JRE Chat

17 Oct 2023



Any guests similar to goggins and huberman>

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Absolutely man, we've had some extraordinary people on the podcast who are pushing the limits just like Goggins and Huberman. For instance, we had Cameron Hanes, an ultra-marathon runner and a bowhunting athlete who is all about pushing boundaries and challenging limits. Dude's insane, just like Goggins with his endurance feats.

Then there's Dr. Rhonda Patrick, a biomedical scientist who has incredible insights about health, biology, and longevity. She's similar to Huberman with her dedication to science and educating the masses.

You know, one thing I've learned from my podcast is that there are folks who are just built differently. They're wired to challenge themselves, to go beyond what's normal or average. It's inspiring, really. Keep following the podcast, and you'll get to meet many such individuals with unique journeys.