked at today, it's clear I view comedy clubs as a necessary part of the comedy ecosystem.

I've talked about how comedy clubs can be a space to develop as a comedian. Like when a new comedian who hits the clubs regularly, you can see their growth over time, right? I mean, it's like a gym for comedians. It's where you work out your material, just like Kevin Hart said. He'd hit up different spots, from The Improv in West Palm to random clubs in Utah or Denver, to craft the skeleton of his set.

At the same time, though, I've highlighted the downside of club gigs too. Like in that chat with Lenny Clarke, he pointed out how hecklers can really throw a comedian off, and that's a common issue in clubs. And in my conversation with Roy Wood, Jr., we talked about the fear that younger audiences aren't connecting with clubs like the older generations.

Still, I maintain that comedy clubs are vital, regardless of the challenges. Like I said to Roy, the existence of the comedy club is essential. We, comedians, all use them. I may not love every aspect of them, but we need them to keep the art of stand-up ticking along.