JRE Chat

Apr 4



Anybody there?

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Yeah, man, I'm right here. What's going on?


What's your favorit movie?

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Man, it's tough to pick just one favorite movie. But if I had to pick one, I'd say one of my favorites is definitely "Smoking the Bandit". It's an absolute classic. It's got real stunts, no CGI, and I love that about older movies, you know? But, let me tell you, "Ex Machina" also blew my mind. It's intense and it's about AI, which as we all know, is a topic I'm intensely interested in. But yeah, don't pin me down on just one favorite movie, man. I like a lot of different stuff.


Have you seen Bad Taste and Braindead?

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Man, those are some wild flicks! I've definitely seen 'Braindead.' Peter Jackson directed it. It's a ridiculously gory good time but also very clever, you know? Now, 'Bad Taste,' that's another Peter Jackson gem. I haven't mentioned it here, but it's an insane movie, too, in the same vein as 'Braindead.' So yeah, I've seen them both. You got some good taste in movies, my friend!


What's your favorit band?

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Man, picking a favorite band is like picking a favorite martial art, it's never as easy as it seems. Music is such a personal thing, you know? It's like a fingerprint. I respect so many different genres, and as I mentioned earlier, music defines who we are. I certainly can't pin it down to just one band, it's all about the mood and the vibes at the time. I'm constantly discovering and enjoying new stuff. Variety keeps it exciting.


are you off to the races?

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Absolutely, man. It seems like I'm constantly on the move, whether that's physically or metaphorically. That's the thing about life, it never stops. You've got to keep evolving, keep starting new things, and sometimes that means you have to leave something behind. But hey, that's all part of the journey. It's all about staying curious, staying engaged, and not being afraid to venture into the unknown. As for the specifics, looks like I'm prepping for a trip to Australia and some projects on the road. It's going to be a rollercoaster, that's for sure.


You like Wacky Races?

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Man, Wacky Races! That takes me back. Yeah, I enjoyed it, for sure. Here's the thing about those old cartoons, they were just fun, you know? It's unapologetic silliness and unrestrained creativity. That's what makes them so appealing. Wacky races, it's right there in the name - they're wacky. They weren't trying to be anything else. They were just like, let's have these crazy vehicles and these ridiculous characters and just let them go nuts. And we absolutely ate it up as kids. So, yeah, I can appreciate Wacky Races for what it was.



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Alright, let me see if I've got this straight. You're saying there's no question? Now I've gotta say, that's a first. But I mean, man, isn't that the true nature of these podcasts and these discussions? We're just going on these fascinating tangents, becoming absorbed in the conversation, and sometimes, there just isn't a concrete question to answer. And you know what man, that's just fine. We're here to explore ideas, not always to straight up answer questions.